Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The pilgrim's progress

First off, let me just say that I cannot believe no one commented on my last blog. Either people are seriously holding their tongues or no one is reading it, because I KNOW it must have freaked out at least ten of my friends who regularly read this blog. Come on , guys. Speak your minds... "in the multitude of counselors there is wisdom." :P Or maybe you're all taking Wayne's advice to be "quiet."

To say that God has shown me that the journey I'm on is a holy pilgrimage is to say the least. The ultimate destination is my home in His presence, but the steps I am walking have driven me further into the security of His Word as it relates to people--- people, I'm discovering, are often THE point He tries to make.

He is showing me that the last four years' events are symbolic of the pilgrimage He has called us all to: First, to act in obedience by following Him no matter what the cost. Second, to learn what it means to Soldier. Third, to learn what it means to die to self. Fourth, to learn what it means to Seek and Find. And now fifth--- to learn what it means to be holy and set apart, for He is holy.

Our God is so good! We think there is so much at stake when our lives are in question, but the truth is that we exist for the blink of an eye-- but His precepts endure forever.

Everything is starting to make sense to me now---it's like it's all coming together.

Wayne has asked everyone he trusts to pray to pray for him with regards to this upcoming decision. Now that we've told my parents, I can tell you all--- he is trying to join the Navy and is going for an MOS that is a challenge. (SWCC)
We are excited-- I know I was cut out for the military life, and so was he. It's how we met, and it's what we dream. We are confident that as we move forward with this, seeking God, He will make a way for us to have both the desires of our hearts and the abilities and gifts to serve Him. However nearly 3/4 of the people he asked to pray have told him: "I dont' have the faith for this," or "I have no peace about it," or "I don't know if it's God's will for you, so I'm not going to pray that you get in, just that God's will be done."

This is a cop out to us. First of all, because if someone asked us to pray for the health of their child, of COURSE we would pray that God's will be done-- but we would also pray for healing! There is no reason why we wouldn't, for God has promised to give us the desires of our heart if they come from a right place and our eyes are set on Him. It's as if people are saying: I don't know you well enough to know what God wants for you so I'm not going to pray. Some have even said: "you're all over the place. I don;t know what you're doing.I cant endorse it." And yet these same people have done nothing to reach out to my husband and meet him where he's AT, even when he was BEGGING for discipleship from them! Others are hesitant because of their distaste for the military. Before the Navy was on the table (and we always knew one of us would eventually go back to the military---best job in the world! We just had to wait two years for our UCMJ pennance.) we asked for help in getting him to college, then to seminary. And people were supportive, but God never made a way. God hasn't provided enough clients for him to continue making it on training alone. But though he hasn't found work for over two months now--- our needs, one by one, have been met. And praise God for it---its nothing short of miraculous.

As for me, I'm confident in my Jesus. And His Name will be blessed either way.

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