Thursday, January 17, 2008


We were listening to Ravi Zacharias last night (He's one of the body's greatest apologists ever) and he said something that profoundly affected me. He said, "when God restled with Jacob, he asked Jacob his name, and Jacob said: JACOB." Why is that relevant? Because Jacob had earlier said he was Esau and stolen the blessing. In essence, He was asking Jacob: "where is your heart? Do you recognize who you are?"
We are ALL sinners. It was very profound, and I'm probably not doing it justice here.

Yesterday, I had an encounter with someone who God has placed in my life and who wanted to know more about Judaism, Jesus, and the connection between the two. The man is a muslim. It was a very powerful moment for me, since most of you know that I feel drawn like a magnet to the conflict in the middle east, and that God has often afforded me the opportunity to come into deep spiritual contact with people incredibly involved in this conflict--- from Daniel Pearl's parents to Thomas Friedman. Its the reason I joined the army. It's the reason I became a Journalist.

There is a muslim family I've blogged about before who lives on the next block. THey are the ones who, when we were moving into this house, lied to us and told us they had already rented it so that we would leave and give up. Even in their dishonesty and our frustration, I felt a call to them. And, of course, God put it there. Before I knew it, I was seeing their family everywhere I went. I ran into them at the grocery store and on the street. They were at my pediatrician's when I went, and in the WIC office when I went. They were at the hospital when I had my baby. At school when I registered. They were everywhere. I've often felt like I was supposed to talk to them, but I usually only see the father and the children, and I know he would see me as extremely "Forward" and ungodly if I approached him. I prayed that God would make a way and he did! Wayne ran into him alone and was able to give him a ride. What a huge blessing to be able to share love with this man when he had so obviously been evil to us! Not because of that, but because it makes the message that much more powerful to him: These people want to love you even though you hurt them.
Anyways, I've been praying about making some pumpkin bread and bringing it over to them this week. I think it would be a gesture of kindness that they would appreciate, because they don't have any money, but I don't want to hurt their pride. And I want to know if there is a wife in the family that I can serve! I just feel like my encounters with muslims have often been the most spiritually charged. Here, they are rare, but in France they are plentiful.

I'm excited.

I've cast on for the interweave toe ups again. I can't wait to see if I actually finish them this time. :) Hey! maybe I'll have tons more knitting content now that I can't talk about my family :P

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