Friday, December 31, 2010

The yearly roundup 2010

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The Annual Blog Roundup for 2010

The new year is here! So, as my annual blog tradition goes here is the best and worst of 2010

Best Memory

This year, I enjoyed singing "O Come Emmanuel" around the Advent wreath with my kids more than anything else all year. The expectant joy in their faces, their loud, joyful singing, and the magic of the candlelight and our love made present around the table as we shared a meal amongst ourselves or with friends was just amazing. Often, it prompted theological questions that were deep and soul-stirring from them. I loved those moments. I know that doesn't sound like much, but to know that we are sucessfully passing on the faith to my kids was just amazing. I also really enjoyed our family trips (we never do anything, really, but we drive to a couple towns within a few hours and visit stuff. I liked our Ocean Isle trip this year.) I have REALLY loved having my parents here to visit, for the first time in years Thanksgiving was perfect for EVERYONE! Also, my brother and his wife and their daughter bought a new house, and it's close, and it's nice to be with them. We have shared some very special holiday joy over the year with them! And it definitely felt GREAT to see my husband's entire family, who have such a crazy history and such a hard time with each other, sitting around the Christmas Dinner having what appeared to be a perfect Christmas meal! That was very special to me.

Worst Memory
This has been such a painful year. My worst memories by far are of the days on end in the hospital with my youngest, fresh in my mind since today, on New Year's Eve, she developped another MRSA infection. Please keep her in your prayers. I'm also overwhelmed with the frustrations of our job search and the difficulties we have endured not having our own place to live. I think I've done a lot of spiritual growing (learning to give more and expect less, etc) and it's painful shedding layers of my own self-importance etc, not only when it happens but also the shame we can experience when looking back at what a selfish piece of crap we were later. Those have been tough. I realized in many ways the dangerous impact of my protestant mindset on my intellect and the intellect of others, on God's creation, and on my own pride. (unchecked "God's child" syndrome.) Although it's tough, I'm glad I learned the lesson that Obedience is how to find God's will. I hope it sticks.

Funniest Moment
Just all the daily ins and outs of kid's asking questions and saying/doing hilarious stuff. My kids make me laugh nearly once an hour.

Biggest Surprise

Biggest surprise this year was this afternoon, when my youngest developped ANOTHER MRSA infection after having been declared (finally) perfectly healthy only three months ago.

Song of the Year
O Come O Come Emmanuel, only because we sang it around the advent wreath each night of Advent and my oldest thought it went : "O COme, O Come O Maaaaaanuel." Which made it a very mexican Christmas, especially when she sang it ceaselessly morning, noon, and night.

Movie of the Year
The only movies I saw this year were Paranormal Activity 2 and the Last Exorcism. So, by default, PA2, even though I didn't love it.

Website of the Year
Hmmm. Still love Our Garden Of Carmel, and I think my second award winner goes to Catholics for Israel, which is linked at the bottom of my page. I'm so thankful for having found them.

Most awesome FOs
I'm sorry to say I can't remember a single one. That's what happens when you have three kids three and under. (same answer as last year.) I still owe three people knitting gifts. Le BIG Sigh.

Most ridiculous WIPs
Dominic's Kilt Hose. I've been working on them for months and then they keep getting wrecked by the kids. OH MY GOSH. This was my same answer last year. How pathetic is that??

Best Forum Debate

I have thoroughly enjoyed my new debates in "Union in Christ" group on Facebook, but I think the best forum debate by FAR goes to the whole Islamo-phobe you-can't-take-communion-if-you're-a-heretic fight I had with my dad on Facebook...and any number of arguments I had with my husband on FB which ended in him defriending me. AGAIN. :)

Most incredible Kingdom Advances IS NOW: "Advances in Spirituality"
This year, I think, was a deepening understanding of Carmelite spirituality taken outside the context of "mystical wowiness" and into the practical realm.

Biggest disappointment
Having to leave Carmelite formation for a while was the hardest thing I think I can remember ever having to do. It was definitely the right choice, but I am YEARNING for the day I can finally go back. I've also been very disappointed with church-related stuff. I long for the Bishops to do something about all the garbage being passed off as "Catholic" these days.

Best Adventure
Another year with no vacations, but we did enjoy going to Ocean Isle on a family trip to the beach this year for a day and that was amazing. It was fun seeing my husband SO happy!

Looking forward

This is the last two years worth of "Looking Forwards" from my 2010 entry

Last year I prophesied that 2008 would be a year of renewal... "We will have our vision restored, our hearts turned towards God afresh, and a new annointing to complete the tasks He puts before us." (you can read last year's roundup here: When I reread that this year, I kinda wanted to jump up and say "BINGO!" That's exactly what 2008 was for us. We renewed our vows to make this family work, we renewed our commitment to Christ and gained fresh vision for our family that helped us to accomplish a lot of our goals as a family. As I pursue the Lord for a vision for next year, the word He keeps giving me is "wait and see." I think 2009 is going to be a year of building on that vision and especially of experiencing the "goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" (Psalm 122)

I don't make new year's resolutions anymore because the secular new year doesn't speak to me as much as the liturgical seasons, but if I were going to make one, it would be this:

In 2009, I want to be Holy---
Contemplative, and conquered by Christ, just like Mary.

Amazing to me that I could have been so right on!!It feels amazing to me that it would be exactly that... I experienced the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I couldn't believe what pure joy I have experienced in the last year, when the trials got so bad I thought I was going to lose it-- there was always some perfect- and I mean PERFECT -- moment right behind it to show me that the suffering produces fruit. These moments built faith, hope, and love in me and I can't express my amazement at God's presence.

Thank you, God, for clear vision! Next year, 2010, I feel like God is telling me that it will be a year of promise- one in which I will begin to see the fruit of the pursuit of His sacred heart, and one in which, although marked by periods of driness, we will drink of the stream of living water.

Happy 2010, y'all. Blessings on your house! 

Once again,  WOW! Last year's entry couldn't have been more accurate. In so many ways I have seen fruit, but surprisingly none of it has been physical. Physically, we are worse off than we ever have been.... job wise, living situation wise, health wise, etc. We are certainly suffering! However instead of all of those, I see TREMENDOUS improvement-- I almost don't dare say it for fear of sounding pretentious-- in our spiritual lives. Areas of sin we weren't even aware of are melting away and we are totally amazed by how near we have drawn to God, both as a family and individually. Instead of turning in circles, we actually see progress.... not "maturity" in knowledge of God but "maturity" in our ability to love better and suffer better.I was NOT expecting that last year, but that's what we got! Talk about periods of driness, and living streams of water in the midst of those!!! That's the year in a nutshell.
SOooooo, for next year, I believe we will continue to find ourselves sheltered in His wings.... drawing nearer to His heart and nurturing our love for Him & each other. The picture I keep getting is the word "formation," like a flock of birds making a V, heading in one direction, instinctively knowing where to go. I guess that means for our family, that we will begin to "go in the same direction" and hopefully leave the exile we have been in for some time now. My hope and prayer is for next year to be better. And even though my New Year is not starting off very well, I believe with God all things are possible. Amen!

May God bless and keep you this New Year 2011! Enjoy the slideshow.

1. I've been doing really good about sticking to my workouts and ashtanga practice, as well as counting calories. I think once I stop nursing I will see some results (my body keeps nursing weight) so I plan on sticking to this good diet and exercise scheme I have going on.
2. I will read the Ascent of Mt Carmel (John of the Cross) and The Way of Perfection (Teresa of Avila) through this year as a part of my preparation for a return to my formation, and commit to LIVING what I read. I wll do a better job of keeping a reading journal.
3. I will use my organizer ALL the time, not just when it's convenient, and in doing so keep up so I don't have to get CAUGHT up. I will work on procrastination (haha)
4.I will increase my efforts to teach my Children the Faith through observing the liturgical year in the home and at Church. This year was AMAZING! May next year be twice as good because I will be twice as prepared and we will have twice as much to do since I will be observing the Latin Rite Calendar and the Biblical Hebrew feasts with them.
5. I will double my efforts to love my husband and not give him the kids' sloppy seconds.
6. I will get my driver's liscense.
7.Now that I can pray the LOTH again, I will go back to my spiritual disciplines that created so much fruit in my life: 30 mins of daily mental prayer, Lauds, Vespers, Compline, Spiritual Reading daily, and when I can drive, daily mass with the kids. These are foundational.
8. I will pray more regularly with my husband and not just my kids. I will ask him for more bible studies and read philosophy with him as he asks, instead of whining because I don't like the way he does it. :)
9. I will stop and hug my kids more.
10. I will go back to baking bread every other day. I miss doing that. :)

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