Saturday, August 2, 2008

TV and Homechurch

When I was growing up, we didn't have TV. My parents are teachers, and they knew there was always a book we could be reading... I grew up IN a library.
I didn't feel like I was missing anything.
Then, when I turned, like, fourteen or something, we got cable TV. And my parents made this rule: the only show we were allowed to watch (we being the kids) was the Cosby Show.
It seems funny to a lot of you, I know, who think the Cosby Show was cheesy because you grew up watching Full House or freaking Punky Brewster.... but let me tell you, I got a LOT of my values from the Cosbys.

Since Wayne and I were just given the opportunity to have TV for free, we took it. And we've encountered quite a bit of sheer garbage, but there are some gems in there too. EWTN is amazing. We love watching GHI on wednesday nights (it's our new date night!) and I've been blessed to re-encounter my old friends, the Cosbys.

While instilling awesome family values, the Cosbys manage to do something that very few people do IRL, and I cherish the lessons I've learned from them about it: Maintain your sense of humor.

Through the years of the show, the family saw some very difficult situations. But they never lost their sense of humor, and ultimately, their joy won out. I pray that every day my family might acquire more of that characteristic joyfulness. And that as my own children grow and watch the show, they learn the real meaning of familial love.

Wayne and I were slathered in grace today. We not only had the opportunity to be UBER blessed by attending Holy Mass at the rectory with our priest (just the three of us-- it was SO intimate!) but also to be united with him after a loooooong time apart (he's been on bedrest for a month.) Wayne had been seeing him periodically but I hadn't, and I was so stoked to get a chance to hang out and talk Jesus with my favorite of His representatives.

Holy Mass in the rectory was THE coolest experience. I've always been a mega fan of simplicity, of homechurches, of ACTS churching. And I found it awesome that we just had this conversation in Ravelry's discussions about religions group, that the early church was simple, and didn't do worship in these ridiculous, grandiose cathedrals, etc.
Mass at home was, I imagine, much like what occured at the services we hear about in the book of Acts. Simple. Faithful. Thankful. I experienced the same mystical stuff that I've grown to love and be aware of, but in a much gentler kind of a way. The HOLINESS was still there, the sacredness of the highest prayer we have to offer to the Lord. But within that was a comfort and a familiarity and an intimacy that I wouldn't have traded for the world.

Particularly since, armed with my new understanding of the theology of the body, I have this deep appreciation for the "married" relationship between myself, my husband, and our priest. We are each very intimately connected one to the other, and sharing Eucharist in that setting (although my husband still can't receive!!! Soon, though. Looks like November!) was just so moving I sobbed.

While we were there, Father gave me a copy of the Daily Roman Missal...gasp!!! this is a book I've wanted for MANY Months-- but it costs $95!!! I was so excited that he just "happened" to have an extra one!

To make matters even more amazing, after a fabulous lunch, we went to pick up the kids and found that not only had they been very well cared for and loved, but that the family who was caring for them wouldn't let us pay them!!! HUGE blessing, considering our Rent is due monday and we don't even have it all together yet!

THEN, we went to drop off Father and had to stop at a gas station on the way. He insisted on pumping the gas, and asked for my credit card, then sneakily switched it with his so that he could fill up our tank for us!!! Hello, with gas prices these days and rent due, we could not have felt more like it was Christmas in July. Or august. Whatever. There me and WAyne were in the car, stuck because our car doors don't open from the inside, hollering at him to quit it, but he pretended not to hear. What a sweetie.

OK, I"m off to shower and get ready for mass tomorrow. Can't wait!

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