Friday, September 16, 2011

Freaky Fridays- the 9.11/ Abortion/Hollywood Connection.

I'm not a "the government did it" 9/11 conspiracy theorist. I DO think there is far more to the story of what happened on that fateful September day, but I'm not sure that I will ever fully understand it and I'm only half trying.

I think to some degree, 9/11 was a mystical event in that it ushered in a new age in the world....  drawing us closer to a global, one -world government and simultaneously drawing pride and fear and woundedness from Americans, none of whom -- or few of whom-- seem to have picked up on the fact that for the first time ever, Americans were being FORCED into a situation where they were literally mourning and covered in ashes. Thousands of us. On a spiritual plane, that has to mean something.

The other day a Facebook friend posted this video, regarding the uncanny "foreknowledge" many Hollywood films exhibited about 9/11. We've all seen the bizarre Simpsons episode. This was a compilation of many of those same head scratchers, from lots of different movies. The purpose of this video was to enlighten people about the questions surrounding 9.11 and also about the Illuminati. (To be clear, neither of which I know anything about or believe anything in particular about... I just note that it s a popular belief system.)

You see, most people want a scapegoat. I was as disturbed by the terror attacks as I was by the response of Americans here in my military hometown dancing in the street at the news of Bin Ladin's death. I was as upset by our government's response (tightening security and acting like a psycho ex-boyfriend) as I was by Imams who were preaching the "good news" of the terror attacks. For a while, it was nice to be able to place blame.... Terrorism is because of Islam. Celebrity culture is because of drugs and alcohol. Government corruption is because of money. Right?

9/11 was a wake up call, that I know, and unfortunately, I do NOT believe the world is better for what changes we have implemented. I believe that there is less security, less safety, less dignity, less freedom and  life.... and that it is getting worse by the minute.

 I don't blame my government, although I'm sure that some people in my government had something to do with it. I don't blame Al Qaeda, although I'm sure that some people in Al Qaeda had something to do with it. I don't blame aliens, or hollywood, or anything, or anyone, really. Just Satan, who the Bible calls the god of this world, and who has clearly been using some unsavory characters to plan, plot, and propogate violence and fear and confusion, etc. We need to be good and frustrated as a global community for Antichrist to come on the scene (and no, he's not Obama.)

In the same vein, I noticed lately that some of our most vocal and adamant Pro-Life priests are being taken out, one by one. First Fr Tom Euteneuer, then Fr Corapi, and now Fr. Pavone.  Many Catholics felt disheartened or let down by the realization that their leaders had failed them. Call me weird, but I was motivated..... hello??!! This is IT. THIS is the warfare of the saints. There isn't one pope, or one Bishop, not ten priests or twenty laypeople that you can BLAME for what's wrong in the Church. Our job isn't to be overwhelmed by the evident evil and accuse persons and pit ourselves in rage against them.... our job is to pray, and wage warfare, and declare the advance of the Kingdom of Heaven over the kingdom of darkness.

Whatever the subject...   9/11, illuminati/freemasonry, the issues in the Church, the issues in hollywood, celebrity alter egos, rock and roll, new age, globalism, greedy corporations, "un"natural natural disasters, weather control, religious wars,  out of control governments, pornography, countries who kill their young.... it's all there, it's all connected, like giant pieces to the puzzle of our lives. Why be let down when Satan manifests his works? Be grateful, and be somber-- for the Gospel of Life and Salvation is true and Jesus Christ is coming again. Quite frankly, it gives me a lot of peace and de-mystifies the whole blame-game for me each and every time a new "outrageous" thing happens that sets the American emotion machine into action.

So with that in mind, enjoy this little documentary I found on demonic posession. Because if the people who manifest evil around this world are indeed as evil as they appear.... it certainly isn't coming from no where. Blame the right person. Blame the devil, and remember that your battle is not against flesh and blood but against the wickedness in the spiritual realm.

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