Friday, November 2, 2007

The guild

The guild

I went to my knitting guild meeting last night for the first time. It seems like every meeting something has come up and I haven't been able to make it. It was almost the case last night--- Annika went from playing and having a blast all day to a sudden bad mood and then skyrocketed to a 103 degree fever in like.... ten minutes. It was super wierd. It went down with tylenol and some light sponging, and then she slept all night until two, when she woke up with a 104~~woah! She was totally sleepy and quiet so I just gave her more tylenol and put her back to sleep... and she didn't wake up until 8 am, when she had no fever. She kept it away all morning and then at 11, bam. 103 again. Super wierd. I just put her down for a nap with no tylenol, and she fell asleep in an instant. Very strange. She doesn't have any other symptoms, either, except she just now had a slightly runny nose, so I'm going to chalk it up to teething, but who knows? We'll just have to see. I really can't believe that she has been sick/ not well for more than six weeks now. This is just so ironic, because I was thinking this was going to be my pre-baby hibernation time. AH haha.

Oh well. As my brother says, you'll sleep when you're dead. :P

Anyways, back to the guild meeting. So it was at a bookstore, which was fun because it's like combining my two passions-- knitting and reading. W00t! There were about 35 (!) women there, and the cool part was that there were people of ALL ages... from the oldest of grandmas to the youngest of beans. And all were just passionate knitters ready to encourage each other in their projects. Lots of the older ladies were making "Warm up america" afghan squares, and the younger ladies were doing the latest foliage hats and crazy cabled sweaters from IK. Everyone ooed and ahhhed over my yarn for the nursing blanket and I LOVED talking knit with these ladies.

What was hilarious was that as I was leaving and Wayne and Annika were seeing me off, Wayne was poking fun at me for wearing one of the shawls I'm particularly proud of. He thinks me being in a knitting guild is heeeeelarious, and the fact that I had a bag of yarn goodies and things to show made him laugh all the more. In fact, he called me a wizard as he arranged it around my shoulders and all we could think about was the fact that my hobbit name is Clynoic Bolo of Bywater and how I should introduce myself that way to my guild. :) We're nerds.

Gotta run. He keeps trying to chase me down to have sex with me and "make the baby come." Yikes.

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