Thursday, November 1, 2007

Candy, candy, and answers.

Wayne and I don't do the traditional hand-wringing of Christians over Halloween. We just pass out candy AND tracts and tell all the kids they look cute. some people hate that. Others don't. Oh well.

Last night we only had like, five trick or treaters, but we passed out candy and bags from our church that said : "no tricks, just a treat," with a copy of our pastor's new book, some tracts, and a whole lot of love and prayer. Good stuff.

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Annika really didn't know much was going on. She was excited and yelling "bye!" whenever the kids would show up because she was eating dinner and focusing on it pretty hard.

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A friend shared with me today that food and peepee are pretty much the only things that kids get control over, so I shouldn't spaz about her not eating, or choosing to lick each individual item on her plate and then put it back, unchewed.
I was grateful for that little piece of wisdom-- for sure.

WOW. I actually had sat down to write this blog to give some praise. you see, since writing my last blog I've had so many answers to prayer I'm almost ashamed to have written my last one in the first place.
To start off, the gas company agreed to drop our deposit amount from $300 to $150. Our father in law then called us and told us he was going to pay it. Praise God! He did, and we are now awaiting Friday when our heat will be on and all will be warm in our little home.
Then, he sent some friends who have the things we need--- car seats, bouncer seats, toys, and clothes! Amazingly, not one need went unmet. Today another friend dropped off a huge box of blessings for the little one. Just as she was leaving, my Father in Law pulled up and dropped off a bag of stuff-- he had gone to Walmart and bought us every little thing on my shopping list without having seen it! (dial soap, kitchen soap, laundry soap, toilet paper, paper towels, and even special detergent for annika's cloth diapers!)
I mean, the little things seemed to be settling right into place, and while I was thanking God for that just now I felt like I should write it into this blog.

As I was typing the last paragraph, my mailman came up to the door. I went to say hi and grabbed the mail, which was nothing except a card from a girl I've just met who I'm so bummed to say is leaving soon--- she and I really hit it off. I was wondering what the card said and impatiently opened it... and I just dropped to my knees. In it, she explained that she felt impressed to give to us financially AND to offer to help with Annika while I'm in the hospital if Wayne has to take a client...... and guess what?

It was EXACTLY the amount Wayne and I have been praying for and could not have come at a better time-- we turned in our rent today and were left with only a few dollars. God is amazing. I cannot describe to you how grateful Wayne and I were as we prayed and offered up thanks together over the phone a minute ago. I'm just floored, every time, at how He comes through.... and it could not have been more appropriate than right now as I'm sitting down to write a blog in which I praise Him for His faithfulness.

This makes me think, too... how incredible it is that God uses each of us and how much good He can do in people's lives if we are all willing vessels. It's like pay it forward-- it makes me want to shout "Use US, Lord, to bless back a hundred fold what this woman has blessed us with!"

Man, God is so good. That's all I can say.

Last night Wayne's mom's husband went into the hospital for a heart attack. It was scary, but again-- I was shocked at the amount of faith we had for him. needless to say, we still didn't get much sleep, but I'm happy to announce that this morning he was stable. It seems that even in the midst of the storm, all we have to do is come to the cross and take the hand of our Savior.... whose peace really does surpass all understanding.

I wanted to comment on something I thought was interesting too. Wayne's dad brought over a couple movies from the video store the other day. We hadn't watched a new movie in a long time, so we were excited to see this one called Babel, which I had picked out because it looked right up my alley from the previews--- you know, trouble in the Middle East, I'm all over that. :P

Anyways, put it in and sat down to watch and I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw the two previews before the feature. I mean, woah. They were for movies that seemed like the plots were interesting enough, but they were LOADED With sexual imagery that was just incredibly hardcore.... one was for a movie called "Moan" or something with Christina Ricci, and the other one was for a movie called "perfume."

Both were appallingly sexual in connotations, graphic imagery, and the rest, and our first reaction was to jump up and look away. I mean, it made us look at each other and wonder how much things are changing. I'm sure hundreds of you who will read this saw the same previews and never thought twice about them... but they shocked us because it's been so long since we've seen anything remotely like that. It made us really uncomfortable, and made us wonder how far removed we are getting from the world that we are able to react so strongly to something as simple as a preview. It's wierd. Makes me wonder if not having TV is good or if it's putting us in a bubble... I mean, I don't want to be THAT girl who blushes when something slightly kinky is happening on the screen, but still! I distinctly remember feeling that way when we turned on the TV in our hotel room in VA for the first time and we were like... woah. Commercials are really naughty these days! And again, when we went to the movies to see "The Hills have eyes" and were shocked at some of the sexual stuff in there too. Wayne had heard that this moan movie was supposedly really good from all his co-workers at the hotel. It's really interesting to me that we can react so strongly to a preview. What would the rest of the movie leave us feeling?

Anyways, just blabbing away now. Off to clean house. I hope. God is amazing and so good.

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