Friday, January 23, 2009

Some things that make me wierd.

I'm on my way out the door and I'm in a terrible mood, so here's a nice inflammatory post. Hopefully you guys will have a field day and we can talk about it when I get home tomorrow. So, without further ado, I give you:
"things that make me wierd."

In the area of women's "rights":

I hate feminism.
I don't think the word "submit" is a dirty word... and I don't think it has to do with sex.
The contraceptive mentality makes me nauseaous. Yes, I believe that contraception is wrong.
I am opposed to abortion under any circumstance.
I do not think women should be in the military, should be firefighters or police officers or anything where the physical requirements have to be changed in order for women to do the job.
I do not believe women with children should work outside the home (But i'm ALL for them working INSIDE the home)
I do not think that encouraging "me time" helps out moms.
I believe that women should cover their heads in church.
I believe that rape is not about power.
I believe that women have completely forgotten how to be ladies.
I believe that men have become women in our society. It makes me want to puke.

In the area of politics:

I am opposed to gay marriage, to gays being "out" and to gayness being discussed in the media and home entertainment.
I am vehemently pro-life, from conception until natural death-- meaning I'm against the death penalty, against euthanasia, and against abortion. It also means I'm against birth control.
I don't believe in global warming.
I don't believe in overpopulation.
I don't believe in political correctness, and in fact, think it is a total impediment to freedom and democracy.
I do not believe that our health care system is fair or accurate.
I do not believe that our social services as they are now should exist.
I believe our government is rapidly turning fascist and creepy and controlling.
I believe that public schools-- and many private schools-- are evil.
I believe that the government and all our political systems have a liberal agenda.
I believe that America is rapidly losing God's favor.
I believe that war is sometimes necessary.
I am convinced that pornography, alongside abortion, is the single greatest evil of our time.
I believe that liberalism was invented by Satan, for it stands for nothing good.

In the area of religion:

I fully support the pope.
I believe that my Parish's RCIA program makes baby Jesus cry.
I believe the Latin Mass to be superior to the Novus Ordo-- but I do NOT believe in any WAY shape or form that the NO is invalid. (how's THAT for complicated?)
I believe that all believing, thinking, Scripture loving protestant apologists are destined to become Catholic.
I believe that Mary is the mother of God and I love reminding protestants that they do too and just don't know it.
I believe one can be traditionalist AND charismatic. Hehe.
I believe discalced carmelites have found the surest and most beautiful path to holiness.
I believe the WHOLE bible.
I believe that Catholicism is 100 percent scriptural.
I believe that Satan is a very good liar and has half of christendom fooled.
I believe that it's ok to laugh at mormon doctrine.
I believe that marshal arts, dabbling in the occult, and participation in other religions can lead to demonic infestation, opression, and possession.
I beleive that ghosts tend to be demonic manifestations and are smarter than we think they are.

Other wierd facts about me:
I believe in demons and I see them frequently. Thus, I want the world to be saved.
I do not think the sixties was "the glory years." I think the sixties was probably the time when Satan was actually cast down to earth. And I'm only slightly kidding.
I cannot stand when people mispronounce "nuclear." it literally makes my skin crawl.
I like to study heresies and find connections between them.
I can't stand hippies.
I have no qualms about saying these wierd things about myself.

That ought to be enough for now.


  1. i bet this will come as a surprise BUT, i can't find one thing on this list that i disagree with. hmm.

    go figure. :o)

  2. "Natural family planning" IS birth control.

  3. Nope. NFP is chastity. :)
    Besides, I'm technically opposed to NFP. I only do it because I'm submitting to my husband in the matter. But spend some time reading the encyclicals that cover human sexuality--- you'd be surprised. NFP is far more chaste and open to life than BC-- because we may only use it for a grave reason, and because we don't use it as birth control but rather as the scripturally perscribed "period of prayer" before coming back together.

  4. Barbie,
    You are a wonderful nut job, I loveingly agree! Look at you grow! Reading this blog heartens me so much! Keep up the good work!

    And ... NFP is NOT Birth Control, it is a time of abstinence... in other words, if you aren't going to be open to the pro-creative aspects of sex, you don't get to enjoy the unitive aspects of sex. Do we consider people who are celibate to be practicing "birth control"? Do we consider those people who choose to save themselves for their spouse to be practicing "birth control" before marriage? No, they are chaste and pursing the virtue of chastity. If you aren't open to life, you should be "fasting" from sex, from the marriage union, so that you can be spending your time in prayer as you discern God's direction for your life.

  5. Barbie,
    I completely agree 110% with everything you said. I must be crazy as well. Crazy for Christ and His Church! I like what you've done with your blog. I have some questions so I may be giving you a call sometime soon. Peace sister in Christ.


  6. IgnatiusBenedict, it's good to hear from you! I've been really enjoying some of your posts over in the PRS forums, so thanks! Hope to hear from you soon, give me a call whenever you get a chance.
    Blessings to you and yours.


Thank you so much for your comments! I look forward to hearing from you.

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