Friday, January 2, 2009

The Eighth Annual Roundup

New Year's always cracks me up.
Everywhere we go on January 1, we see people jogging, getting their resolution to exercise off to a good start. Gyms are full. Churches are full. People are nicer to each other on the road. People are nice to cashiers. One smells less cigarette smoke in the street. Husbands and wives are holding hands. Hope is in the air.
A few days from now, everything will be back to "normal," but for now, it's a race to better each other, ourselves, and the world.
Everyone loves a new start. I'm guilty of it too-- that's why I'm glad I have Jesus, where each day is a new day in the Lord and my old nature has totally passed away, where He casts my sins as far as the east is from the west.

Since the new year is upon us, it's time for my annual blog roundup. So, without further ado, I present to you:

Best Memory

This year was a bit different for us because we didn't really go anywhere or do anything!
My best memories of 2008 are of : marrying my husband in the Church, and seeing my children baptized.... by far. Complete and utter joy characterize those moments. I also have to add to that seeing my husband come into the Church-- which was absolutely breathtaking--- as well as my first day of aspirancy with the Third Order Carmelites. Recieving communion for the first time in eleven years---- omg. That was probably the most amazing of them all! What a big year for us.
Other wonderful memories are of my parents' visit at Easter time, which really solidified my sense of "ok"ness between them and us, and of my brother and Jess's arrival for their new life at Fort Bragg.
As a family, we learned to really expand ourselves our here, and enjoyed little trips, outings, and visits that just made us feel generally "home" and "good." Even though I dont think I'll ever feel like Fayetteville is my "home," I enjoyed the feeling of togetherness we shared on these little outings--- be they to Sharon Harris Lake, to Duke Chapel, or to Philadelphia. This was definitely a year of warm memories that smell familiar and sweet.

Worst Memory

By far, it was the periods of disillusionmnent we experienced. We went through agonizing, long moments of painful waiting, where we uncovered our "reality" as people and removed our expectations-- from God, from each other, from ourselves, from our family, from our goals, our careers. Each frustrating moment was characterized by a hopeless situation-- unable to pay rent, no food, no job in sight, etc. which we infused with faith and through which we pursued God to see what the heck was going on. We peeled off layers of shiny falseness in our lives and in our relationships to people,. to churches, to each other, to God, to our kids, to our families and friends..... and then we found our hearts. These moments were painful, which why I'm categorizing them as "Worst" of 2008. But I wouldn't trade them for the world-- we've learned so much!

Funniest Moment

The day we figured out we were supposed to be a Catholic family. This might not be funny to anyone else, but to us, it was hilarious. There was an audible sigh of release and relief that seemed to be constantly deflating us for a few weeks or so while we sorted out what God was doing. The pressure and frustration of theological disagreement and irritation at trying to be who we were not melted away and we were like little kids in a candy store-- just FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!! We were so happy, we basically just played and laughed and had a blast for the entire season, despite whatever else was going on. Quite honestly, our funniest moments are pretty silly--- my honey and I racing to find the correct page in the hymnal, and the one who finds it first proudly proclaiming "I'm holier than you!"
Standing in line at the confessional "gently" and playfully reminding each other of what the other needed to confess, or just having fun on our date night and shouting advice to the Ghost Hunters crew while munching on popcorn and snooggling on each other..... and lastly the first day we realized our sex life was being restored, which I'll keep as a private funny moment, thank you very much. :P

Biggest Surprise

That God was calling me back to the Catholic Church. By FAR. And then, that He called my husband to her as well. That surprised no one more than us.

Song of the Year
O Come O come Emmanuel.

There's a reason I cried ALL of advent at mass when we sang it--- it characterizes the nature of this last year--- we knew salvation was drawing near but we knew we had to wait for it and it just created LONGING and a desire for the King in us. It perfectly describes knowing through revelation what you need, and just waiting.

Movie of the Year

We actually did not see a single movie in theaters this year. Which is crazy. But we really, truly didn't, as far as I can remember. So consequentially, none really blew us away.

Website of the Year

Hmm. I've been having some really good conversations on the PRS boards, but I wouldn't say it's the best. Honestly, this year's best website goes to Adam Blai's religious demonology site, not just for its perfect, cautious and excellent content but also for his invaluable help in our ministry and his willingness to answer the wierdest questions from me without batting an eyelash and in a sincere, quick, and efficient way, for providing excellent spiritual direction. Thanks Adam!

Most awesome FOs
Socks, socks, and more socks. I did a norwegian boxlace shawl from Cheryl Oberle this year that I liked a lot. And a prayer shawl in patagonia cotton.... yum.

Most ridiculous WIPs

My never ending baby blanket for Baby Kailey. Sigh. I think this is my ninth month. :(

Best Forum Debate
Hmmm. Nothing as good as the Pinny Porn thread this year, but I really enjoyed some of the darker threads in the PRS, and the obvious debates about the Catholic Church that went on in the R&P. My favorite thread this whole year was the one I had to resurrect about the Queen of Heaven.... in which I had to publically recant my opinion and apologize after VEHEMENTLY arguing for over 20 pages that Mary was a demonic entity. Nothing more humbling than that. :P

Most incredible Kingdom Advances
This year was marked by some big apparent losses --ahem , Obama--- and some major victories. The birth of the duggar show: 17 Children and Counting on national TV is one of the greatest, I think. The anti-feminist movement continues to gain ground and I"m thankful for that. Abortion mills are still doing their thing but the cause for life has made headlines this year, and I'm thankful. Churches continue to grow and flourish. Missions, this year, has been pretty amazing. But nothing that just floored me. This year, the biggest kingdom advances I saw were that evil is being rooted out and exposed: One need look no further than the Iranian President's paranormal green glow during his address to the UN this year to see that something big is on the way. One of the biggest advances for the Kingdom this year is simply the creation and maintenance of 24 hour prayer sheds and prayer rooms and adoration chapels all over the world. People are really praying, and that is a HUGE advance!

Biggest disappointment

Still being here in Fayettenam.

Best Adventure

We had no adventures as far as trips this year. We had TONS of adventures in ministry, which I'm not free to disclose here. Needless to say, the best adventures this year were not your every-day variety.

Looking forward

Last year I prophesied that 2008 would be a year of renewal... "We will have our vision restored, our hearts turned towards God afresh, and a new annointing to complete the tasks He puts before us." (you can read last year's roundup here: When I reread that this year, I kinda wanted to jump up and say "BINGO!" That's exactly what 2008 was for us. We renewed our vows to make this family work, we renewed our commitment to Christ and gained fresh vision for our family that helped us to accomplish a lot of our goals as a family. As I pursue the Lord for a vision for next year, the word He keeps giving me is "wait and see." I think 2009 is going to be a year of building on that vision and especially of experiencing the "goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" (Psalm 122)

I don't make new year's resolutions anymore because the secular new year doesn't speak to me as much as the liturgical seasons, but if I were going to make one, it would be this:

In 2009, I want to be Holy---
Contemplative, and conquered by Christ, just like Mary.

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