Monday, November 12, 2007

Cloth diapering distractions.

My cloth diapers for Ishod arrived today. I still don't have enough to do laundry less than once a day, but it's a great start.

I was super fortunate to receive about 20 CDs for annika of all different shapes and types, so I could experiment a ton before I made my decisions. OUt of those, only three brands really caught my eye and then I discovered only one could stand up to the heavy wetting night time-ness of my sweet little bean. Bumgenius, I love you.

Bumgenius, Happy Heinys, and Jamtotz turned out to be my three faves. Happy Heinys and Jamtotz were great, but they came in sizes, of which I only have larges, so I decided it would be more economical for me to go with an all in one which fits newborns to toddlers. Enter bumgenius, the amazing-est diaper you've ever seen. I really , really, love them, although they aren't as sturdy as I'd like. (I'm washing these guys every day)

Anyhoo.... once I figured out cloth diapering, I decided to cloth WIPE too... which has been an adventure all it's own. I have a stack of washrags and a big spray bottle of water, and it usually only takes one rag to wash her little bottom, even after the biggest poops. I'm actually, weirdly, soooo happy with CDing. I can't imagine going back now that I know how easy it is -- and fun!! The best part is that Annika tells me when she needs a change now, because she can feel it. Which is a great help for potty training.

THEN, I discovered Kushies. THey are the cheapo walmart version of CDing. I decided to try them out to replace the bumgenius I couldn't afford (I bought a 12 pack of bumgenius and then 10 Kushies for daytime use and "Around the house" use.) Who knew these would be so great? They are a TINY bit on the bulky side (although no where near as bad as they could be!) and definitely plasticy, but MAN. They work great, no leaks, and cost practically nothing compared to all the other All in ones I've seen. I'm totally in love with them and have decided to use only BumGenius and Kushies from here on out.

I know it's bizarre that I'm so into CDing, but I guarantee if you try it and like it you'll be as excited as I am... I'm like, waiting for the dryer to buzz so I can go arrange my piles of clean diapers in Annika's room, and constantly checking to see if she needs changing. Haha.
There's something really incredibly satisfying about a diaper changing station that has neat little piles of clean liners, covers, and washrags. plus the stuff they are made of these days is just the most amazing cottons..... so comfy and soft!!!

Who knows, I may get so into it I start using only Cloth menstrual pads and get rid of toilet paper altogether! Just kidding.
But I did read today about all of the creepy toxic chemicals they put in disposable diapers and I'm wishing that I would have known about cloths sooner. Its' really funny that my MIL and FIL and all the old people I know are like.... super surprised that I am Cloth diapering. Why on earth would I do that if I don't have to, they ask.
Then I show them the diapers and they just oooo and ah. It's awesome.

Anyways, can you tell I'm trying to distract myself from the pain? Hehe. It's totally working.


  1. You got Kushies at Walmart? Do they have bigger sizes? I need to try those out!

  2. this makes me wish i had a washer and dryer!


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