Sunday, October 7, 2007

More on cloth diapers and victory

More on cloth diapers and Victory

I've been experimenting with cloth diapers more and more. A dear friend sent me a box of different types of cloth diapers to try... so sweet! I admit, when I first opened the box I was at a loss for what to do, but I'm getting the hang of it pretty quickly!
Right now annika is wearing a little Bumgenius one size, which I really like.
My other favorites right now are the "Mommy's touch" all in one one sizers. Cloth diapering is actually really fun! They are snuggly and soft and they clean up great. They look ADORABLE, which I love, and they really are easy to use. I like cloth diapering better than g-diapers now because the g's clog up my old toilet :(

Here are the calculations they have available for cloth diapering vs. disposable diapering:

Disposable Diapers

Average 7 per day @ $0.35 each = $2.45 per day

$2.45 X 365 days = $894.25 per year!

Over three years that's a total of $2,682.65. That does not even count the cost of disposable wipes or pull-ups!

Mommy's Touch One Size Pocket Diapers

$16.95 Each + Insert $5.00 = Total cost of Diaper $21.95

12 diapers, washing once per day: $263.40, or

24 diapers, washing two times per week: $526.80 total cost of diapering a baby.

That's pretty impressive, especially considering that it's also a MAJOR help to the environment and to the child, because disposables contain toxins that are super gross.

Anyways... I think I'm going to stick to cloth diapering from now on, especially with the washing machine in the house. They are pretty expensive, but I am just going to ask for people to get me some when the baby comes instead of other gifts, and thanks to my friend I already have quite a few in the large sizes. With the all in ones.. I may not need that many!

In other news, Gloria and Kenneth Copeland
from the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast on TBN, etc. are in town, and my MIL and I are going to their conference at 2 pm today.
Let me say first of all that I think this whole "prosperity gospel" word of faith junk is absolutely preposterous... I mean, just really, really absurd. But I'm fascinated by this TBN world and very interested to go and to pray for people and see what it's all about and like in person and in the Spirit. So... I'm really looking forward to it. I'll blog all about the experience when I get back.

Wayne's cert class is finally here! He's there right now (yay!) and I had my first OBGYN appt yesterday--- thank GOD. And guess what? My doctor is CHristian!! Yay.

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