Saturday, July 17, 2010

Annika's Prayer (4 years old)

Annika, 4, is sitting by me praying, Bible in hand. Here is an exact rendering of her prayer:

Dear Lord,

Help them to follow you, the Shepherd. Love your priests and us.
We need your Holy Spirit to be like a dove or a tongue of fire over us.
Jesus, give me your heart and make mine pink and not black and full of love. Fill me with your Lord so that I shine like a star and make other people shiny and sparkly.
Thank you for my blessings and for my crosses, thank you for your dying on the Cross for my sins. I want to put roses at your feet.
This is your eucharist in your saints.
Take the people in the world out of the darkness. Help me to obey and be good. Give us food.
Hail Mary, Hail Mary, Hail Mary. Crush the snake on the head.
Amen. Thank you priest.

Children are incredible.



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