Anyways, this afternoon we've been researching Celtic and Norse living history stuff, we really want to get involved in this but don't know where to start. We are finding out some super cool stuff. Wayne is doing the Highland Games next year and I've got to make him a kilt, for starters, so I was researching his Clan's Tartan.
Nesbitt Tartan, ancient:
You guys would not believe how expensive these are... it was $130 for ONE YARD of this fabric. I still can't get over it. So our dreams of creating entire family outfits with the real tartan were just rapidly extinguished. However, all hope is not lost. I'm just going to keep treading through endless amounts of pages on google, looking for people in the area who might be able to help us get started.
Anyhoo. Yeah. I'm doing a LOT better on complaining lately (anyone who isn't should download and listen to Manna's sermon on complaining from last week: Go to "listen online" at the bottom of the website and then search for "extracting the precious from the vile," --12/12/07)
Seems like as soon as I stopped using my mouth to complain (which I've realized steers the whole ship) everything suddenly got worse, but I suspect that's because I'm being tested. So hopefully there is an end to that stuff. Ok, I'm off.
yes, authentic kilt wools are expensive (i would think $130 is average to low). a true kilt takes oodles of yards too -- at least 10. if you can get a hold of it, Threads #33 (feb/march 1991) has an article about making an authentic kilt.