Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas PLans

I still haven't managed to knit one single stitch since Ishod has arrived, so I'm unfortunately going to abandon the quick knit stripey stockings plan I had devised to decorate the house with all that extra Christmas yarn I have.... arg. Because we are doing Christmas at Wayne's dad's this year, we are actually going to set up the tree at his place, too, which leaves me pretty Jehova's Witness-like in the Christmas decor department.
It's shameful how little I've been knitting. I really miss it.

I have, however, made up the Christmas eve menus. In France we do the "Reveillon"--- a "Waiting for Jesus" kind of celebration on the eve of Christmas. Wayne's dad is in charge of the actual day meal, (we're having duck! Yum!) So here's the menu and plans for our small family's eve celebration:

Glass of Swedish glogg and Foie Gras on Krispbread
Smoked salmon and lemon slices
Lobster Bisque
Yummy cheese platter and salad

For dessert:
Christmas Pudding
Hot chocolate with marshmallows.

We will be having supper at 6, followed by a Christmas play (Wayne and I are going to tell Annika the story of Christmas) and Caroling with the beans. At 8 we are going to watch my all time favorite Christmas movie, The preacher's wife, with Whitney Houston, and then we (or perhaps I?) will be systematically praying for the nations starting at 10 in a Christmas countdown vigil. And at midnight, of course, we'll break out the bubbly and welcome Jesus into the world with the pop of a champagne (or cider) cork and a great deal of "wow!"

I'm really looking forward to it.

And thanks for all the prayer, guys. We are really blessed by it!

Wayne and I have been discussing the possibility of getting involved in the North American Regia Society, and doing viking-age living history stuff as a family. We are amped to do it but we dont have a ton of financial resources to get started and there is no current group in North Carolina to which we could attach.
But it is something we've wanted to do for a long time and, frankly, for which we are definitely made. :P Plus, the kids will totally love it!

Ok, that's all the updates I've got for today. Oh, we went to the doc's this AM and Ishod has gained 1 1/2 lbs in 8 days.... totally more than he needed. My boob milk is good and he's getting all the no more worrying.
I'm hoping to re-start my yoga practice tomorrow since I'm starting to feel a bit better, and I know Annika will enjoy it-- everytime I roll out the yoga mat for meditation she runs over to do some down dog, updog sequences. What a yoga baby!
We still haven't gotten Ishod circumsized. We found a day or night mohel in Fl who was willing to do it until he heard we wouldn't renounce Jesus.
Basically, the Rabbinical council says that to do a Brit Milah the son must be the child of two non-Jesus loving parents, at the very least a non-Jesus freak mom. whoops! Sorry, I wont deny my savior. I'm desperately trying to contact a messianic congregation about an hour and a half from here who might be able to help. But he's not getting any younger, so I appreciate SO much any prayer you guys can deliver to get this little baby snipped!

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for all...little story too. My DH had a sort of "postpartum depression" after our second was born.wry grin He did stuff very uncharacteristic for was a, ahem, difficult time for all. But, we persevered, and 17 years later, still going strong.

    God sees your trials, and He will be faithful.


Thank you so much for your comments! I look forward to hearing from you.

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