Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dude. Seriously.

WEll, we're on day five here in the house. I had the midwife check me on Monday morning at 8:30 and she said that I was still in the early stages of preperation because of the fact that my cervix is only slightly dilated (less than 2!!!!) although by now is mostly effaced.

She stripped my membranes in hopes of making the process speed up, but it's been 24 hours since and I"'m still not in the hospital. Basically, contractions are still six to twelve mins apart and I'm laboring in my lower back and abdomen. It's been five days.

Liza is here which is a great comfort to me and yesterday Christi came and hooked us up with all the baby gear we needed as well as was an amazing sweetheart and helped us with dishes and house things. I'm just resigned to the fact now, of waiting. Ishod will come when God's timing is perfect, and in the meantime there is great comfort in knowing that God's timing WILL be perfect... because if it were up to me this would have been done and over Friday night. Wayne is getting frustrated with the waiting so I actually sent him to work today so that I could labor quietly with Liza.

They wont admit me until I'm either 5 mins apart for an hour, my water breaks, or I'm four centimeters dilated. So until then, I'm laboring at home.... and it's becoming more and more bearable. I even had a glass of wine yesterday at a friend's suggestion and was able to relax a bit.

That's the news. God is good ALL THE TIME. :)


  1. oh my!! I saw your update on my bloglines and thought, "ooooh, I bet he's here and there will be pictures!!", but no. My thoughts are still with you. You're so strong!! Mom's really kick ass, don't they? I bet you don't feel like you're kicking ass right now, but you are. Stay strong and positive and soon you and your family will be welcoming Ishod. :)

  2. Hope all is well with your laboring. Said a prayer for you this AM. Glad to meet you...Charlottespun from Ravelry


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