Monday, December 31, 2007

The annual roundup

Big stuff going on and not a lot of time to do much else with the kids being as sick as they are, but I've been given a quiet fifteen minutes and I'm going to use it to do the annual roundup.


Best memory:

Being packed like psychotically happy and excited sardines in the back of our car at 3 am in the cold of winter, headlights on, window down, listening to Wayne's dad, a retired army First Sgt, drill us: "Got your cell phones? (nod) Got your wallets? (nod) Got your medicine? (nod)," and then gesturing wildly with his hand as he pointed to the distant horizon with the bravest look I've ever seen anyone put on: "Then ROLL OUT!" and off we headed across the US and into the unknown in Cali.
(sorry, Ishod's birth didn't make the cut... but you'll hear about it in a sec)

Worst memory:

The feel of my water breaking as I plopped down on the bed, exhausted, after thirteen days of six - twelve contractions. I looked at Wayne and giggled. "Gross!" "What?" "I think I just peed on myself."

Or maybe standing next to my kids, tubes all over, as we helplessly watched the nurses give them treatments in the hospital. I don't know. It all sucked.

Funniest moment:

When God called us BACK to North Carolina. Simultaneously.

Most Surprising thing:

The ease of Ishod's transition into the world after all the hard stuff we went through. Pushing him out was amazing...and I really enjoyed it, believe it or not.

Song of the Year:
Immanuel--- our God is with us--- Prince of Peace-- Mighty One--- the EVER living God.

Movie of the Year:
300!!!!!! Are you kidding?

Website of the Year:
duh. Ravelry.

Most awesome FOs:
My socks!!! And mom's wrap, which I have yet to send.

Most ridiculous WIP:
Annika's never ending legwarmers, and the nursing wrap, which I will never use even when finished, since I don't cover up anymore when I nurse.

Best forum debate:
Lo and behold, this year is not about the R&P but RAvelry's Pinny POrn thread. What a humungous undertaking and a very interesting thread.

Most incredible Kingdom Advances
Wow. Let's see. A certain family we know and love leaving the LDS church was big! Losing and gaining ground in Israel. God's people getting called to start suffering corporately. (doesn't sound like an advance, but it is!) and the Narnia/Compass craziness. The Return of the daughters (corporately) and a significant return to biblical womanhood and manhood by seekers in the church.

Biggest Disappointment:

California by a landslide. Couldn't figure out what was going on. Couldn't believe how lame Cali was from an outsider's eyes.

Biggest Adventure:

California by a landslide. We drove across the country in the craziest We saw a ton of things.

Looking forward:

2008 will be a year of renewal. We will have our vision restored, our hearts turned towards God afresh, and a new annointing to complete the tasks He puts before us.

*holds up champagne glass*
Happy New Year, every one.

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