Saturday, January 12, 2008

Knitting content, shots, and feminism

What a day! Wayne and his dad went to Raven Rock today for a hike and some man time, which was nice for them. Meanwhile, I hauled the kids off to Grandma's house and we all watched Gone with the Wind, which I had never seen (or didn't really remember) past the scene where the yankees take over Atlanta. It was a great movie, and I wanted to punch Scarlett in the face almost every single scene. What a rotten-to-the-core little monster. The great irony here is that when I was younger and watched the movie, I remember thinking Scarlett O'Hara was awesome and that Melanie Wilckes was a goody goody ninny who always got in the way. Boy, did I have different eyes to see what was happening now that I'm a Christian. Melanie was an inspiring character, and definitely a Prov 31 woman! Anyways, after that I came home and just as I was starting dinner, and old friend of Wayne's who is in the Navy showed up on our doorstep. We were surprised, since he is stationed in Bahrain, but it turns out that he's had a rough turn of events: his wife left him while he was over there for another man, (so common among military wives, it's really pathetic!) and then he woke up one morning paralyzed and found out he had multiple sclerosis!! Woah. Needless to say, he's home right now waiting to find out what will become of him. So I made enough dinner for all of us and then, to my surprise, he asked if he could take Wayne "out." Now, Wayne doesn't go "out." He occasionally goes over to Uncle Andy's when the Marines let him come home, and the rest of the time he is home, with us, or at the gym. Not because I make him, but because all our friends have their hearts turned towards home and so.. yeah. They just don't go "out." I agreed, and laughed when Wayne said he was taking his knife. "They wont let you in the bar with that," I said.
"We aren't going to a bar."
"I'm sure you are."
"Really? Why do you think that? I doubt it. We're probably just going to hang out." His friend came out of the bathroom at that point and said " They wont let you in the bar with that thing!"
We both laughed. Anyways, I think it might be Wayne's first time AT the bars. And around here, I don't think there are any bars besides strip clubs, other than the occasional dive bar/pool hall kinda place. Oh, and one club where all the black kids like to go line dancing. Haha.
So, he's out now, with a promise to be "home by two," and I can't wait to hear what happened, how it went, and what he saw and heard. It made me realize it's been almost 3 years since I've been in a bar (I think!) which is super wierd, considering I used to live downtown (TUesday night status, anyone?) It's going to be interesting to see what he thinks. We prayed before he left that he would be a good witness to these guys, so I'm excited to hear what happens.

And finally: some knitting content!!! I've been knitting furiously but not blogging a word about it, trying to finish up Annika's legwarmers before she turns twenty and also finishing three prayer shawls, one for my mom, one for a friend who recently miscarried, and one for us , actually. I prayed for the whole family all the way through it, it was awesome. Anyways, I'm totally homespunned out and I can't get enough right now because it seems that all my friends are getting married or having babies or moving, and I want to bless each of them with a shawl. Of course, in the midst of all this lovely shawl making, I'm itching to knit with some DK knitpicks yarns.... I wonder if people would think it was strange recieving a pair of "prayer socks?"
I'm also incredibly tempted to set aside a couple projects right now in favor of.... crocheting! I've only crocheted as a child and I am sorta kinda wanting to check it out again.... although then I'd really just be creating time away from knitting, you know? I don't know. I've got a skein of homespun and a K hook set aside in case a little project should arise that I can teach myself on. I've also successfully taught myself continental so that I can do either/ or. It's a bit perplexing since I tend to alternate between the two. Lastly, and because I'm just such a WIPhound, I've also cast on AGAIN for the norwegian box lace shawl in Folk Shawls. Perhaps third time will indeed be the charm with this one.

I've been getting into the Word more at the request of my husband, who has blown me away in the last three days with his kindness and generosity. In fact, I've been spending such good time in the Word that I caught something about submission that I had previously missed in one of my favorite wifey verses---- oh my gosh: DO NOT BE AFRAID WITH ANY AMAZEMENT. (KJV. I LOVE the KJV for some reason right now) As in, if your husband is sucking at being in authority and you are freaking out, stop. GOD IS IN CONTROL. (I needed this word because he STILL doesn't have a job and we have some major bills coming up, including rent!) What a blessing to know that my heavenly father loves me so much He even took the time to remind me to chill out when he knew I needed it most. Yeah, God is awesome.

Speaking of terrible wives, (haha) I've been learning a TON about feminism and the places it's going in one of the Ravelry BID threads on the topic. In it, I discovered that a woman named Annie Sprinkle, former prostitute and porn star, does "performance art" most of the feminists in there were at least familiar with, if not fans of, in which she opens her vagina with a speculum onstage and offers audience members the opportunity to examine her cervix with a flashlight. And that's art. And somehow relevant, like she's making a statement besides "my tore up cervix is on display because I'm a victim of my vagina's lack of control and I'm selling this to you as somehow important because it makes me feel better about being rebellious against God and man." The shocking (well, I guess it isn't, this world is getting crazier every day) part is that women seem to be eating it up... like she's a really brave and profound person for thinking up such a vulgar display of her sexuality. The world is nuts, I'm telling you. I blame college.

Anyways, that's enough of a rant for today. I'm SOOOOOOOO going to make a delicious hot chocolate (one of the only things my husband the sugar nazi is allowing me to enjoy during our dieting rough patch) and knit like a mad woman....and pray, pray, pray.

Lord, thank you for changing me more and more so that I am able to be shocked again by displays of Satan's plan for women. I pray that you would cause my heart to break for the women who are enslaved to these schools of thought and worldly philosophies, and that you would bring them to remembrance always for me to pray as you lift them out of slavery to their bodies and into the freedom which we so often take for granted when we become slaves to You. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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