Friday, March 12, 2010

Satan's jealousy, fear, and hatred of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A brilliant discussion of the role of Mary and woman in the plan of Salvation by my husband:

To understand hatred, we must understand a few things about the object being hated. We need reasons for what seems irrational. The same for veneration, then. We need real reasons to understand the veneration of Mary. Is it enough that she was the mother of Christ for Satan to hate Mary, and for us to venerate her?
We must point out the obvious, by asking certain questions. What is "womankind?" What does the woman represent? What is the dignity of a woman? What are the differences between Eve and Mary? To what degree of exaltation did the Lord intend the woman to? To what extent did iniquity and Satan defile her? Certain things come to mind, but as stated before the first step is precisely to discern the obvious. So, let's look at each of these questions.
What is "womankind?" 1 Corinthians 11:7 says,"...he (man) is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man." A very interesting and succinct declaration by the Apostle. It is derived from the fact that the God made man in His image and likeness, and therefore man is the glory of God. Similarly, the woman was fashioned from the man, taken from his very side. Therefore, she is the glory of man, made in the image of God, for man is God's image. Man and woman they were made and together they are mankind, the image of God. Years later, St. Irenaeus of Lyon would come to say," The glory of God is man fully alive." and this hints to the great dignity of both the woman and the man, and to what they are predestined.
What does the woman represent? As we know, she fundamentally represents man. However, she does not merely represent "men" she represents the human race; more specifically she represents the Church, the Bride of Christ. St. John Chrysostom points out the obvious again for us and says," Just as Adam's bride was taken from his side, so too was Christ's bride, the Church, taken from His side." For not only is the man made in His image, and not only are we called to be Christs in the earth as the Church, but literally water and blood ran down from his side. Not only did the blood and water run down his side, but chronologically in the order of the sacraments, first water and then blood. We are baptized into the body of Christ first, and then we receive His blood in communion. In the same fashion, a woman is first wed, and then she receives her husbands body. Once again, in the same fashion, once received into the Church we may receive the sacrament; the priest being the mystical representation of Christ gives of His body and blood, and we give of ourselves by receiving... just like the female in the act of sex. Here in is the sanctity of sex and why sexual immorality is an abomination.This is a great mystery, and our solemn heritage. We know this.
What is the dignity of the woman, then? Her dignity is the righteousness of mankind and the love of her Bridegroom; to reign with Him as a queen, to share his Kingdom, and to cleave to Him and become one flesh. That is, not to become gods, as He is God, but to be even as He is... His very image. This, then, is the image dignity of the woman and mankind. God deigned to give us an image of our future glory, in Mary, the daughter of Aaron and Mother of Jesus Christ. She is the mystical representation of the Church, of co-creation with God that mankind shares in, of virginity and integrity. She is the mystical manifestation of mankind bereft of sin and iniquity, having been shrived and selected by her Bridegroom. She is the image of us in full glory in the Kingdom of Heaven. She is the image of mankind walking before the Lord and being perfect. Therefore, it is very sad that so many Christians have not only ignored this consolation we have in seeing our future glory in the Blessed Virgin, but many have gone so far as to call all such veneration "demonic" and "dangerous." She is the image of the work Christ will complete in us; she is us. For these reasons, she is the Queen of Heaven, the best of us, under Christ.
To what extent did iniquity and Satan defile the woman? That has yet to be revealed, for the end is not here, nor the judgment come. We can look and see though in Eve all the curses. Many people blame Eve for having eaten the fruit first, but truly, the woman Eve was the image of the man Adam. She only manifested what was already in the heart of Adam, which is why he did eat of the same forbidden fruit. Regardless, she (both man and woman) failed to wait upon the Lord, their Bridegroom. In their despair, they stole the fruit, and took what in truth God had intended to give them all along, the knowledge of good and evil. The fornication's of their heart brought death and darkness into the world. What greater pleasure to Satan than to seduce and impregnate the bride with every evil; to make her forget God and love him?
Is it any wonder then that this "sacred feminine" is at the heart of the New Age movement? This "new age" concept of the sacred feminine isn't the creation of a new age, but is rather a hackneyed and diabolical assertion that screams like a specter from antiquity. Many "queens of heaven" have been put forth by pagan religions. Ashtoreth, Queen of Heaven, a fertility goddess and patroness of the enemies of Israel . Semiramis, the demon possessed whore who founded Babylon and became Queen after marrying her own son; she also established her own cult religion. She named herself high priestess and Queen of Heaven, and became a shrine prostitute. It does not take intellect much to see that this is a perverse and wicked mockery of Christ and His Bride. A mother marrying giving birth to and marrying her son, becoming a Queen. When human's attempt what only God can do in righteousness, there is the height of shame and wickedness.
In pagan religions, we see a dark and wild horned god of the forest, such as Cernunnos, with a fertility goddess of light. What does it take to see that this is the dark one taking as his bride the one who is made in the image of light? Again we see this throughout history, a Mother goddess is the source of creation, a Venus. What does it take to see that this is a denial of God, and the elevation of mankind to supreme and sole divinity?
The litany of the counterfeit "queens of heaven" is long and sinister, among the greatest of deceptions. Even now, we are indoctrinated with a concept of "mother earth" to whom we are to have the greatest respect and reverence for. What a deception! To have anthropomorphized the very earth itself into the image of a great mother and queen, and to teach that in the end "she" is all we have... what a great evil.
This "sacred feminine" is a diabolical and sinister amalgam of the iniquity of mankind and the indefatigable creativity for evil that Satan has. It is a counterfeit designed to steal our glory, the glory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the glory of God, and to lead astray as many as possible. It's foundation is built on the flimsy platform of dualism, the pretense that light needs dark, and that which is uncreated needs that which is created, and if there is a God there must be a goddess. This is the same place from which comes the idea that if there are male priests there must be female priests, and thus the desire to ordain women as priestesses; this idea is a negation of every divine truth.
It is important that every Christian understands Mary for what she is, she is more than the mother of God, she is us, she is the Church. Therefore, it is important to keep in our remembrance, when we despair, our common mother in the faith, who is Mary, the mother of Christ. It is important to know her, lest we be deceived, or sow in vain. She is God's great vision to His holy people of His every promise through our One common Savior, Jesus Christ. Heaven does have a Queen, and she has been coronated through unwavering obedience, with the blood of her Son, so that you may be certain of every blessing and inheritance you have in Christ. She desires that every single one of you be converted into the likeness of her Son and worship Him in truth.
Therefore, do not be afraid to honor her as your mother in the faith, for she has begotten you as both a sibling and a child through obedience to God in Christ. She always points to her Son, just as the Son always points to the Father. Blessed are those who are not offended by her.

(and I add that:)

And further, those who honor her are fulfilling biblical prophecy: "From this day all generations will call me "Blessed." the Almighty has done great things for me and Holy is His Name." (Luke 1:48)

Holy Mary, pray for us.

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