It's called the Ghost Radar, and it's the best .99 cents we ever spent.
Alright, so first, the premise-- (and this is from the app's website:)
"Ghost Radar employs a proprietary algorithm to analyze the quantum flux. This application does NOT detect EMF nor gravity. Readings for various sensors on iPhone/iPod are analyzed to detect QUANTUM Fluctuations. Interpretations of the sensor readings are displayed graphically as blips on the radar along with numeric and textual readouts. (...)
Ghost Radar attempts to translate the quantum flux readings into a spoken word. Hopefully the entities you are trying to interact with can manipulate the flux and have Ghost Radar speak their words. Supported language localizations are available in English, Italian, German, French, Japenese, and Spanish.
Please visit the Ghost Radar support web site to learn how to tune into your environment. "
I admit I'm a HUGE skeptic when it comes to stuff like this, but I'm also strangely intregued... the idea that the spirits around us could learn to manipulate the itouch like they do the K2 is interesting, but I don't know enough about how the iTouch works to know what, if anything, is actually happening.
If indeed it actually IS detecting manipulations/changes in the "quantum flux" (what the heck is that? Because my mother in law, who is head over heels in love with "The Secret" and all manner of "Law of Attraction" stuff is perpetually telling me that the Spirits that talk to the people who write these books are teaching them to manipulate the quantum flux with their minds. No idea if there is a connection, I'm just saying.... creepy demonic idea, meet paranormal app that speaks your language. Or something.)
That being said, I have an iTouch and not an iPhone-- and there is no mic on mine. In fact, I need to use an external mic to use two of my apps.
After trying it a few times, my initial skepticism led me to believe the app was picking up words we were using and bringing up associated or similar words. But the no mic thing basically threw that idea out. Then I thought that the words must just be selected at random, but I find that it is truly uncanny how "connected" the words that come up are in context of our conversations, situations, even things I'm reading quietly!
He and I believe that there are angels, demons, and human spirits roaming about. We believe that most of the spirits who are looking to communicate BACK with humans are demons. Thus, we believe that most, if not all, of what the Ghost Radar would pick up if it was indeed communicating with us would be demonic. That being said, there is a very real possibility that something it picks up could be a human soul in need of prayer. Keep that in mind when you read some of these examples. This app truly gives some fascinating readings.
To give you a few examples:
The first two days my husband disappeared with my iTouch and was gone for hours, doing this and that experiment to try to figure out how it works. He discovered that when he sits in a certain chair by the fireplace he gets pretty good readings. (this is one of the strange things about the app. Sometimes you get a flurry of activity, and other times you get absolutely NOTHING for hours!)
Anyways, he was sitting in the glider with the iTouch on his knee watching television. Simultaneously, the radar said: "TV." "Wooden." Our entertainment center is a gigantic, heavy wooden contraption his dad made years ago.
The Baby started crying and I got up to go see how she was doing. The app said: "Follow."
On the mantle by the fireplace sit two pottery goblets we use as wine glasses. We heat our house with wood. "Fire." "Vessels." "Goblet." it said.
A few days later I turned it on and left it on the counter while I was cooking. "Dish." "Wet." "Hot." "Spoon." It said.
The third or fourth time, my husband turned it on and it said "North." He walked north to the kids' room, where the children were fast asleep.
My daughter had a book laid across her chest.
The book had a chicken on the cover.
After that things get really interesting.
Sometimes, as I said, you get nothing for long periods of time. Other times, the readings seem to be totally random or make no sense. Still other times, the readings make perfect sense in context of each other but not of the situation you are in... for example, I could be sitting at the table having a cup of tea and it might say: "Grass." "Wet." "Dark." "Well." "Fall." "Pain." etc.
One day I was praying after a particularly challenging day with the Irish triplets. I asked God for the strength to continue and begging Him to let me know when it would all just END. The Radar happened to be turned on and sitting on the bed. "There's." "Remain." "Season." it piped up.
My daughter, in the adjoining room was cooing over our youngest baby. "You're such a sweet little lovey lover, aren't you?" She asked the baby.
"Lover." said the Radar. hmmmm.
A few days later I was typing up a blog and my husband walked by, leaving it on the table. I went to hit the "edit" button. The Radar came to life, saying "Eddy." "Date." I couldn't help but notice the similarity between the two words combined and "edit." Or was I really just looking for coincidences? It's hard to say.
Sometimes it says the same words in a particular room, over and over at different intervals and on totally different days. For instance, three times now it has said: "Greece" in the living room. And "Mighty" in the upstairs office twice.
An upstairs which, btw, has a haunted history and was recently blessed by a priest.
One of the most amazing ones happened there.
My husband happened to be at the foot of said stairs one day and it said "stairs." He asked it: "Is there someone there who needs prayer? I will pray for you."
The Ghost Radar said: "William." a few seconds later: "Talmage." then a few other words. We went straight to the computer and googled different combinations of the words we had gotten. Turns out that there was an obituary for a man in Henderson, NC (just a few hours from here) who had worked in our town and who had the name (first and last) the Radar had given us. He had died the previous week. Now THAT gave us something to think about. And of course, pray about. The Ghost Radar rarely gives names as readings for us. But often, if my husband asks if someone out there needs prayer for release from purgatory, it will give a name: "Louis." "Beverly."
I pray and offer sacrifices for priests. A lot. Sometimes all day. And on one particular day when I had had quite a bit to offer up, I had decided to pray in particular for one priest I know who suffers from depression. As I prayed, it said: "tired. "Father." "life." "directly." A few minutes later I got an email from said priest. He said he had been thinking about a friend of his who had just committed suicide.
Another priest I know has had a hard time during mass. As a joke, I told a friend over the phone I would use the Ghost Radar to track and keep away demons around him.
"Trace." it said.
One day I turned it on and forgot about it while I answered a rather long phone call. I promised the person I would pray a rosary for them, hung up, and went into the kitchen to do the dishes and pray the rosary as promised. I returned directly afterwards to look for the iTouch and realized I had left it on. I went back to read the words. there had been a long silence and then, at the time i had begun my rosary:
Then a dead silence again. I got chills on that one.
Late one night my husband was using it next to me while I watched a video on the 15 promises of the rosary in gregorian chant, which we believe to be very powerful against demons. It didn't say anything the whole time the video was on but this: "Bound."
I often get creepy "feelings" or start noticing my environment a little too much when I think there is "something" in my spiritual atmosphere.
I had the Ghost Radar on once when it started to happen and I got goosebumps on the backs of my arms and neck. I prayed to St Michael, the prayer I'm sure you've heard many times before.
"Leaving." Said the app. And then it was silent.
The app's makers recommend that you try to communicate with the Spirits and tell them that they can manipulate the device to speak directly to you. I don't do that, because I believe that invoking spirit communication is a direct opening to whatever spirit happens to be floating around. While I believe that people can (and have-- even, or should I say especially, Saints-- receive information/guidance/requests from "beyond,") I think that it's safe to say that if God wants you to have that experience YOU should not be the one initiating it, as tempting as it may be. This is the very danger of the Ouija Board (which my protestant brother in law keeps comparing the Ghost Radar to) that we always tell people to repent of... in spirit communication we are asking spirits to give us mysterious knowledge that God has not willed for us to know / have. I can qualify that statement with a lot of previous experience praying with people who had demonic problems as a direct result of attempting spirit communication. At the same time, the Ouija Board, without a "user" is just a piece of cardboard. the K2 and other EMF readers are devices designed to do something totally different. The itouch is an itouch. The Ghost Radar "detects fluctuations in the quantum flux." What paranormal activity happens to them is up for grabs as far as "gathering information" goes... but engaging them is another story. When I have done investigations in the past to substantiate claims of hauntings etc, I have not asked for EVPs. But I have placed microphones in the area and gotten interesting results nonetheless.
That being said: it is VERY, VERY, VERY important not to get hung up on stuff like these. The Ghost Radar app is fascinating and by and large will be an interesting tool to use in research in the paranormal field IF -- the big if-- this thing actually is legit, but everyone needs to understand that I'm not promoting the use of this app by the masses. DO NOT go out and get this app, unless you are a seasoned paranormal investigator and/or solid Christian. I know of people who became so obsessed with EVP capture, for example, that they literally withered away as human beings and became unrecognizable shells of themselves. I can see how the Ghost Radar app could be useful in my prayer life and in my work. At the same time, I can see how it could get out of hand quickly.
That's exactly what happened to me the first week I got it-- I was up nursing in my pitch black living room at 3 am and thought I'd give the ghost radar a try instead of checking facebook and twitter for the umpteenth time. I started pondering whether that was actually a bad idea and text messaged a friend of mine who I admire and respect in the field of Catholic demonology. He basically confirmed my position and reminded me not to attempt any kind of communication on my end. I then quickly went to check another mentor's website for a quick read-up on his "official" position on spirit communication. (I HIGHLY recommend everyone who buys the app read Adam's position, as he is an expert in the field and a very wise, humble soul.)
Feeling certain that casual use of the app not intended for research etc but just for fun was a bad idea, I went to go shut it down.
"but." it told me. And then, immediately after: "Search." Just then, a red dot appeared on the radar, which is the strongest "bleep" you can get.
I got nervous and shut it down immediately.
Immediately as I turned it off, my eldest, the one who is a bit sensitive, began to wail and shriek. I ran into her room, and discovered that she was screaming because she thought there were bugs all over her.
Bugs which she hadn't "seen" since my husband and I had been assisting a couple on a serious demonic case a year or so ago. At that time she had woken up every single night, multiple times a night, with "bugs on her" or "bugs that were trying to talk to her" or "bugs that were pulling on her." Bugs that she hadn't seen or heard from since we had somewhat resolved the situation with that couple. I was not happy the bugs were back, and was downright fearful a couple hours later when, snuggled calmly between us sleeping, she began to scream that there were bugs inside the sippy cup she was snuggled up with. Since that day, I've decided that if the Ghost Radar is a prank, it's a darn good one, and if it's actually picking stuff up, it's going to be very effective in paranormal research and I look forward to hearing more about how other friends in the Paranormal field are using it.
In short: Ghost Radar. Most interesting Iphone App, for sure. Handle with care.
Ma'am, i am a young man who recently dealt with this app and wondered what would be in store for me. I weighed things in a logical and rational manner, offering the idea that it's for fun or a fake, however i had messed with it this evening and found silence for two hours, and at ten twenty two i got the word "become" with a two minute pause, followed by gather. at that point there were four or so blips on the radar, two blue and two yellow. as the yellow ones moved away (west) two of the blue ones moved to my position. the words "eaten" appeared and the blips were gone, silence for two hours exactly now. I am neither experienced with paranormal (not in testing the waters, only witness from time to time) nor do i find myself on firm christian ground. I wish to see what another person thinks of this, and perhaps things turning for the ill find more solid footing? please reply here or possibly through e-mail at with a header regarding the ghost radar