Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gifts, Gifts, and More Gifts

A lot has happened in the span of time since yesterday's blog, and that's always amazing to me.

Though Wayne started work, we've been having trouble rounding up the funds for our rent. I am not anxious, but rather irritated, but I have just been trusting God that He would provide and grateful that it's not any worse than it is-- With Wayne working now, we will be in a good place in no time.

Amazingly, God IS providing, in a way that touched my heart so much I can't even begin to describe it. (you know who you are, out there in readerland.... and you are amazing)

Yesterday was our first day alone. The day went relatively well, and at the end of it I was surprised by some very generous gifts for the kids...a toilet seat for potty training, some much needed socks and hair barrettes for Annika, and a new pair of shoes for myself.
We started homeschooling on Monday and it has been going really well. Our first biology lesson was absolutely amazing--- we found these amazing bugs which turned out to be huge locusts which come out every seven years and just destroy everything in their path.
We also, to my amazement, learned the 5-10 numbers in French and English in a heartbeat. She's really quick.

With daddy gone we are working on a really good schedule and putting in a lot of time on learning how to help mommy do things like folding the laundry (what a blessing when Annika figured out how to fold those little jeans of hers!) and doing dishes, cooking, sweeping, dusting, putting away toys and making the beds.
This week she also learned how to dress herself, which is hugely helpful.

Last night a friend came over for a good, long chat. As usual, we talked til like 3 in the morning, which is really just proof that we are two (three when Wayne is here) of the most verbal people on the planet....haha! Anyways, it was really special conversation and even though I'm falling apart today since the kids got up at 5 am, as usual (and I wont get a nap today because I've got plans for lunch!) it helped me to discern God's voice in more ways than I can even recount here and was TOTALLY worth it. Suffice to say that the Theology of the Body is coming alive more and more before my eyes. It's awe-inspiring. And God is good.

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