Monday, January 14, 2008

The parental cadence

I've just returned from a little trip to the park down the street. Annika really loves going there, and thanks to her daddy's "baby seal training" (we've been known to throw her down huge slides, into puddles of water, and leave her to figure out how to get out of the mud.... all the while closely supervising and encouraging, of course. We are happy to report we have one of the least fearful beans on the planet when it comes to stuff like that, she'll just fall over, dust herself off, and ranger on while other mommies stare at her in amazement. On the other hand, she has been known to completely flip out over having to get on the moving scale at the doctor's office-- that is, until she's done it once. She gets that from me: fear of the unknown. Once she's done it, she masters it.)

Anyways, we were having a blast going down the slides and stuff (it's a little tough with the baby in the Moby wrap, but doable) and then when it was time to go she freaked out and had a meltdown. All of a sudden, she had to stop and pick up rocks, and pinecones, and and look at trees... and oops! Go down the slide one more time.... hehe. There were people all around us and I know some people are really anti-spanking, so I wanted to be sensitive to that. I also know that my daughter is capable of being extremely obedient, when properly motivated.
So instead of letting her make the rules, I gave her the usual "we're going home now, and we don't throw fits," spiel, and then I tried a different tactic. There is a GIANT hill to get home from the park and even I have trouble with it some days. I remembered being in Basic Training on eternal roadmarches in the freezing rain and how much fun I had with cadences that I just forgot how horrible everything was. SO, I got her marching like a very small, very bean-like soldier, and together we trooped up the monster hill, all the while singing a ridiculous but oh-so-smart little cadence I just made up. (and no, you can't steal it for your kids :P)

I don't care what people say
I listen to mommy and I obey.
She knows what's best and that's for sure
We always have fun and we're looking for more.

I don't care what people say
I let daddy lead the way
He knows what's best and that's okay
Cause he listens to Jesus every day.

Stand up.
Sit down.
March together.
In a line.
Double time!

And then we go back to the beginning. We had so much fun doing this together that we didn't even notice we were already back at the house. I'm sure people were looking at us like we were from mars, but then again, it's an army town, so probably not.

Anyways, yay for thinking up fun teaching tools for beanland! I often think that if we ran our home like BCT, we'd get a lot more accomplished and we'd have a lot less crap in the way. I'm such a minimalist, I know. But there is this comfort in having nothing, you know? In my dream house, each member of the house hold has his/her own mess kit, towel, personal hygiene kit, bed sheets, four uniforms including something dressy, and a bible and journal. You know? That's really all you need in life. For a while there, that's all we had. When wayne and I got married... we had nothing but each other, the clothes on our backs, and our bibles and IET soldier's manuals. That's it. So we could get in the word, or blow up a building. That was about it. :P Ah, nostalgia. How did we get so much STUFF?

I've been reading like a crazy woman, all these amazing books I got for CHristmas (thanks everyone!) and listening to a ton of talks. I've come to the conclusion that this "family integrated church" movement really is a profoundly fascinating move of God that defines exactly how Wayne and I feel about what church should look like... it's like someone put a name to a belief we already had and before you know it, its all around us. Well, not yet. We only know a few like minded families, but we believe God will put more in our path. Who knows? One day we may even be planting a church with this same vision. after all, I still believe the words which were spoken over us!
It was hilarious, though, last night I listened to a talk by Doug Phillips on Women's roles in the local church, and I had never heard him speak before (even though I knew he was like minded, I had never heard or read any of his stuff) Imagine how amazed I was to be jumping up and down, losing my place in my knitting I was so amen-ing. Wayne and I both are looking forward to hearing more from God as to how we can make this family integrated church vision a part of our lives and ministry to the body. It starts with us, you know? We have to be the change we want to see in the world. :P

In other news, Wayne is at GCD (Grace College of Divinity) today, Manna's seminary, registering. Can you believe that? After ALL these years of praying. We don't have any money (like I said, he's been jobless three weeks and we have about fifty bucks left) but I TOTALLY believe the Lord will provide. Totally. If it's in God's will, He will make it possible.

Off to make lunch for all of us!

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