Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can Catholics be saved?

A couple of protestant friends of mine wrote me this week to tell me they had had frustrating encounters with people who believed that Roman Catholics could simply NOT be saved. Try as they might, these women were not able to express in any kind of meaningful way that Catholics believed in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, nailed to the wood of the cross for our eternal salvation.
Why? Because the people in question KNEW Catholics- since, at one point they had been one!

This is a pretty typical scenario- (guilty over here!!) and one that needs to be addressed, if only to demonstrate why that argument just isn't good enough, for the sake of clarity.

There is one Catholic faith, but like anything else there are many ways of living it out-- some more correct than others. There are yogis who take a yoga class at the gym 3x a week, and there are yogis who are vegan, visit ashrams, live by ayurvedic principles, and have a meditation practice. Same principle.

At it's core, the Catholic faith is a never-fail system to live out that coveted "personal relationship with Christ."

One must decide, however, if one Is actually interested in doing that--- that's the nature of Christianity.

Because of this, there are several different types of Catholics. Authentic Catholicism is lived out by a true faith in Christ... Adhesion to the principles set out in Holy Scripture and elaborated on by the Magesterium, unyielding surrender to the Lord in every area, service toward others, and an active prayerlife.

SOME Catholics live this out near- perfectly but refuse God's Lordship on one or two areas on which they maintain rebellious and hard hearts. This might be over an issue like abortion, or birth control, or female priesthood, or gay marriage.

Some Catholics are cultural Catholics, having been rAised Catholic but not having responded to Christ in their own hearts for various reasons. They love the traditions they grew up with but don't care about the reason behind the traditions. Though they are baptized, they do not respond to their baptismal promises with action.

Still others are well- intentioned Catholics who live in a culture where rampant Satanist activity has attempted to undermine the True faith. These Catholics might go to daily mass, but they also practice witchcraft, voodoo, and other folk magic. They are not catechized and believe they can combine what is evil with what is good-- although the Church says this is impossible.

In short, do not judge "Catholicism" by it's adherents. In doing so you are doing exactly what so many Protestants lament that one might do about "Christianity" as a whole.

If you grew up Catholic, got saved and left, or if you don't know anything about Catholicism but it sounds "unbiblical" make sure you are basing your ideas on what Scripture as interpreted by the Catechism of the Catholic Church says and not opinions and or choices of persons who are not formed Catholics.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch, forgive any mistakes :p

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