Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What should we look like?

Hah, I'm finally starting to get emails! w00t w00t.

Before I delve deeper into the question and answer thing, I wanted to share this site with you guys.... there is a challenge to wear the headcovering and bring it back to modern use starting today! Those interested can google the "chapel veil challenge for 2008." Those of us who know the blessings of a covered head should participate or at least help spread the word.
Which reminds me, there was a couple at church two sundays ago wearing tallits. Wayne and I were intregued--- messianics are few and far between in these parts.

OK, on to the subject at hand. Q and A.

I thought before I started responding to all the common misgivings about the RCC that I'm discovering are a load of BS, I should probably define what I consider to be "movements" within the Body Of Christ today led of the Spirit to help us conform better to worship in "Spirit and Truth."

First, a good church is BIBLE BASED and FOUNDED ON CHRIST. This means that they accept and believe that scripture is the foundation of our understanding of life and our eternal salvation. Ideally, a church should recognize that it is universally important to the cause of Christ Jesus on earth by recognizing that it is not a perfect institution but one which God can use when people are willing and obedient to guide people to the truth. They must believe that the bretheren, or those who are headed for heaven, are not only the members of their own church but those who--- through whatever circumstances of life--- are also actively engaged in Kingdom work elsewhere. On the other hand, it must not use it's "imperfection" as an excuse not to be Holy--- the word says to be holy, for He is Holy.

Secondly, a good church must be family integrated. This is a term which is flung around these days almost meaninglessly as a revival occurs in the hearts of millions who are repenting of their selfishness and turning their hearts towards home. Instead of being primarily program driven (mens. womens. youth. nursery. small groups. etc.) it is primarily FAMILY driven, allowing families to worship together no matter what the ages, teaching fathers to lead their families, teaching wives to follow, and creating an environment of spiritual maturity within the structure of home that allows for evangelical hospitality--- the best kind of evangelism :)

Third, it is a place of reverence. At all times, whether worship is at work or not, people should be able to go to this place and get into the presence of God. There should be no hinderance to that. Church doors should never be locked, because Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing, to wait and watch and pray. Church offices should be available to all-- not only members. Church management should be an open book, and church meetings should be LED OF THE SPIRIT and not "planned to the second." There should be no question as to the Christian conduct of the people who are responsible for each church. It should permeate everything in the place, and every order of business.

Fourth, a good church extends its hands to the poor and needy in good works. This means literally giving, not giving "if," as my husband likes to say. A good church cares for the orphaned and widowed. It seeks not to envelop those it helps into it's fold--- only to share the love of Christ and pray for the salvation of the soul being aided. It seeks to give just BECAUSE. It does not spend needlessly on things that do not glorify God. It spends prayerfully, seeking always to honor God with every penny.

Fifth, a good church observes the sacredness of the sacraments. If nothing else.... there needs to be reverence at Communion, for one corinthians warns us of the harm we can do by taking communion unworthily. There needs to be joy and celebration and reverence at a baptism, because a new life is born! There needs to be devotion to the principles of marriage at a wedding, and respect for those promises.

Sixth, a good church needs to practice church discipline. It needs to have an accountability structure and especially a biblical method for reproving congregant sinners. It needs to have demonstrable apostolic order.

Seventh, a good church needs to have reverent worship. This can look like a quiet hymn or a Rock Festival, so long as an attitude of worship is maintained and encouraged. A good church needs to persevere in prayer, at all times and in all places, bringing everything before the throne.

Eighth, a good church needs to repeatedly pronounce it's statement of faith, and vision statement so that new members learn it and know it...and "catch the DNA" as Manna says.

Ninth, a good church needs to meet both 'in the temple" and "in the homes," just as the church of Acts did, in order to provide for an accomplish effective discipleship.

Tenth, a good church needs to extend LOVE to the community and to the bretheren whatever that looks like where you live... we are all in different places.

Now that I've written all that, I can't even remember the questions. :P But as I look at that list-- and I'm sure it's missing at least one thing-- I'm amazed by what has been in front of me all along.

1 comment:

  1. My eyes have been opened. Thank you so much for having the courage to blog about all these things. I've been distant from God for a while now. So much so that it will occur to me to pray about something and I feel unbelievable shame and unworthy of even speaking to God. I know he welcomes me back with love and forgiveness. It's my own shame keeping me from him. I've recently been talking to people at work about my beliefs a lot. After reading your blog I know I need to get back into worship. I've been relying on bible studies and going to church to keep me connected and while those things are both good practices, I need to be so personally connected to Christ that those things are a fruit of my relationship with him and not a requirement for it. my ideas of the Catholic Church have been totally changed by your posts and I can not wait to read more of your research and findings! We recently lost my husbands' grandfather who was a devout Catholic and I find great comfort in what you've written. Thank you so much. I know I can ask you to pray for me that I reconnect and remain steadfast in His word and love.


Thank you so much for your comments! I look forward to hearing from you.

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