Monday, October 20, 2008

Paranormal Muslims and a Reason to Pray

An interesting snippet of news I recently found for those who doubt my theory that the UN is a seat of great evil and a central demonic "doorway."

Click here

While addressing the UN in New York last September, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, apparently found himself bathed in a mysterious, visible, aura-like green light for most of the 30 minute speech. It began when he opened his speech "In the Name of Allah," and continued for the duration of the speech. UN listeners, likewise, seemed in a strange trance as not one of them moved or even BLINKED during the duration of the speech. Hmmmm.

Believe me now? If you do.... please pray, pray, pray!

Things never stop getting wierder over here.

Wayne left this morning and I was sad to see him go. It seems just as we sort out how to peacefully coexist again he's off for another week. It's very hard to miss someone so much and not be able to do anything about it.

I went to Carmelites again yesterday. It was absolutely phenomenal. One of the big themes for yesterday was the fruit of intercessory prayer. We heard testimony after testimony of answered prayer that really built our faith, and I'd like to invite blog readers to leave a comment for others with the most encouraging fruit of their OWN prayer life.

I haven't been answering email or blogging because I've been spending some extra time ordering my life around what our needs are right now-- mainly spending time "fixing" little family issues and some personal time in the Word whenever I get a chance, so I apologize if I've been putting off responding to emails and phone calls. It really struck me the other day that I needed to practice what I preach, and that meant putting friends and "life" on hold to hear from God about some things and to really CARE for my family and put them first in some ways I hadn't been. It ended up being the right thing to do... but now I've got a mountain of emails and phone calls to return. Sigh.

Anyways. I've also been plugging away at my book, which I hope to finish relatively soon. Other than that? Nothing to report. Oh wait----

One more thing. Catholics, please join me and the OCDS community from the Dioscese of Raleigh in praying specifically with Our Lady of Victory for the elections.... here is the Litany of OLV.

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comments! I look forward to hearing from you.

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