Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Random Rant:- What to do, what to do?

Each of us faces an important decision at least once every day. Aside from cultivating good habits, we must concern ourselves with sticking to these habits, and picking and choosing which habits are good and which habits are bad. We live in the information age, in which almost anything is accessible to us and in which it is possible to immerse ourselves in "virtually" anything we choose.

This, however, seems to only confuse us further. The majority of women used to know what to do with our little lambs because we saw the successes and failures of our parents. Now we read forty books on the subject and debate with other moms on the internet instead of watching our own mother do it.
We used to treat our husbands a certain way because we "were taught" that this way was the right way, now we decide for ourselves whether to accept or reject what we were taught, how to incorporate what we learn in school and in church and on the internet.
We used to know how to run a household, now we spend hours reading about different ways other women run households and plotting and planning online while our house falls to pieces.

This confusion can be helpful if we work through it to sort out what we really believe and stick to it! But more often than not I find myself "solving" a problem and then revisiting it again and again to see where I stand, as if I need some sort of re-enforcement or re-convincing. I am often overwhelmed with all the choices and ideas out there, because though I know the answer, I get sidetracked by the questions and the judgements of the women who disagree with my solution for whatever reason. I find myself wanting to answer to them instead of remembering that I will answer to God for how I have lived.

When it comes to marriage, parenting, family life, liturgical questions, work problems, new technologies, and scientific "advancements" of a questionable nature...."Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. "Do not be swept off your course by all sorts of outlandish teachings; it is good that our souls should gain their strength from the grace of God." (Heb 13:8,9 NEB).
I am confident that the old ways still work! Love God and love people, obey God and serve people-- And all will be well for you!

I realized yesterday during our meeting of the St Gianna Vocation to Motherhood group that we women are always asking ourselves questions upon questions about how to run our homes. Even when we find a method that seems to be working quite well, we re-examine it and spend some time questioning ourselves. I will probably do this long after my little ones have left home... but the more I thought about it, the more I realized than in this tumultous world which is so uncertain and in some ways so frightening, one thing always stays the same: Christ.

Love God, serve people. Jesus says this is the whole of the law.
If you are contemplating a new parenting method...
If you are debating about stopping contraception...
If you are wondering about taking on a new job even though you have children at home.
If you are struggling with your choice of infertility methods...
If you are wondering about homeschooling...
If you are choosing an educational style and philosophy for your little ones...
If you are wondering whether to shop at a certain place or support a certain business...
If you are wondering how much or how little to take on in your week...

Does the choice I'm deciding on demonstrate love for God and His law? Does the choice I'm deciding on serve others, especially those under my care, instead of myself?
Does your question get answered in this way?

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