Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"Gentle" Christian parenting... ugh.

Gentle "Christian" Parenting.... ugh.

I came across this website in a conversation in the AP group I can't tear myself out of.

I'm nauseous just typing the URL.

Here's my review of it from a forum on spanking:

that kind of website, to be honest, makes my skin crawl. I spent ten minutes peeking at the various "resources" which are articles based on people's opinions of parenting styles that "gentle" discipliners don't believe in.

As a Christian, it is my life's work to share biblical messages that will change people's lives and help them live for Christ in a way that truly glorifies Him and shows that they understand the point of all of this we call "life."
I spend my whole life teaching and learning on topics such as biblical child training, biblical wifehood, and biblical womanhood. I'm passionate about it!

Aside from their skewed theology, which is the ONLY thing people should be worried about when reading a book by the Pearls, their family advice is dead on. I know countless families who live by the Love of God, the Rod, principles of forgiveness and God-centered family lives, who have upwards of eight kids apiece who are -- quite simply-- a joy to be around, whether 3 or 18. These kids are respectful, disciplined, honest, hard working, and pleasant. They are interesting, joyful, and.. most of all, they love Jesus. I can only hope my kids will grow to be these same types of children. That's the example and goal I have set for my kids, and what I expect to come of my training them. The children I know who are "gently" disciplined are neither disciplined at all, nor are they bearable. I don't want my kids to end up like them, so I don't practice "gentle" discipline. Or rather, I am always gentle with my kids, but I will still correct them with corporal punishment because I believe the Bible.

I have heard time and again so-called "Christian" people making excuses for not using the rod, including making up Hebrew roots and inventing stories about the "real" traditional use of the rod. As I said before, it's a choice people have the right to make. But I will neither concede nor compromise on this issue because out of my experience and my heart I believe that the truth is that the use of the Rod is biblical, good, and life changing for my children.
I don't expect my own opinions to count, I mold my life around what I see that God has to say about a matter, and make changes accordingly. That's why I'm so passionate about these issues, because I had to change alot of what I believed about being a wife and mother, and that has made the most positive change in my own life as a wife and mother.

As I said in the other thread, I know children who REMIND their parents to bring the rod when they go on vacation. When you ask them about it, they say that they hope it won't get used, but they know it is the best thing to teach them right from wrong. Praise the Lord that these children have wisdom at such a young age!!

That website also attacks the principles in Created to Be His Helpmeet... another biblical concept people hate to believe because it hurts our prideful hearts. I would buy the entire world a copy of that book if I could.... there are MILLIONS of marriages that could be saved as a result of laying down their rights and allowing God to be Lord over EVERY part of their lives, including their marriage.

In the chapter by chapter deconstruction of To Train up a Child, here, the author begins by saying: "God doesn't conquer our wills, he gave us free will to do what we choose."
She says this in response to the Pearl's advice to conquer the will of your child.

If you are a saved, born again Christian, you KNOW that your will is your worst enemy. You want that bad boy conquered immediately. You pray for it, you ask Him to make you more like Him and less like you, on your knees, tears running down your cheeks. You are BROKEN by His greatness.
WHY in the name of all things holy would you not want to teach your kids to conquer their will????? It's the FIRST thing I would want to teach my kids.
My soul is my enemy.... until it is sanctified. Any student of the Bible knows this.

So the pretense of this website being "Christian" just because it says it is by name has just been made void in my eyes. These people do not believe that God is God, and have not laid down their lives. The entire article goes on to describe an endless list of things I find appalling. Of course a newborn is self-centered. That is the very nature of a baby. Why is that offensive? Of course we want our children to be under our authority and in subjection and obedience to us. Why is that offensive? One hundred years ago, these things were never questioned... nowadays, we overanalyze every little word we use. It's absurd.

I get soooo steamed when I see websites like this which basically just tear down all the biblical foundations that God has laid, and consequently destroy families, and the lives of children. It really hurts to see that, and I will be praying fervently that the Enemy's stronghold over modern parenting "styles" will be broken by the power of God.

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