Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Catechism according to a four year old

My oldest was sitting at the breakfast table with me and suddenly said:
"Mommy, teach me catechism like Lucia at Fatima!"
So I pulled out my family catechism and started to drill her. Ordinarily, I ask her the questions somewhat out of order, so that she learns them by heart and hears them in her heart, and not just in one particular order.
At first, I was annoyed, since we had gone over the answers to these questions a million and one times, and I couldn't understand why she was getting them wrong. But as it went on, I realized there was a pretty profound meaning behind her simple answers. She was having so much fun counting out the responses on her fingers and was beaming with pride that she knew how to answer... it was adorable. Increasingly, as I listened, it became deeply humbling.... Whereas I knew all the "right answers," I struggle daily to put them into practice. My little girl, on the other hand, had no problem finding the practical application of each one.
Thought some of you would be blessed by this, the Catechism according to a four year old.
"From the mouths of babes....."

What are the principal good works?
Correct Answer: Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving
Her Answer: Loving Jesus, obeying my parents even when I don't want to, sharing my toys with [my brother].

What are the three theological virtues?
Correct Answer: Faith, Hope, and Charity
Her Answer: Believing in Jesus, being happy, and sharing my food.

How many kinds of sin are there?
Correct Answer: There are two kinds of sin: Original and Actual.
Her Answer: So many. It's really sad.

What is Original Sin?
Correct Answer: The Sin we inherit from our first parents, and in which we were conceived and born "children of wrath." (Eph 2:3)
Her Answer: Eating an apple when God said "no."

Who were our first parents?
Correct Answer: Adam and Eve, the first man and the first woman.
Her answer: Adam and Eve. And they lived in a garden. Do WE live in a garden?

What is Actual Sin?
Correct Answer: Any willful thought, word or deed or omission, contrary to the Law of God.
Her Answer: Whenever I do bad things and make Jesus and Mary's heart sad. Or [my brother]'s heart sad.

What are the ten commandments of God?
Correct Answer:I am  the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange Gods before me. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Honor thy father and mother. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.
Her Answer: God is really real. We should always be nice to him. We should always pray. We should always share our toys and be nice. We should always help mommy to bake bread and smash it when it's dough. We should always just love God and love our mommies and daddies. Is that ten? I can't remember. No, I can't remember.

What happens at holy Mass?
Correct Answer: The Sacrifice of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, which are really present under the appearances of bread and wine, and are offered to God by the priest for the living and the dead.
Her Answer: The Priest is there, and he gives us our prayers, and we pray with him, and we listen to God and say yes. And then he brings us the Holy Spirit who makes the bread and the wine into the REALLY REAL Jesus. Why can't I HAVE THAT???  How can Jesus live in my heart if I don't eat it when I go???(pause for me to explain) OK. And  then he tells us to "Go in peace." So we go in peace.

What is Baptism?
Correct Answer: A sacrament which cleanses from original sin, makes us Christians and children of God and heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Her Answer: It's when the priest puts holy water on the baby to make her holy and then that makes the devil lose all of his power so she can go to heaven. And it makes her a sister. Can you make ME a new sister so we can baptize her??

Why do we make the sign of the cross?
Correct Answer: To beg that Jesus Christ, by His Cross and passion, may protect me and bless me.
Her Answer: It makes the devil run away from me and get scared and angry.

Does the True Church have a soul?
Correct Answer: yes, a body and a soul.
Her answer: Yes, it's very shiny and beautiful.

Who belong to the Body and Soul of the Church?
Correct Answer: All who profess the Catholic faith openly and go to the sacraments.
Her Answer: People who serve the Real God.

Who belong only to the Soul of the Church?
Correct Answer: All baptized non-Catholics, invincibly ignorant of their errors.
Her answer: Too many people. Grandpa, and Grandma, and Scott and Lauren and lots of people we love. They would be happier if they came to mass because Jesus is REALLY there. (me: but do they love Jesus? And do the very best they can to serve him?) Yes, they do. They really love him. Maybe one day they will come to mass and visit Him!

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