Monday, June 16, 2008

Comparative Religions

I stumbled across a terrible argument that my husband and my dearest friend had last night in the R&P. I cannot tell you how upsetting it was to me. First, because I know that both strive to please God, to live like Christ, and to love one another.
Second, because I know what each one is going through that causes them to respond and act the way they do individually. And third, because I just cannot see the value anymore in these types of arguments: "You're a Christian," "No you aren't.," "Yes, I am, and here's why." "Oh yeah? Well here are my twenty scriptures that say that you aren't." " really? Because here are thirty that say that I am."
and on and on and on and on it goes.
I used to think that the point of apologetics was to prove other doctrines false. And while I maintain that that's a part of it, I now think the point is to prove OUR doctrine right.
Because the bottom line, in this world, is that we want to see people brought to the REAL Jesus. And however we choose to do this, it needs to be in the utmost humility..esteeming the other person more important than ourselves. We do not know what other people are experiencing and going through.
How easy is it , for us who live in the R&P, to look at two posts, think we have the person "all figured out" and then proceed to try to "shut them down
so that they face the truth.
Instead of doing that, let's try St Francis' method of sharing the gospel:

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


For the next paragraph,
(M) symbolizes LDS
(C) symbolizes Catholic
(Ch) symbolizes Mainstream Christian

Here is my understanding of the three groups' basic doctrine:

The nature of God (C) Trinity: 3 persons, 1 God (Ch) Trinity: 3 Persons, 1 God (M) Godhead: 3 persons (gods), separate, operating in unity as one God.
The nature of Man (C) Dignity and a need for salvation due to original sin (Ch) depravity or total depravity and a need for salvation (M) dignity and a need for salvation which was accomplished by Christ's death on the cross.
The goal (C) Heaven, by way of sanctification (Ch) Heaven, by way of sanctification while alive on earth only (M) One of three heavens, ultimately, the highest level.
The problem (C) Once original sin has been washed away in baptism, we still sin. This keeps us from sanctification. (Ch) Once we receive Christ through a decision to believe, we still sin. This keeps us from being holy on earth. (M) Once we have made a decision to believe, we still sin. This keeps us from achieving our best effort for sanctification and thus compromises which level of heaven we will attain.
The solution (C) Confession and repentance, daily acts of penance and a personal relationship with Christ (Ch) a personal relationship with Christ which should end up in confession and repentance (M) Confession and repentance and a personal relationship with Christ.
The scriptures (C) the Holy Bible, complete. (Ch) The Holy Bible, minus a few books (M) The Holy Bible, KJV, plus the Book of Mormon, works by JS, and any other "offcial statements" or expressions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
The church (C) The Body of Christ on earth, both literally and figuratively. The institution which was set up by CHrist through the first pope, Peter. The structure which represents both apostolic authority and unity in the Holy SPirit. (Ch) the body of Christ on earth, comprised of people from every denomination who profess faith in Christ (M) The institution set up by Jesus Christ Himself on earth.
The structure of authority.

The issue?
(Ch) LDS teaches a gospel different than that of the Bible alone. Thus, the church itself cannot be true. LDS should get out in order to receive teachings which do not clash with the Bible. LDS people are very kind and wonderful citizens, but this will not get them into heaven, and ultimately, that's all that matters.
(C) LDS and Catholics have much to partner on and agree on many things. Unfortunately, the foundational doctrines are so different that the Catholic church cannot, in right conscience, accept the baptisms of members of the LDS Church as "the baptism of Jesus" and ask that people who wish to be Catholics and were once LDS be re-baptized (even though other "Christian" denominations' baptisms are seen as valid). Although the doctrinal differences are great, and the LDS teachings may not result in salvation, the Catholic church wishes to afford the LDS Church both human dignity and service and gratitude for their exemplary moral behavior. The most important thing to keep in mind, however, is that heaven is waiting and we must light the way.
(M) Although the mainstream Christian world is in apostasy and has apostasized, the LDS CHurch wishes to bring both love and service to the people of the world and to share their hope due to the restoration of the "complete" gospel. While maintaining a safe "distance" from the world, LDS have a responsibility to render compassion to all and to share the Book of Mormon as a way of sharing the "fullness" of the gospel and thus preparing the people they encounter for eternity.

I have to say, nothing that I have ever read or heard from Latter Day Saint sources has ever been even remotely compatible with what I consider to be "the truth," the word of God.
I disagree wholeheartedly with nearly every lesson in the "Gospel Principles" book. I DO fear for the salvation of mormons... I really do. Especially those, who, like my dear friend, have been exposed to doctrinal inconsistencies in mormonism, as opposed to ones who were raised mormons and have never really had any experience studying or hearing about what the Bible teaches is the nature of God, etc.
That being said, may I never forget how many sincere and wholly zealous people are in the LDS Church. May I never forget that these people are reaching out to God in heaven....and that my poor prayers can only be offered up to God's divine mercy. May I never forget that these people have a TESTIMONY, and thus they will fight for that testimony because they beleive IN FAITH, and that is not something you can "reason away" from people.-

Instead of this constant squabbling back and forth, I prefer to dialogue... and to do so in total humility, which I hope will be an outward sign of my desire to unite all people's under the Banner of Heaven.
Please hold me accountable to this, if you were to catch me debating in the R&P, because my desire is for PEACE. I will not compromise truth for that peace, but may I never be an impediment TO that true peace which comes from accurate knowledge of Jesus Christ.

One of the biggest problems I'm having right now is that I've been taught to see demons everywhere, but I have rarely been taught to see the Face of Christ in everyone I meet.

1 comment:

  1. You got the Mormon doctrine just right (aside from being too short to discuss details). I appreciate your concern for us. That's much more than we're used to getting.

    What Do Mormons Believe?


Thank you so much for your comments! I look forward to hearing from you.

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