Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wayne's answers for an atheist

His Response:

1. Why won't God heal amputees? God has and does to this day. I have a friend who prayed over a girl in Kenya who had no teeth here whole life. She was twelve. He came back six months later and the girl had a perfect set of teeth that had grown in. There is not a single ailment that Christ can not and has not healed. See, smart asses like the guy who made that stupid video assume that God is a vending machine and anything they want they should get. They think that whatever is being prayed for should POP out of thin air, immediately just because they asked. There is no faith in that equation. And further more it usurps God’s authority to be God and make His own decisions. One thing that stands true that every atheist scoffs at is this… God ALWAYS has a plan.
2. 2. Why are there so many starving people in the world? Because there are people in this world who fall into the hands of people like the guy who made this video. People who only think about themselves, destroyers. Like Mohamed Farah Adid in Somalia, using hunger as a weapon against the weak and defenseless. Other humans are to blame not God.
3. 3. Why does God demand the death of so many innocent people in the Bible? If you look at the instances quoted in the video we see that the people spoken of are Jews who submitted to the Law. They made the choice to live by those rules and accept the consequences of breaking them. Those people weren’t innocent. They had willingly gone against the command of God. The Law was designed to be harsh, so that men would learn not to rely on themselves which is exactly what this hippie would have you do. God made the penalty harsh not for the sake of carnage but to prevent sin and protect the flock of His chosen people.
4. 4. Why does the Bible contain so much anti-scientific nonsense? God is a God of miracles and sovereignty. He is not obligated to abide in the suppositions of men. He is outside of time. He is outside of the “rules.” He made the rules! When you were two did your parents go to bed at 7:30 like you did because it was a rule? No. You see the duality here in the mindset of the atheist who made this video? In question one God is bad for not making miracles on demand and now, God is stupid for not adhering to science. Which does this guy want: A God of miracles or a God of science?
5. 5. Why is God such a huge proponent of slavery in the bible? God isn’t, but he can use any man in any circumstance. Just because he had dealings with slave owner doesn’t mean he condones it. As a matter of fact, in Semitic societies the slave was always a slave for life unless a miracle happened. We see though in the Law that a slave isn’t to be a slave for more than seven years unless they choose to be or they were born as a slave; in which case God commands that slaves be treated well. In the New Testament we see that a being a good slave by giving a Christ like example is a means to saving the slave owner from damnation. Also that, once again, slave owners shouldn’t treat their slaves harshly. We see also a command to become free if possible. NEVER do you see God being a proponent of slavery.
6. 6. Why do bad things happen to good people? By saying there is such a thing as bad you are saying there is such a thing as good, correct? By saying there is good and bad you suggest that there is something that differentiates the two, correct? By suggesting that there is a division between good and bad you suggest by default that there is such a thing as a common moral law, correct? If there is a moral law then there is a moral law giver, correct? And that is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God incarnate. The very entity that this atheist is trying to disprove, not prove. The question self destructs without a God. Who is to say what is good or bad. And in the end it isn’t a question of good or bad; it is the question of good or evil. But I guarantee you that the very idea that something could be evil is too much for an atheist to swallow. Bad things happen to good people because of sin. Sin in the lives of human beings trespasses upon their existence. Thus, you have the rapist, totally corrupted with lust and violence, and his sin trespasses on the innocent woman who falls into his hands. Humans are responsible, not God.
7. Why didn't any of Jesus' miracles in the Bible leave behind any evidence? They did, didn’t they? Here is the church. I guarantee you that if a person like Jesus came to your town you would know about it, especially if he stayed any length of time. The miracles Christ did were not for the bedazzlement of the mob, they were for the salvation and wholeness of humans. They accomplished what they were meant to do. We speak of them to this day. The people who saw those miracles were the first to form the Church. They had been made whole by Him. They were the residue of miracles. And thus you have the Church. We are the tangible expression of those signs and wonders!
8. How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never appeared to you? My buddy, a Marine named Andy Wilson, who was a staunch atheist saw Christ on his bunk in his barracks and gave his life to Christ. This goes back to the atheist idea that God MUST prove His existence as if God were insecure about whether or not He exists. It goes back to the idea that prayer is a magical thing that God has to submit to. Basically, atheists believe that God is a genie and when He doesn’t conform to that blasphemous view then God is a fake.
9. Why would Jesus want us to eat His body and drink His blood? Why would a gangster pour out half a forty oz? Why would the military do a 21 gun salute? Why do we have holidays? Christ meant this figuratively; he wanted us to remember Him but especially at communion when we focus on His humanity and His sacrifice.
10. Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians? Because they are weak and not acting like Christ told them to. They adhere to a fleshy form of obedience that is basically lip service, but their hearts aren’t in it. Sin sucks.

As you can see, atheists aren’t mocking Christians because they care about what they believe. They are mocking us because they can’t truly mock God. They aren’t out to find out if God is real. Atheists hate God and anyone who believes in Him. They want you to feel stupid for believing in God so they can look down on you. They want to feel smart. The answers I’ve given to these stupid, unintelligent questions are just the tip of the iceberg as far as answers go. The idea of faith is something they can not comprehend. Understand that Atheists aren’t the enemy, Atheism is. Apologetics is the defense of the Gospel and the Bible. If you look on you can find a man named Ravi Zacharias; he is one of the best apologists in the world and goes to colleges all the time and flat out embarrasses professors and students at Harvard and Yale. Not to shame them, but show them the truth and to help them realize that they are hiding behind lies. God is real, ALIVE, doing miracles and winning hearts all over the world. I encourage you to pick up a copy of Jesus Freaks II; it’s a book about all the Christian martyrs. It will encourage you.
You know, little rich boys with no conscience can sit at college all day scoffing and mocking; being downloaded with atheism and blasphemy by their professors. They can mock the bible and Christians and say all kinds of stupid stuff that never stands up under scrutiny. The fact is that there are people in the world who live by miracles. I am one of them. God pays my bills every month… literally. There are people who have to hide in Atheist/ Communist countries to read the bible… if they are lucky enough to have one or ever even seen one, because if they get caught they may never see daylight again. There are people who get butchered in the jungles of South Asia for spreading the Gospel. In the past century atheist communists have murdered 13,831,000 Christians. In the end though, you are their only light, you MUST be ready with a defense for what you believe. And if you find yourself in that position, to be a witness, then that means God is well pleased with you. You only need to summon the courage to act on your convictions. Ready the bible and God will give you the answers. Fight hard.



  1. One big point: atheism and agnosticism does not mean a hatred of God or anyone who believes in God. Implying that all atheists are lacking in morality because of several prominent Communist leaders who used atheism as an excuse for their own sick behavior--that's a logical fallacy (hasty generalization). It's like saying that all pro-life Christians are potential murderers because a very few infamous pro-life Christians killed doctors who performed abortions, and used Christianity as their excuse. It doesn't follow.

    Also, if Wayne wanted me (agnostic lower-middle-class female with a BA) to actually listen to him, he could have not implied that I was rich, over-educated, and male, and either a long-haired hippie or a bloodthirsty Commie. I could have posted a few choice comments of my own, but I'm choosing not to. He cites Ravi Zacharias--well, he's an academic, isn't he? A visiting prof at Oxford, if Wikipedia's right.

  2. I am an atheist. I do not hate those who do. I also cannot hate your god as I don't believe he exists. Do you hate Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny? Because, to me, those are all the same.

    You probably cannot wrap your head around the thought that a person can live life without the guidance of a higher power - but it can be done. Until you truly can, I wouldn't make such broad statements about atheists as you truly don't seem to understand.

  3. 1 Peter 3:15
    "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.."


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