Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Willow House Wednesdays: Anatomy of a Party

Considering having a Willow House party of your own but not sure what to expect?
If you're anything like me, you may be slightly put off by the whole concept of in-home party sales. As I've said before, I used to be the first to roll my eyes at someone if they tried to give me their Mary Kay business card! I had never attended and I didn't care to. But since I started this business, I've really discovered how beneficial it is for EVERYONE involved, how much fun it is, and how totally in sync with my concept of family enterpreneurship and things like that being involved in direct sales can be. Now I not only LOVE my Willow House job, but I totally support all other women in direct sales jobs and love to have parties myself!! And that Mary Kay card? I'll probably be using it and passing it on, not rolling my eyes over it! Direct sales has become synonomous in my mind with "Family Business" and the "Enterpreneurial Spirit." I think it's an amazing opportunity, no matter who you work for, but I sure am glad to be working with Willow House!!
Willow House parties, first, are good for the Party Host! Through them, you get to have an enjoyable event with people you are interested in knowing socially-- whether it be your closest girlfriends, a house full of your husband's work buddies, or simply a chance for your big family to get together. We can have themes, fundraisers, bridal showers---- any number of reasons to celebrate. Or we can have nothing at all and keep it super simple: just coffee, donuts and our PJs! Anything goes. The Hostess gets to have all those people she's been meaning to invite over, and with a good Willow House party, she wins big by getting plenty of free and discounted product. Who doesn't like that??
Next, they are good for families: Think of your Willow House party like a design class. Our job is to fix the problem spots in your house by giving you tips, tricks, and GREAT products. When a house feels good, and breathes well, and when clutter is gone and organization has happened, a family thrives! It really is that simple.
Having the right pieces and knowing how to use them takes all the work out of housekeeping-- and it creates a strong sense of heritage in our children. Our husbands are happier when they can see that we are building beauty into our environment and accomplishing a lot!
Willow House parties are good for your guests: All of the party guests are special to the Design Consultant and they will be made to feel that way too! Guests enjoy a great party, relevant demo, practical solutions to their every day problems, and often win free and discounted items themselves!
Lastly, Willow House is good for me! And anyone else who is looking to make some money but isn't willing to give up hope that they can set their own hours and be their own boss. If you haven't noticed, I'm building a big team and I would LOVE to have you!
The basic structure of the party is this: I help with the planning and logistics IF the host wants the help,and the host makes the guest list. When party times goes down, I get there early to help set up. We greet guests at the door and the party begins! People eat or drink a little and then I launch my presentation: which can be tailored to meet YOUR needs! I've also had parties where I didn't do a demo at all, but where I was able to simply have a "stand" in a corner where guests could meander over and get a one on one presentation if they wished.
After the presentation, I take questions and orders. I pack up, and get out of your hair! It's so easy.
There is no pressure to buy (although some people feel that just by agreeing to GO to a direct sales company in home sales party they are being pressured to buy. I can't help that! But I can say that -- at least for me-- it's far more important that I find someone who is willing to book a party or to refer me to someone who will than that I make a killing at your party via sales. That means that I am focused on pleasing people and making sure they get the experience they WANT out of a Willow House party rather than pushing myself or the products onto them) The whole thing takes me just about two hours and I can't say enough how much fun the entire process is!
I also do e-parties and catalog parties. And since I have Skype-- I can do the design demo right from living room and transmit it to your guests via the internet! It's so easy.
So that's it-- the anatomy of a Willow House Design Party. If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer them! I'd LOVE to do a  party for you so you can experience first hand the magic of Willow House!

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