Our social worker just left. She had called earlier today to let us know she would be coming over, and I admit my stomach just sank! I thought we were done talking to her--- so imagine my surprise when she called! I was really nervous. I talked to my best friend on the phone for a while to calm my jitters (Wayne wasn't home this afternoon) and then I put on some worship music so the bean could dance while I recited some psalms to remind me of who my God is:
Psalm 8:2
From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Psalm 7:6
Arise, O LORD, in your anger; rise up against the rage of my enemies. Awake, my God; decree justice.
Psalm 9:13
O LORD, see how my enemies persecute me! Have mercy and lift me up from the gates of death,
Psalm 23:5
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Psalm 25:2
in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.
Psalm 31:15
My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me.
Psalm 120:2
Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.
God is truly my deliverer! Even though I was anxious, my social worker just came in quickly to let me know that she had made a thorough examination of our case and that she would be presenting it to a panel tomorrow. She was going to tell them she didn't think we needed social services, and that based on what she saw we were just fine. She did ask to see where I kept the cleaning supplies, though. I've never thought about it until she asked-- I keep them under the sink in a non-babyproofed cupboard. We don't baby proof anything in our house, because she obeys us when it comes to what she can and can't do. Like I told the social worker, the bean tried to open that cupboard once and never opened it again. I'm just not worried about it. This is a thing I'm kinda proud of my DD for--- after all, not every kid listens that way. But all of a sudden I felt guilty. Then I resented feeling guilty---- if it works, it works. Who is the government to tell me that I shouldn't do something I know works in my own house?
It's so frustrating. Yes, my social worker was kind and sweet. But it makes me so angry that ANYONE, especially a person I don't know from Eve, can come into OUR house, which we run under the sovereignty of the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, and be like.... "tremble in your boots, we're going to tell you what we think about how you do life."
I mean, what if she had decided we needed to take parenting classes or something? Of course, we would have refused, but we would have run a big risk by doing so! It makes us want to go live on an island or deep in the woods, where we can be alone to live in true freedom. The "America the Free" thing is such a lie these days.... we have never been so imposed upon by liberal ideals. It's like the paradox of the military. The men and women serving there are doing so for OUR freedom---especially the freedom we were founded on to live by God's laws! But where is that freedom these days? America has lost her way.
Something profound happened while I was praying about the kids though. I realized just what a privilege I have been given to be able to have children and raise them--- I realized how terrible of a sin it is when I complain, even this morning, about not getting sleep, about not getting to knit enough, or to read enough. I am soo selfish. If anything would ever happen to my kids, I think I would just fall apart. It made me feel so stupid and sinful for having the nerve to complain when my kids cry out for me at night!!! How dare I get annoyed about finishing some stupid rows when my children want to play with me! They could be gone tomorrow.... we never know what life will bring. We need to be so careful to make every moment count.
After she left I burst into tears of gratefulness from all the stress and the bean looked at me and started to cry and gave me a big hug. Hopefully this whole ordeal is now closed and sealed, and I hope that the person who called DSS is reading this blog right now, so that s/he can see the results of their actions. I want to thank them so much for helping me to see just how blessed these moments with my kids really are... I am grateful.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Shawl Mania Subsides.
Since I can't blog about my kids anymore, w00t w00t for the space for knitting content, huh?
So I've been enthralled with shawls again all season. I started three prayer shawls for friends, two of which have been delivered and one of which is still a WIP. It's been really fun and I hate to love using homespun, which is just SOOOOOOo tasty and so annoying that it is because of it's oh so icky content. But whatever, I think I just feel pressured to disdain acrylic yarns because I'm supposed to, but I'm unapologetic about homespun. It's just such a staple for me. I can't get enough of it, no matter how hard I try and no matter how many freaking skeins of it I have lying around!
My other shawl projects have been centered around Cheryl Oberle's Folk Shawls. I've Cast On for about half of them, but I keep getting distracted. I'm half way through the Sarah Blanche, which I've dubbed the "Grandmother shawl" on my Ravelry notebook because it's her grandmother reminder and I'm now making one for my own grandmother. She's had a stroke and has recently been placed in a nursing home, which is a miserable shame. If you knew the woman, you'd know the terrific impact she has had on my life, and particularly on my knitting, so I want to honor her with a really nice project that will uplift her. I'm praying through it for her and I've especially chosen to use discontinued KnitPicks Memories in redwood for it, which will remind her of another project we once worked on together. I'm excited to send it to her!
But even in the Winter Shawl Madness, I've been rediscovering the pleasure of socks, and learning some interesting toe up techniques as well as some varying ways to knit them. Nothing I'm supremely proud of yet but I'm getting there, I think. I'm also desperately wanting to continue some of the sweaters I started in the fall--- and my good friend Lissalue has me convinced to start making some awesome scarves as headcoverings!
I've been spending quite a bit of time on Darla Shine's Happy Housewives Forums. It's an incredible place-- a goldmine of awesome housewife advice, and I've been shocked and pleased to find in there a lot of women who are blissfully honest about their struggles in learning how to be biblically submissive housewives! It's a beautiful thing and gives me hope for America's future!
I've discovered a new church that I'm in love with-- Mark fox's Antioch Community Church in Elan, NC. Check them out and listen to some sermons, I think they will blow your minds. Google it. I'm lazy tonight.
The weight loss is going really well. I went from 163 post-baby to 142 in four weeks on a SUPER low carb, high protein bodybuilder's diet and with pretty minimal, but regular, exercise. My goal is 120, so keep praying for me! I want to say, this whole weight thing has been really crazy. I was never super skinny, but I didn't weigh much. I had curves, you know? But I certainly wasn't fat. However, having babies really destroyed my body, and that's just something I have to live with. I'ts incredibly embarrassing going back to California and seeing friends, especially old boyfriends, and I know they're going "dang, she really blew up!" to be fair, I did, but I didn't overeat and I didn't stop exercising, I just had a baby and my body freaked out. It seems totally rotten that that happens to some of us--- especially when we see women out there who just popped a kid out and went right back to their size six jeans!!! I literally want to slap women like that, and yet--- it's not their fault either! These things just happen, and we have to deal with them as they come. Anyways, so tonight I splurged on my first high carb meal in weeks--- I got a huge pizza and cheesy bread, and drank tons of soda. And you know what? It sounded SOOOOO good, but now I'm bloated and feel like garbage and it wasn't even that good at all!! I think I'm just getting used to not having greasy carbs.
Well, it's late and I've got to nurse the baby and then settle down for some God talk-- Wayne and I have some major decision making to do in the next few weeks and it has the potential to completely alter our lives and our dreams and our vision for this family.
So I've been enthralled with shawls again all season. I started three prayer shawls for friends, two of which have been delivered and one of which is still a WIP. It's been really fun and I hate to love using homespun, which is just SOOOOOOo tasty and so annoying that it is because of it's oh so icky content. But whatever, I think I just feel pressured to disdain acrylic yarns because I'm supposed to, but I'm unapologetic about homespun. It's just such a staple for me. I can't get enough of it, no matter how hard I try and no matter how many freaking skeins of it I have lying around!
My other shawl projects have been centered around Cheryl Oberle's Folk Shawls. I've Cast On for about half of them, but I keep getting distracted. I'm half way through the Sarah Blanche, which I've dubbed the "Grandmother shawl" on my Ravelry notebook because it's her grandmother reminder and I'm now making one for my own grandmother. She's had a stroke and has recently been placed in a nursing home, which is a miserable shame. If you knew the woman, you'd know the terrific impact she has had on my life, and particularly on my knitting, so I want to honor her with a really nice project that will uplift her. I'm praying through it for her and I've especially chosen to use discontinued KnitPicks Memories in redwood for it, which will remind her of another project we once worked on together. I'm excited to send it to her!
But even in the Winter Shawl Madness, I've been rediscovering the pleasure of socks, and learning some interesting toe up techniques as well as some varying ways to knit them. Nothing I'm supremely proud of yet but I'm getting there, I think. I'm also desperately wanting to continue some of the sweaters I started in the fall--- and my good friend Lissalue has me convinced to start making some awesome scarves as headcoverings!
I've been spending quite a bit of time on Darla Shine's Happy Housewives Forums. It's an incredible place-- a goldmine of awesome housewife advice, and I've been shocked and pleased to find in there a lot of women who are blissfully honest about their struggles in learning how to be biblically submissive housewives! It's a beautiful thing and gives me hope for America's future!
I've discovered a new church that I'm in love with-- Mark fox's Antioch Community Church in Elan, NC. Check them out and listen to some sermons, I think they will blow your minds. Google it. I'm lazy tonight.
The weight loss is going really well. I went from 163 post-baby to 142 in four weeks on a SUPER low carb, high protein bodybuilder's diet and with pretty minimal, but regular, exercise. My goal is 120, so keep praying for me! I want to say, this whole weight thing has been really crazy. I was never super skinny, but I didn't weigh much. I had curves, you know? But I certainly wasn't fat. However, having babies really destroyed my body, and that's just something I have to live with. I'ts incredibly embarrassing going back to California and seeing friends, especially old boyfriends, and I know they're going "dang, she really blew up!" to be fair, I did, but I didn't overeat and I didn't stop exercising, I just had a baby and my body freaked out. It seems totally rotten that that happens to some of us--- especially when we see women out there who just popped a kid out and went right back to their size six jeans!!! I literally want to slap women like that, and yet--- it's not their fault either! These things just happen, and we have to deal with them as they come. Anyways, so tonight I splurged on my first high carb meal in weeks--- I got a huge pizza and cheesy bread, and drank tons of soda. And you know what? It sounded SOOOOO good, but now I'm bloated and feel like garbage and it wasn't even that good at all!! I think I'm just getting used to not having greasy carbs.
Well, it's late and I've got to nurse the baby and then settle down for some God talk-- Wayne and I have some major decision making to do in the next few weeks and it has the potential to completely alter our lives and our dreams and our vision for this family.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
We were listening to Ravi Zacharias last night (He's one of the body's greatest apologists ever) and he said something that profoundly affected me. He said, "when God restled with Jacob, he asked Jacob his name, and Jacob said: JACOB." Why is that relevant? Because Jacob had earlier said he was Esau and stolen the blessing. In essence, He was asking Jacob: "where is your heart? Do you recognize who you are?"
We are ALL sinners. It was very profound, and I'm probably not doing it justice here.
Yesterday, I had an encounter with someone who God has placed in my life and who wanted to know more about Judaism, Jesus, and the connection between the two. The man is a muslim. It was a very powerful moment for me, since most of you know that I feel drawn like a magnet to the conflict in the middle east, and that God has often afforded me the opportunity to come into deep spiritual contact with people incredibly involved in this conflict--- from Daniel Pearl's parents to Thomas Friedman. Its the reason I joined the army. It's the reason I became a Journalist.
There is a muslim family I've blogged about before who lives on the next block. THey are the ones who, when we were moving into this house, lied to us and told us they had already rented it so that we would leave and give up. Even in their dishonesty and our frustration, I felt a call to them. And, of course, God put it there. Before I knew it, I was seeing their family everywhere I went. I ran into them at the grocery store and on the street. They were at my pediatrician's when I went, and in the WIC office when I went. They were at the hospital when I had my baby. At school when I registered. They were everywhere. I've often felt like I was supposed to talk to them, but I usually only see the father and the children, and I know he would see me as extremely "Forward" and ungodly if I approached him. I prayed that God would make a way and he did! Wayne ran into him alone and was able to give him a ride. What a huge blessing to be able to share love with this man when he had so obviously been evil to us! Not because of that, but because it makes the message that much more powerful to him: These people want to love you even though you hurt them.
Anyways, I've been praying about making some pumpkin bread and bringing it over to them this week. I think it would be a gesture of kindness that they would appreciate, because they don't have any money, but I don't want to hurt their pride. And I want to know if there is a wife in the family that I can serve! I just feel like my encounters with muslims have often been the most spiritually charged. Here, they are rare, but in France they are plentiful.
I'm excited.
I've cast on for the interweave toe ups again. I can't wait to see if I actually finish them this time. :) Hey! maybe I'll have tons more knitting content now that I can't talk about my family :P
We are ALL sinners. It was very profound, and I'm probably not doing it justice here.
Yesterday, I had an encounter with someone who God has placed in my life and who wanted to know more about Judaism, Jesus, and the connection between the two. The man is a muslim. It was a very powerful moment for me, since most of you know that I feel drawn like a magnet to the conflict in the middle east, and that God has often afforded me the opportunity to come into deep spiritual contact with people incredibly involved in this conflict--- from Daniel Pearl's parents to Thomas Friedman. Its the reason I joined the army. It's the reason I became a Journalist.
There is a muslim family I've blogged about before who lives on the next block. THey are the ones who, when we were moving into this house, lied to us and told us they had already rented it so that we would leave and give up. Even in their dishonesty and our frustration, I felt a call to them. And, of course, God put it there. Before I knew it, I was seeing their family everywhere I went. I ran into them at the grocery store and on the street. They were at my pediatrician's when I went, and in the WIC office when I went. They were at the hospital when I had my baby. At school when I registered. They were everywhere. I've often felt like I was supposed to talk to them, but I usually only see the father and the children, and I know he would see me as extremely "Forward" and ungodly if I approached him. I prayed that God would make a way and he did! Wayne ran into him alone and was able to give him a ride. What a huge blessing to be able to share love with this man when he had so obviously been evil to us! Not because of that, but because it makes the message that much more powerful to him: These people want to love you even though you hurt them.
Anyways, I've been praying about making some pumpkin bread and bringing it over to them this week. I think it would be a gesture of kindness that they would appreciate, because they don't have any money, but I don't want to hurt their pride. And I want to know if there is a wife in the family that I can serve! I just feel like my encounters with muslims have often been the most spiritually charged. Here, they are rare, but in France they are plentiful.
I'm excited.
I've cast on for the interweave toe ups again. I can't wait to see if I actually finish them this time. :) Hey! maybe I'll have tons more knitting content now that I can't talk about my family :P
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Reflections and a prophetic word
First, this is the song of praise our family is singing this morning. Please click the link and listen to the sample. The lyrics are so relevant to what we think the Lord is doing now....Our God is a God who Saves..... Oh our God is a God who Saves! Let God arise! Our God reigns now and forever. He reigns now and forever~ wow. All things are in His hands. This is a time where we have to BELIEVE His word... I am realizing more and more why these are called times of "Testing."
We have been pondering the events of yesterday as they relate to our family vision. It's interesting. You know, I think a lot of Christians cry persecution when persecution is not present, and it hurts the image of the Church in nonbeliever's eyes, but when I look at the recent developments in legislature, etc, I'm more and more convinced that a time of persecution for ALL believers, even those-- as my dear friend put it in one of her blogs--"in the land of the free." Dangerous times are coming for Christians, when we will be forced to choose between living as the world does, or believing God, and possibly enduring incredible times of testing. Prophetically speaking, last year was a time where God taught his people how to suffer. I think He is preparing us. At the end of this blog I am going to post the 2008 Prophetic Word from the Prophetic Roundtable. I believe a lot of you will be interested to see what God might be saying/ doing with His bride.
Anyways, here are the issues, in order, that were raised by yesterday's events.
1. Internet safety/privacy
I have been and will continue to remain an "open book." I've never been overly concerned with privacy either in life or on the internet (shoot, we barely lock our doors!) because of two things. First, because I firmly believe in the things I write. I share my personal stories and struggles with the public because I find it is not only cathartic and encouraging for me to be able to look back at what God has done, but also for others. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten an email saying: "thanks for this or that blog. It really spoke to me about my OWN situation." Honestly, I think it is completely in line with our family vision to share what God is doing in our lives. It is mandated, even. We are a praying family, and as I said earlier, our God is a God who Saves. He is in control, and so we place our family's protection in his hands. What happened yesterday was allowed by God. He does not give us more than we can handle, but He allows us to undergo difficulties because He grows us through them. Praise God that we are learning so much from such a trying ordeal! The second reason is because there are child molesters on this site who blog, and who no one can catch. They are utterly careful about their privacy because of fear, and rightly so, because should they get caught, they will greatly suffer. But you know what? The things I blog about are simply the musings of a person who tries to live every moment for Jesus. And that is not something to hide... the word says we are to be lights on a hill, you know? Not hidden in the dark. So while my initial reaction was fear, I was wrong. It was sin. In fact, (and here's a lesson for all of us about submitting to our husbands!) my husband recognized it immediately and told me he was changing the wording on my blog... and he did, just as a blog reader was commenting "I'm sorry your faith in Jesus didn't give you more courage!" WOw. My faith in Jesus HAS given me courage, I was just blinded by my sinful fear for a moment. Please forgive me!
While this persecution may be minimal compared to those brethren who are emprisoned and dying for their faith all over the world, I have to admit that this is persecution. The reason I can say that is that this is about the Gospel. Wayne and I are involved day and night in apologetics conversations in internet forums, including, recently some fascinating ones over at ravelry, where I felt like I was having a biblical standoff every thread. To the vast majority of people on ravelry, those of you who read my blog as believers are not only crazy, but dangerous. To the vast majority of humans on this planet--- Christianity is a threat. Get that. The person who called social services DID have malice on his/her heart, regardless of the situation. Some in the BID forum made a point to say that it is a necessity of certain professions to report abuse whenever they see it. And that is true and fine, but the person who reported me clearly read my blog, looked at my pictures and videos, which are readily available. I KNOW that in them, they saw a family who are absolutely and without question in love with each other. I know they read FREQUENTLY my posts about how I DISLIKE spanking, though I believe it is necessary. I know they read the posts in which I discuss the manner in which I spank, which is one hundred percent consistent, well thought out, and loving. If I haven't posted it before, I will post it here now: I make sure the rule is established and the child understands she has broken it, then I remove the child from the room because I am not intending to embarrass her in front of others. Then I explain to her why she is being spanked and ask her to repeat it if she can, to ensure understanding. Then I spank. Then we pray, and hug, and re-direct. I believe consistency in this area NOW will lead to me NOT having to spank my child often later-- maybe even never. Because she will understand and her will will bend to ours. She is learning to be obedient. I also would NEVER spank when I am angry (even though Dr. Dobson, FYI, says the opposite!) So the person who reported me knows this, and could not have seen that the children were "in danger." In my Nursing textbooks, it defines Child Abuse as "intentionally injuring a child." My child is not injured. Ever. No marks of a spanking will ever remain on her body. The person who reported me didn't do it out of a fear that the child was in danger. They did it to silence me and/ or injure me because of my beliefs. And that is persecution. I absolutely forgive the person who did this to us, and I am fervently praying that somehow they would be brought to Jesus through this. But I want to address the persecution issue. My reaction should not have been fear-- it should have been JOY!!! The Word of the Lord says that when there is persecution there will be a revival!! Praise God for that, and let it come. Let God arise, because dark times are coming when Christians will be so foreign on the earth that we will be considered a dark threat!
3. Willingness to die for Christ
Again, the issue is just-- am I willing to risk EVERYTHING, and I mean, my kids and my husband are everything to me, so am I willing to risk them, even, for the sake of the gospel??? I must be.
4. Police State /Freedom
My father in law lectured for a while on how America is becoming a police state. He's a bit extreme, but I see where he is coming from. America has come a long way from the land of the free. I see it more and more every day. My husband, a die hard american, was so angry with his government after yesterday he was basically ready to pack his bags. Trouble is, there is nary a place a Christian can go on earth anymore to feel at home. :) Praise Jesus, the end is coming! Let's all remember we are not citizens here, but only passing through.
We are still praying about how to change the blog. Basically, I think we are just not going to discuss PERSONAL family examples, only examples we "hear of," that work (without naming names anymore.) But we will not be silenced, because -- and my fellow journalists will agree here--- the exchange and availability of information must be protected at all times. The reason people rarely post in agreement in places like ravelry is because they are SCARED TO DEATH of things like this happening. We think it's important that we not display that message.
What follows is a prophetic word from the roundtable prophetic conference regarding 2008. We think it will bless believers greatly and encourage you mightily!
5.Prophetic word for 08.
ACPE Prophetic Word for 2008 and Bey..2008: The Year to Possess the Gates===
Blessing: I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall '''possess the gate of their enemies'''. Genesis 22:17
The one who breaks open will come up before them; They will break out, Pass through the gate, And go out by it; Their king will pass before them, With the LORD at their head. Micah 2:13
This year the Holy Spirit keyed off of the number 8 to us. The number 8 represents new beginnings. God wants us to go through new doors (or gates) to go to a new level in everything we do. The Lord cautioned us that while many want to experience the new wine (i.e., new moves of God), there are some who want to "wear their old robes" or that which is comfortable to them into this new season of time. This will not work.
It is critical that we all are willing to give up old practices, structures, the influence of relationships that tie us to the old if they refuse to allow us to move into the new things.
As we met as prophets, this was probably one of the most fertile times that we have had in the release of not only the word of the Lord, but spiritual instruction on how to get into the "new things" and "new gates". This includes the shutting of old gates and doors, seeking the Lord for how to move into the new in a proper way, and asking God for wisdom for the move.
'''Biblical patterns for the number 8'''
Here are some significant aspects we were shown about the number eight for this next year from some biblical patterns:
1. David was the eighth son—new DYNASTY for Israel. (This includes the word ''legacy'' as a key word.)
2. Circumcision takes place on the eighth day—new life through covenant. A new holiness movement that will require personal circumcision or the cutting away of sin issues in our lives, and then the church will see a national move of holiness.
3. Eight souls on the ark—new beginning of the earth, new revelation of God's judgment and His grace.
4. Eighth note on the piano begins a new octave. Look to God for the release of new sounds and songs.
5. Seven colors in rainbow spectrum-eighth color begin new spectrum.
6. Eighth day is the beginning of a new week.
7. Josiah began his reign at age 8 brining a new reign in the midst of idolatrous predecessors, began to seek the Lord for himself in the eighty years of his reign, which later resulted in his purging Israel of the altars of Baal. Look to a new reformation generation arising who will purge their lands of sin and bring biblical reformation.
8. Solomon also began to purge the idols from Israel in the eighth year of his reign.
9. Jesus appeared to Thomas—the doubter—on the eighth day after his resurrection. Many doubters will convert and visited by God in special and unique ways.
'''8 in new beginnings'''
Genesis is the book of beginnings in scripture. Here are several prophetic emphasis from it for us today:
1. '''The anointing to create'''
Creative and innovative ideas. God is going to release upon his people many ideas that will lead them to prosper spirit, soul, and mind. This creativity will also help us to "work smarter, not harder". The curse of toiling under heavy burdens with huge moments of frustration has caused delay and exhaustion. Seek the Lord for new ways to do things that will release the finances you need, stream-line your life, without working to simply get by on a day to day basis.
2. '''The anointing for dominion'''
This is the anointing needed to fulfill the biblical mandate found in Genesis 1:28 to "be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion. Seek the Lord for a way to be fruitful in evangelism and fill your cities with the doctrine of Christ. (Acts 5:28) '''New evangelism outreaches will fill our cities along with visitations of God upon young revivalists.''' Young people will study the lives of Leonard Ravenhill and E.M. Bounds once again with the fire for winning souls burning in their hearts.
Each sector of society will begin to be touched by the power of God in new fresh ways from government, education, the medical fields, media, the arts, and other areas. No longer will the church bemoan what is going on around them in society but ask themselves the question, '''"What are we going to do about it?"''' and '''"What is my assignment in seeing this happen?"'''
3. '''The anointing for creative miracles'''
The frequency of the miraculous will increase; particularly unusual creative miracles. In this season we will see not only churches filled with miracles, but whole cities. "Cancer-free zones" will be the medical talk of the day as some churches and cities have such frequency of seeing cancer healed that it catches the attention of many including the secular news.
'''The Transfer of Wealth'''
While many have believed there is going to be a great transfer of wealth, there is a frustration on some that have "believed but not yet seen". In seeking the Lord about this, one revelation came that there has been a demonic "spirit of delay" sent against the Body of Christ; particularly to those in the marketplace. ''Chronos'' under Strong's definition 5550 also can mean delay.
Therefore, it important to understand that while God means to release the wealth, Satan is releasing His strategies to keep the wealth "locked" that we are working to "unlock". God wants to open locked gates in '08. In order to possess the gate of wealth to, among other things, develop plans to eradicate systemic poverty, we need to develop new structures of intercession to do the spiritual warfare necessary to transfer wealth.
Among other things, here are some forms that will take:
1. New prayer movements with a focus on marketplace intercession.
2. More business hiring intercessors to pray for their businesses.
3. Focused intercession and training for specific targeted sectors of wealth and business.
Intercessors need to be trained to understand business so that they can pray intelligently.
'''New and greater emphasis on Intercession'''
God is going to pour out new wine upon the intercessors and new prayer structures across the face of the earth. Many 24/7 prayer movements will spring up in universities' campuses. Christians will ask for prayer rooms in their places of employment. It is time for us to "come out of the closet" and let our prayers and voices be heard in society. Teachings that were done in the 80's and 90's on prayer and intercession need to be re-visited with a new eye and taught to the church.
'''Cyrus Anointing'''
God is going to anoint in a profound way some of His children with a Cyrus anointing to fulfill Psalm 107:16'': For He has broken '''the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron apart'''.''
'''Spiritual Eldership'''
God is anointing leaders who will run for political office, become the presidents of corporations, the principals of schools and other of those who will sit in the gates of influence in society like Boaz did in biblical times.
'''Open the floodgates'''
''Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. "Test me in this," says the LORD almighty, "'''and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it'''".''
It is time to possess the floodgates that will open the doors of favor and influence and finance. As long as we are obeying the mandate to tithe, God is going to flood us in several areas that will help us open these doors. Ask the Lord how to incorporate the word of the Lord for '08 to open your personal floodgates of blessing and influence.
'''Here are some key words for you:'''
Revelation. God wants to pour out new revelation on how you are function in this season of your life. Be flexible in your life at this moment for God's changes and adjustments to occur in your schedule and way of doing things.
Wisdom. God will give you wisdom not of this world, but His heavenly wisdom if you seek Him with all of your heart for it. Wisdom for the shift, for new ways for new assignments, and how to apply the revelation to go to new levels in your life.
===Other Important words of the Lord for '08===
This is a season for things to come "full circle" in our lives. Things left unfinished in your life will get finished. Relationships that were broken will be restored. Broken dreams will be healed and come to life again. It is time to dream again! Go back and re-visit the prophetic words that God gave you in the last season and past years that were not fulfilled and refuse to let go of them until you see them go into fruition. War over the words and believe them. (I Timothy 1:18, 2 Chronicles 20:20).
'''Word of wisdom concerning the President and upcoming elections'''
God spoke to us specifically that we had fallen down in our intercession for President Bush and that he wanted us to pray that he will finish as the "Burning Bush" that God showed us was His destiny before the elections. He admonished us to pray for Him as the authority that God had put in place as our president. (I Timothy 2:1). In seeking God for the next leader, we have failed in our intercession for our current one. God wants President Bush to finish well as he spoke to us two years ago.
An interesting word was released for the meeting in September '07 that is particularly pertinent for the elections of '08:
''God has provided a righteous man who will begin to emerge towards the end of '07 and begin to shine in '08. We will not be left scratching our heads or feeling like we are throwing our vote away on someone who cannot win, but God will put His very apparent light of favor upon this man and we will know how to pray and how to vote.''
The Lord also prophetically admonished us to press through to see the courts shifted and that we cannot fail in our prayers to see abortion overturned in the United States. (As of now 49 million babies have been aborted since 1973.) This is a "make it or break it" time, and we must not be weary in our intercession.
'''Admonition for Prayer Cover'''
God gave us a specific word that Satan will try to bring premature death to the Body of Christ. Please prayerfully cover yourself, your family, pastors, and those of influence specifically in your life.
A new generation of philanthropists will arise out of the Body of Christ. A focus will be on the poor and needy. There will also be a major emphasis on using wealth to gain influence to be a voice in society for righteousness. This will lead to Christians and Christianity in general to be seen in a new light by those who thought that God and the church were unfeeling and uncaring.
'''New Emphasis on the Teaching Gift'''
The teaching gift will once again rise to the forefront as the Lord brings an emphasis on knowing the foundations of biblical truths. This will mitigate against the Body of Christ going off course and falling into error.
'''Holiness Movement'''
Holiness will come to the church again. With this will come a great expose of sin in the pulpit. The Lord warned us that many would come under governmental scrutiny during the last half of '07 and '08 and that we need to examine ourselves so we are clean in every area of the ministry, financially, as well as spiritually.
'''New Civil Rights Movement'''
A new generation of civil rights leaders are going to emerge in the nation who will be a righteous voice. Their anointing will be so strong that they will supersede and be stronger and have more influence than those who are unrighteous and align with non-biblical stances. They will speak against the influence of the unholy side of hip-hop and new prayer movements will also arise in the black community.
'''Kingdom Government of God'''
The government of God will become a new wineskin for the future move of God. (Matthew 6:10) Reformation back to the original design of Genesis will be a major focus and God's creative anointing will be on those who move in this direction.
'''Specific Focus on Nations'''
There were five international areas that we specifically felt God's spotlight on in the coming hour:
1. China
2. The "Ring of Fire" (Pacific Rim nations)
3. India
4. Israel and the Middle East
5. South America and Venezuela
We felt there was going to be am extreme battle between light and darkness for a season with increased persecution of believers. On the other hand, great harvest and advancement for the Kingdom of God will also take place. We all need to pray specifically for these regions of the world.
In behalf of the prophetic roundtable called the ACPE, I trust that this word for 2008 and Beyond edifies you and helps prepare you for the days in which we live. May the Spirit of truth Himself led us into all truth in Jesus great name! Blessings to each of you in 2008 and beyond!
With Expectation!
James W Goll
We have been pondering the events of yesterday as they relate to our family vision. It's interesting. You know, I think a lot of Christians cry persecution when persecution is not present, and it hurts the image of the Church in nonbeliever's eyes, but when I look at the recent developments in legislature, etc, I'm more and more convinced that a time of persecution for ALL believers, even those-- as my dear friend put it in one of her blogs--"in the land of the free." Dangerous times are coming for Christians, when we will be forced to choose between living as the world does, or believing God, and possibly enduring incredible times of testing. Prophetically speaking, last year was a time where God taught his people how to suffer. I think He is preparing us. At the end of this blog I am going to post the 2008 Prophetic Word from the Prophetic Roundtable. I believe a lot of you will be interested to see what God might be saying/ doing with His bride.
Anyways, here are the issues, in order, that were raised by yesterday's events.
1. Internet safety/privacy
I have been and will continue to remain an "open book." I've never been overly concerned with privacy either in life or on the internet (shoot, we barely lock our doors!) because of two things. First, because I firmly believe in the things I write. I share my personal stories and struggles with the public because I find it is not only cathartic and encouraging for me to be able to look back at what God has done, but also for others. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten an email saying: "thanks for this or that blog. It really spoke to me about my OWN situation." Honestly, I think it is completely in line with our family vision to share what God is doing in our lives. It is mandated, even. We are a praying family, and as I said earlier, our God is a God who Saves. He is in control, and so we place our family's protection in his hands. What happened yesterday was allowed by God. He does not give us more than we can handle, but He allows us to undergo difficulties because He grows us through them. Praise God that we are learning so much from such a trying ordeal! The second reason is because there are child molesters on this site who blog, and who no one can catch. They are utterly careful about their privacy because of fear, and rightly so, because should they get caught, they will greatly suffer. But you know what? The things I blog about are simply the musings of a person who tries to live every moment for Jesus. And that is not something to hide... the word says we are to be lights on a hill, you know? Not hidden in the dark. So while my initial reaction was fear, I was wrong. It was sin. In fact, (and here's a lesson for all of us about submitting to our husbands!) my husband recognized it immediately and told me he was changing the wording on my blog... and he did, just as a blog reader was commenting "I'm sorry your faith in Jesus didn't give you more courage!" WOw. My faith in Jesus HAS given me courage, I was just blinded by my sinful fear for a moment. Please forgive me!
While this persecution may be minimal compared to those brethren who are emprisoned and dying for their faith all over the world, I have to admit that this is persecution. The reason I can say that is that this is about the Gospel. Wayne and I are involved day and night in apologetics conversations in internet forums, including, recently some fascinating ones over at ravelry, where I felt like I was having a biblical standoff every thread. To the vast majority of people on ravelry, those of you who read my blog as believers are not only crazy, but dangerous. To the vast majority of humans on this planet--- Christianity is a threat. Get that. The person who called social services DID have malice on his/her heart, regardless of the situation. Some in the BID forum made a point to say that it is a necessity of certain professions to report abuse whenever they see it. And that is true and fine, but the person who reported me clearly read my blog, looked at my pictures and videos, which are readily available. I KNOW that in them, they saw a family who are absolutely and without question in love with each other. I know they read FREQUENTLY my posts about how I DISLIKE spanking, though I believe it is necessary. I know they read the posts in which I discuss the manner in which I spank, which is one hundred percent consistent, well thought out, and loving. If I haven't posted it before, I will post it here now: I make sure the rule is established and the child understands she has broken it, then I remove the child from the room because I am not intending to embarrass her in front of others. Then I explain to her why she is being spanked and ask her to repeat it if she can, to ensure understanding. Then I spank. Then we pray, and hug, and re-direct. I believe consistency in this area NOW will lead to me NOT having to spank my child often later-- maybe even never. Because she will understand and her will will bend to ours. She is learning to be obedient. I also would NEVER spank when I am angry (even though Dr. Dobson, FYI, says the opposite!) So the person who reported me knows this, and could not have seen that the children were "in danger." In my Nursing textbooks, it defines Child Abuse as "intentionally injuring a child." My child is not injured. Ever. No marks of a spanking will ever remain on her body. The person who reported me didn't do it out of a fear that the child was in danger. They did it to silence me and/ or injure me because of my beliefs. And that is persecution. I absolutely forgive the person who did this to us, and I am fervently praying that somehow they would be brought to Jesus through this. But I want to address the persecution issue. My reaction should not have been fear-- it should have been JOY!!! The Word of the Lord says that when there is persecution there will be a revival!! Praise God for that, and let it come. Let God arise, because dark times are coming when Christians will be so foreign on the earth that we will be considered a dark threat!
3. Willingness to die for Christ
Again, the issue is just-- am I willing to risk EVERYTHING, and I mean, my kids and my husband are everything to me, so am I willing to risk them, even, for the sake of the gospel??? I must be.
4. Police State /Freedom
My father in law lectured for a while on how America is becoming a police state. He's a bit extreme, but I see where he is coming from. America has come a long way from the land of the free. I see it more and more every day. My husband, a die hard american, was so angry with his government after yesterday he was basically ready to pack his bags. Trouble is, there is nary a place a Christian can go on earth anymore to feel at home. :) Praise Jesus, the end is coming! Let's all remember we are not citizens here, but only passing through.
We are still praying about how to change the blog. Basically, I think we are just not going to discuss PERSONAL family examples, only examples we "hear of," that work (without naming names anymore.) But we will not be silenced, because -- and my fellow journalists will agree here--- the exchange and availability of information must be protected at all times. The reason people rarely post in agreement in places like ravelry is because they are SCARED TO DEATH of things like this happening. We think it's important that we not display that message.
What follows is a prophetic word from the roundtable prophetic conference regarding 2008. We think it will bless believers greatly and encourage you mightily!
5.Prophetic word for 08.
ACPE Prophetic Word for 2008 and Bey..2008: The Year to Possess the Gates===
Blessing: I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall '''possess the gate of their enemies'''. Genesis 22:17
The one who breaks open will come up before them; They will break out, Pass through the gate, And go out by it; Their king will pass before them, With the LORD at their head. Micah 2:13
This year the Holy Spirit keyed off of the number 8 to us. The number 8 represents new beginnings. God wants us to go through new doors (or gates) to go to a new level in everything we do. The Lord cautioned us that while many want to experience the new wine (i.e., new moves of God), there are some who want to "wear their old robes" or that which is comfortable to them into this new season of time. This will not work.
It is critical that we all are willing to give up old practices, structures, the influence of relationships that tie us to the old if they refuse to allow us to move into the new things.
As we met as prophets, this was probably one of the most fertile times that we have had in the release of not only the word of the Lord, but spiritual instruction on how to get into the "new things" and "new gates". This includes the shutting of old gates and doors, seeking the Lord for how to move into the new in a proper way, and asking God for wisdom for the move.
'''Biblical patterns for the number 8'''
Here are some significant aspects we were shown about the number eight for this next year from some biblical patterns:
1. David was the eighth son—new DYNASTY for Israel. (This includes the word ''legacy'' as a key word.)
2. Circumcision takes place on the eighth day—new life through covenant. A new holiness movement that will require personal circumcision or the cutting away of sin issues in our lives, and then the church will see a national move of holiness.
3. Eight souls on the ark—new beginning of the earth, new revelation of God's judgment and His grace.
4. Eighth note on the piano begins a new octave. Look to God for the release of new sounds and songs.
5. Seven colors in rainbow spectrum-eighth color begin new spectrum.
6. Eighth day is the beginning of a new week.
7. Josiah began his reign at age 8 brining a new reign in the midst of idolatrous predecessors, began to seek the Lord for himself in the eighty years of his reign, which later resulted in his purging Israel of the altars of Baal. Look to a new reformation generation arising who will purge their lands of sin and bring biblical reformation.
8. Solomon also began to purge the idols from Israel in the eighth year of his reign.
9. Jesus appeared to Thomas—the doubter—on the eighth day after his resurrection. Many doubters will convert and visited by God in special and unique ways.
'''8 in new beginnings'''
Genesis is the book of beginnings in scripture. Here are several prophetic emphasis from it for us today:
1. '''The anointing to create'''
Creative and innovative ideas. God is going to release upon his people many ideas that will lead them to prosper spirit, soul, and mind. This creativity will also help us to "work smarter, not harder". The curse of toiling under heavy burdens with huge moments of frustration has caused delay and exhaustion. Seek the Lord for new ways to do things that will release the finances you need, stream-line your life, without working to simply get by on a day to day basis.
2. '''The anointing for dominion'''
This is the anointing needed to fulfill the biblical mandate found in Genesis 1:28 to "be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion. Seek the Lord for a way to be fruitful in evangelism and fill your cities with the doctrine of Christ. (Acts 5:28) '''New evangelism outreaches will fill our cities along with visitations of God upon young revivalists.''' Young people will study the lives of Leonard Ravenhill and E.M. Bounds once again with the fire for winning souls burning in their hearts.
Each sector of society will begin to be touched by the power of God in new fresh ways from government, education, the medical fields, media, the arts, and other areas. No longer will the church bemoan what is going on around them in society but ask themselves the question, '''"What are we going to do about it?"''' and '''"What is my assignment in seeing this happen?"'''
3. '''The anointing for creative miracles'''
The frequency of the miraculous will increase; particularly unusual creative miracles. In this season we will see not only churches filled with miracles, but whole cities. "Cancer-free zones" will be the medical talk of the day as some churches and cities have such frequency of seeing cancer healed that it catches the attention of many including the secular news.
'''The Transfer of Wealth'''
While many have believed there is going to be a great transfer of wealth, there is a frustration on some that have "believed but not yet seen". In seeking the Lord about this, one revelation came that there has been a demonic "spirit of delay" sent against the Body of Christ; particularly to those in the marketplace. ''Chronos'' under Strong's definition 5550 also can mean delay.
Therefore, it important to understand that while God means to release the wealth, Satan is releasing His strategies to keep the wealth "locked" that we are working to "unlock". God wants to open locked gates in '08. In order to possess the gate of wealth to, among other things, develop plans to eradicate systemic poverty, we need to develop new structures of intercession to do the spiritual warfare necessary to transfer wealth.
Among other things, here are some forms that will take:
1. New prayer movements with a focus on marketplace intercession.
2. More business hiring intercessors to pray for their businesses.
3. Focused intercession and training for specific targeted sectors of wealth and business.
Intercessors need to be trained to understand business so that they can pray intelligently.
'''New and greater emphasis on Intercession'''
God is going to pour out new wine upon the intercessors and new prayer structures across the face of the earth. Many 24/7 prayer movements will spring up in universities' campuses. Christians will ask for prayer rooms in their places of employment. It is time for us to "come out of the closet" and let our prayers and voices be heard in society. Teachings that were done in the 80's and 90's on prayer and intercession need to be re-visited with a new eye and taught to the church.
'''Cyrus Anointing'''
God is going to anoint in a profound way some of His children with a Cyrus anointing to fulfill Psalm 107:16'': For He has broken '''the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron apart'''.''
'''Spiritual Eldership'''
God is anointing leaders who will run for political office, become the presidents of corporations, the principals of schools and other of those who will sit in the gates of influence in society like Boaz did in biblical times.
'''Open the floodgates'''
''Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. "Test me in this," says the LORD almighty, "'''and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it'''".''
It is time to possess the floodgates that will open the doors of favor and influence and finance. As long as we are obeying the mandate to tithe, God is going to flood us in several areas that will help us open these doors. Ask the Lord how to incorporate the word of the Lord for '08 to open your personal floodgates of blessing and influence.
'''Here are some key words for you:'''
Revelation. God wants to pour out new revelation on how you are function in this season of your life. Be flexible in your life at this moment for God's changes and adjustments to occur in your schedule and way of doing things.
Wisdom. God will give you wisdom not of this world, but His heavenly wisdom if you seek Him with all of your heart for it. Wisdom for the shift, for new ways for new assignments, and how to apply the revelation to go to new levels in your life.
===Other Important words of the Lord for '08===
This is a season for things to come "full circle" in our lives. Things left unfinished in your life will get finished. Relationships that were broken will be restored. Broken dreams will be healed and come to life again. It is time to dream again! Go back and re-visit the prophetic words that God gave you in the last season and past years that were not fulfilled and refuse to let go of them until you see them go into fruition. War over the words and believe them. (I Timothy 1:18, 2 Chronicles 20:20).
'''Word of wisdom concerning the President and upcoming elections'''
God spoke to us specifically that we had fallen down in our intercession for President Bush and that he wanted us to pray that he will finish as the "Burning Bush" that God showed us was His destiny before the elections. He admonished us to pray for Him as the authority that God had put in place as our president. (I Timothy 2:1). In seeking God for the next leader, we have failed in our intercession for our current one. God wants President Bush to finish well as he spoke to us two years ago.
An interesting word was released for the meeting in September '07 that is particularly pertinent for the elections of '08:
''God has provided a righteous man who will begin to emerge towards the end of '07 and begin to shine in '08. We will not be left scratching our heads or feeling like we are throwing our vote away on someone who cannot win, but God will put His very apparent light of favor upon this man and we will know how to pray and how to vote.''
The Lord also prophetically admonished us to press through to see the courts shifted and that we cannot fail in our prayers to see abortion overturned in the United States. (As of now 49 million babies have been aborted since 1973.) This is a "make it or break it" time, and we must not be weary in our intercession.
'''Admonition for Prayer Cover'''
God gave us a specific word that Satan will try to bring premature death to the Body of Christ. Please prayerfully cover yourself, your family, pastors, and those of influence specifically in your life.
A new generation of philanthropists will arise out of the Body of Christ. A focus will be on the poor and needy. There will also be a major emphasis on using wealth to gain influence to be a voice in society for righteousness. This will lead to Christians and Christianity in general to be seen in a new light by those who thought that God and the church were unfeeling and uncaring.
'''New Emphasis on the Teaching Gift'''
The teaching gift will once again rise to the forefront as the Lord brings an emphasis on knowing the foundations of biblical truths. This will mitigate against the Body of Christ going off course and falling into error.
'''Holiness Movement'''
Holiness will come to the church again. With this will come a great expose of sin in the pulpit. The Lord warned us that many would come under governmental scrutiny during the last half of '07 and '08 and that we need to examine ourselves so we are clean in every area of the ministry, financially, as well as spiritually.
'''New Civil Rights Movement'''
A new generation of civil rights leaders are going to emerge in the nation who will be a righteous voice. Their anointing will be so strong that they will supersede and be stronger and have more influence than those who are unrighteous and align with non-biblical stances. They will speak against the influence of the unholy side of hip-hop and new prayer movements will also arise in the black community.
'''Kingdom Government of God'''
The government of God will become a new wineskin for the future move of God. (Matthew 6:10) Reformation back to the original design of Genesis will be a major focus and God's creative anointing will be on those who move in this direction.
'''Specific Focus on Nations'''
There were five international areas that we specifically felt God's spotlight on in the coming hour:
1. China
2. The "Ring of Fire" (Pacific Rim nations)
3. India
4. Israel and the Middle East
5. South America and Venezuela
We felt there was going to be am extreme battle between light and darkness for a season with increased persecution of believers. On the other hand, great harvest and advancement for the Kingdom of God will also take place. We all need to pray specifically for these regions of the world.
In behalf of the prophetic roundtable called the ACPE, I trust that this word for 2008 and Beyond edifies you and helps prepare you for the days in which we live. May the Spirit of truth Himself led us into all truth in Jesus great name! Blessings to each of you in 2008 and beyond!
With Expectation!
James W Goll
Monday, January 14, 2008
The day Blog died.
The day blog died
Well, Wayne and I have decided to make some serious changes in our internet usage, since it appears that Satan really can use just about anything to get at people, and while persecution is fun and all and we can't believe Christ counts us worthy, um, we don't want to invite it, you know?A social worker has just left our home. She appeared on our doorstep, summoned there by some irked poster in Ravelry who thought it would be cute to play at attempting to destroy families who love each other with all they've got. The social worker was incredibly kind and understanding. I was blessed by the fact that she praised our "consistent parenting skills." And she went on her way after (of course, I don't blame her, this is her job) but violating the privacy of our home by checking our child for bruises and marks, looking at where they sleep, etc. Praise God He is our deliverer in times of trouble, and that by obeying Him and being honest, the good can prevail. But what a nerve wracking hour!!
Needless to say, as she held in her lap a huge pack of printed copy from my blog with things circled and highlighted, I realized that though I'd love to be the mouthpiece for biblical living to the myspace world, it comes with a price. From this day on, I will not be posting about my family. But I refuse to stop. No one will scare me from living for Christ... and I will do it no matter the cost.
Wayne and I have agreed that I am not to post anymore in ravelry forums either. The world is hard enough without having to worry about this kind of garbage. Please pray that this ordeal would somehow bring the person who did this to Jesus. Please pray for us and the kids.
The parental cadence
I've just returned from a little trip to the park down the street. Annika really loves going there, and thanks to her daddy's "baby seal training" (we've been known to throw her down huge slides, into puddles of water, and leave her to figure out how to get out of the mud.... all the while closely supervising and encouraging, of course. We are happy to report we have one of the least fearful beans on the planet when it comes to stuff like that, she'll just fall over, dust herself off, and ranger on while other mommies stare at her in amazement. On the other hand, she has been known to completely flip out over having to get on the moving scale at the doctor's office-- that is, until she's done it once. She gets that from me: fear of the unknown. Once she's done it, she masters it.)
Anyways, we were having a blast going down the slides and stuff (it's a little tough with the baby in the Moby wrap, but doable) and then when it was time to go she freaked out and had a meltdown. All of a sudden, she had to stop and pick up rocks, and pinecones, and and look at trees... and oops! Go down the slide one more time.... hehe. There were people all around us and I know some people are really anti-spanking, so I wanted to be sensitive to that. I also know that my daughter is capable of being extremely obedient, when properly motivated.
So instead of letting her make the rules, I gave her the usual "we're going home now, and we don't throw fits," spiel, and then I tried a different tactic. There is a GIANT hill to get home from the park and even I have trouble with it some days. I remembered being in Basic Training on eternal roadmarches in the freezing rain and how much fun I had with cadences that I just forgot how horrible everything was. SO, I got her marching like a very small, very bean-like soldier, and together we trooped up the monster hill, all the while singing a ridiculous but oh-so-smart little cadence I just made up. (and no, you can't steal it for your kids :P)
I don't care what people say
I listen to mommy and I obey.
She knows what's best and that's for sure
We always have fun and we're looking for more.
I don't care what people say
I let daddy lead the way
He knows what's best and that's okay
Cause he listens to Jesus every day.
Stand up.
Sit down.
March together.
In a line.
Double time!
And then we go back to the beginning. We had so much fun doing this together that we didn't even notice we were already back at the house. I'm sure people were looking at us like we were from mars, but then again, it's an army town, so probably not.
Anyways, yay for thinking up fun teaching tools for beanland! I often think that if we ran our home like BCT, we'd get a lot more accomplished and we'd have a lot less crap in the way. I'm such a minimalist, I know. But there is this comfort in having nothing, you know? In my dream house, each member of the house hold has his/her own mess kit, towel, personal hygiene kit, bed sheets, four uniforms including something dressy, and a bible and journal. You know? That's really all you need in life. For a while there, that's all we had. When wayne and I got married... we had nothing but each other, the clothes on our backs, and our bibles and IET soldier's manuals. That's it. So we could get in the word, or blow up a building. That was about it. :P Ah, nostalgia. How did we get so much STUFF?
I've been reading like a crazy woman, all these amazing books I got for CHristmas (thanks everyone!) and listening to a ton of talks. I've come to the conclusion that this "family integrated church" movement really is a profoundly fascinating move of God that defines exactly how Wayne and I feel about what church should look like... it's like someone put a name to a belief we already had and before you know it, its all around us. Well, not yet. We only know a few like minded families, but we believe God will put more in our path. Who knows? One day we may even be planting a church with this same vision. after all, I still believe the words which were spoken over us!
It was hilarious, though, last night I listened to a talk by Doug Phillips on Women's roles in the local church, and I had never heard him speak before (even though I knew he was like minded, I had never heard or read any of his stuff) Imagine how amazed I was to be jumping up and down, losing my place in my knitting I was so amen-ing. Wayne and I both are looking forward to hearing more from God as to how we can make this family integrated church vision a part of our lives and ministry to the body. It starts with us, you know? We have to be the change we want to see in the world. :P
In other news, Wayne is at GCD (Grace College of Divinity) today, Manna's seminary, registering. Can you believe that? After ALL these years of praying. We don't have any money (like I said, he's been jobless three weeks and we have about fifty bucks left) but I TOTALLY believe the Lord will provide. Totally. If it's in God's will, He will make it possible.
Off to make lunch for all of us!
Anyways, we were having a blast going down the slides and stuff (it's a little tough with the baby in the Moby wrap, but doable) and then when it was time to go she freaked out and had a meltdown. All of a sudden, she had to stop and pick up rocks, and pinecones, and and look at trees... and oops! Go down the slide one more time.... hehe. There were people all around us and I know some people are really anti-spanking, so I wanted to be sensitive to that. I also know that my daughter is capable of being extremely obedient, when properly motivated.
So instead of letting her make the rules, I gave her the usual "we're going home now, and we don't throw fits," spiel, and then I tried a different tactic. There is a GIANT hill to get home from the park and even I have trouble with it some days. I remembered being in Basic Training on eternal roadmarches in the freezing rain and how much fun I had with cadences that I just forgot how horrible everything was. SO, I got her marching like a very small, very bean-like soldier, and together we trooped up the monster hill, all the while singing a ridiculous but oh-so-smart little cadence I just made up. (and no, you can't steal it for your kids :P)
I don't care what people say
I listen to mommy and I obey.
She knows what's best and that's for sure
We always have fun and we're looking for more.
I don't care what people say
I let daddy lead the way
He knows what's best and that's okay
Cause he listens to Jesus every day.
Stand up.
Sit down.
March together.
In a line.
Double time!
And then we go back to the beginning. We had so much fun doing this together that we didn't even notice we were already back at the house. I'm sure people were looking at us like we were from mars, but then again, it's an army town, so probably not.
Anyways, yay for thinking up fun teaching tools for beanland! I often think that if we ran our home like BCT, we'd get a lot more accomplished and we'd have a lot less crap in the way. I'm such a minimalist, I know. But there is this comfort in having nothing, you know? In my dream house, each member of the house hold has his/her own mess kit, towel, personal hygiene kit, bed sheets, four uniforms including something dressy, and a bible and journal. You know? That's really all you need in life. For a while there, that's all we had. When wayne and I got married... we had nothing but each other, the clothes on our backs, and our bibles and IET soldier's manuals. That's it. So we could get in the word, or blow up a building. That was about it. :P Ah, nostalgia. How did we get so much STUFF?
I've been reading like a crazy woman, all these amazing books I got for CHristmas (thanks everyone!) and listening to a ton of talks. I've come to the conclusion that this "family integrated church" movement really is a profoundly fascinating move of God that defines exactly how Wayne and I feel about what church should look like... it's like someone put a name to a belief we already had and before you know it, its all around us. Well, not yet. We only know a few like minded families, but we believe God will put more in our path. Who knows? One day we may even be planting a church with this same vision. after all, I still believe the words which were spoken over us!
It was hilarious, though, last night I listened to a talk by Doug Phillips on Women's roles in the local church, and I had never heard him speak before (even though I knew he was like minded, I had never heard or read any of his stuff) Imagine how amazed I was to be jumping up and down, losing my place in my knitting I was so amen-ing. Wayne and I both are looking forward to hearing more from God as to how we can make this family integrated church vision a part of our lives and ministry to the body. It starts with us, you know? We have to be the change we want to see in the world. :P
In other news, Wayne is at GCD (Grace College of Divinity) today, Manna's seminary, registering. Can you believe that? After ALL these years of praying. We don't have any money (like I said, he's been jobless three weeks and we have about fifty bucks left) but I TOTALLY believe the Lord will provide. Totally. If it's in God's will, He will make it possible.
Off to make lunch for all of us!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Knitting content, shots, and feminism
What a day! Wayne and his dad went to Raven Rock today for a hike and some man time, which was nice for them. Meanwhile, I hauled the kids off to Grandma's house and we all watched Gone with the Wind, which I had never seen (or didn't really remember) past the scene where the yankees take over Atlanta. It was a great movie, and I wanted to punch Scarlett in the face almost every single scene. What a rotten-to-the-core little monster. The great irony here is that when I was younger and watched the movie, I remember thinking Scarlett O'Hara was awesome and that Melanie Wilckes was a goody goody ninny who always got in the way. Boy, did I have different eyes to see what was happening now that I'm a Christian. Melanie was an inspiring character, and definitely a Prov 31 woman! Anyways, after that I came home and just as I was starting dinner, and old friend of Wayne's who is in the Navy showed up on our doorstep. We were surprised, since he is stationed in Bahrain, but it turns out that he's had a rough turn of events: his wife left him while he was over there for another man, (so common among military wives, it's really pathetic!) and then he woke up one morning paralyzed and found out he had multiple sclerosis!! Woah. Needless to say, he's home right now waiting to find out what will become of him. So I made enough dinner for all of us and then, to my surprise, he asked if he could take Wayne "out." Now, Wayne doesn't go "out." He occasionally goes over to Uncle Andy's when the Marines let him come home, and the rest of the time he is home, with us, or at the gym. Not because I make him, but because all our friends have their hearts turned towards home and so.. yeah. They just don't go "out." I agreed, and laughed when Wayne said he was taking his knife. "They wont let you in the bar with that," I said.
"We aren't going to a bar."
"I'm sure you are."
"Really? Why do you think that? I doubt it. We're probably just going to hang out." His friend came out of the bathroom at that point and said " They wont let you in the bar with that thing!"
We both laughed. Anyways, I think it might be Wayne's first time AT the bars. And around here, I don't think there are any bars besides strip clubs, other than the occasional dive bar/pool hall kinda place. Oh, and one club where all the black kids like to go line dancing. Haha.
So, he's out now, with a promise to be "home by two," and I can't wait to hear what happened, how it went, and what he saw and heard. It made me realize it's been almost 3 years since I've been in a bar (I think!) which is super wierd, considering I used to live downtown (TUesday night status, anyone?) It's going to be interesting to see what he thinks. We prayed before he left that he would be a good witness to these guys, so I'm excited to hear what happens.
And finally: some knitting content!!! I've been knitting furiously but not blogging a word about it, trying to finish up Annika's legwarmers before she turns twenty and also finishing three prayer shawls, one for my mom, one for a friend who recently miscarried, and one for us , actually. I prayed for the whole family all the way through it, it was awesome. Anyways, I'm totally homespunned out and I can't get enough right now because it seems that all my friends are getting married or having babies or moving, and I want to bless each of them with a shawl. Of course, in the midst of all this lovely shawl making, I'm itching to knit with some DK knitpicks yarns.... I wonder if people would think it was strange recieving a pair of "prayer socks?"
I'm also incredibly tempted to set aside a couple projects right now in favor of.... crocheting! I've only crocheted as a child and I am sorta kinda wanting to check it out again.... although then I'd really just be creating time away from knitting, you know? I don't know. I've got a skein of homespun and a K hook set aside in case a little project should arise that I can teach myself on. I've also successfully taught myself continental so that I can do either/ or. It's a bit perplexing since I tend to alternate between the two. Lastly, and because I'm just such a WIPhound, I've also cast on AGAIN for the norwegian box lace shawl in Folk Shawls. Perhaps third time will indeed be the charm with this one.
I've been getting into the Word more at the request of my husband, who has blown me away in the last three days with his kindness and generosity. In fact, I've been spending such good time in the Word that I caught something about submission that I had previously missed in one of my favorite wifey verses---- oh my gosh: DO NOT BE AFRAID WITH ANY AMAZEMENT. (KJV. I LOVE the KJV for some reason right now) As in, if your husband is sucking at being in authority and you are freaking out, stop. GOD IS IN CONTROL. (I needed this word because he STILL doesn't have a job and we have some major bills coming up, including rent!) What a blessing to know that my heavenly father loves me so much He even took the time to remind me to chill out when he knew I needed it most. Yeah, God is awesome.
Speaking of terrible wives, (haha) I've been learning a TON about feminism and the places it's going in one of the Ravelry BID threads on the topic. In it, I discovered that a woman named Annie Sprinkle, former prostitute and porn star, does "performance art" most of the feminists in there were at least familiar with, if not fans of, in which she opens her vagina with a speculum onstage and offers audience members the opportunity to examine her cervix with a flashlight. And that's art. And somehow relevant, like she's making a statement besides "my tore up cervix is on display because I'm a victim of my vagina's lack of control and I'm selling this to you as somehow important because it makes me feel better about being rebellious against God and man." The shocking (well, I guess it isn't, this world is getting crazier every day) part is that women seem to be eating it up... like she's a really brave and profound person for thinking up such a vulgar display of her sexuality. The world is nuts, I'm telling you. I blame college.
Anyways, that's enough of a rant for today. I'm SOOOOOOOO going to make a delicious hot chocolate (one of the only things my husband the sugar nazi is allowing me to enjoy during our dieting rough patch) and knit like a mad woman....and pray, pray, pray.
Lord, thank you for changing me more and more so that I am able to be shocked again by displays of Satan's plan for women. I pray that you would cause my heart to break for the women who are enslaved to these schools of thought and worldly philosophies, and that you would bring them to remembrance always for me to pray as you lift them out of slavery to their bodies and into the freedom which we so often take for granted when we become slaves to You. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
"We aren't going to a bar."
"I'm sure you are."
"Really? Why do you think that? I doubt it. We're probably just going to hang out." His friend came out of the bathroom at that point and said " They wont let you in the bar with that thing!"
We both laughed. Anyways, I think it might be Wayne's first time AT the bars. And around here, I don't think there are any bars besides strip clubs, other than the occasional dive bar/pool hall kinda place. Oh, and one club where all the black kids like to go line dancing. Haha.
So, he's out now, with a promise to be "home by two," and I can't wait to hear what happened, how it went, and what he saw and heard. It made me realize it's been almost 3 years since I've been in a bar (I think!) which is super wierd, considering I used to live downtown (TUesday night status, anyone?) It's going to be interesting to see what he thinks. We prayed before he left that he would be a good witness to these guys, so I'm excited to hear what happens.
And finally: some knitting content!!! I've been knitting furiously but not blogging a word about it, trying to finish up Annika's legwarmers before she turns twenty and also finishing three prayer shawls, one for my mom, one for a friend who recently miscarried, and one for us , actually. I prayed for the whole family all the way through it, it was awesome. Anyways, I'm totally homespunned out and I can't get enough right now because it seems that all my friends are getting married or having babies or moving, and I want to bless each of them with a shawl. Of course, in the midst of all this lovely shawl making, I'm itching to knit with some DK knitpicks yarns.... I wonder if people would think it was strange recieving a pair of "prayer socks?"
I'm also incredibly tempted to set aside a couple projects right now in favor of.... crocheting! I've only crocheted as a child and I am sorta kinda wanting to check it out again.... although then I'd really just be creating time away from knitting, you know? I don't know. I've got a skein of homespun and a K hook set aside in case a little project should arise that I can teach myself on. I've also successfully taught myself continental so that I can do either/ or. It's a bit perplexing since I tend to alternate between the two. Lastly, and because I'm just such a WIPhound, I've also cast on AGAIN for the norwegian box lace shawl in Folk Shawls. Perhaps third time will indeed be the charm with this one.
I've been getting into the Word more at the request of my husband, who has blown me away in the last three days with his kindness and generosity. In fact, I've been spending such good time in the Word that I caught something about submission that I had previously missed in one of my favorite wifey verses---- oh my gosh: DO NOT BE AFRAID WITH ANY AMAZEMENT. (KJV. I LOVE the KJV for some reason right now) As in, if your husband is sucking at being in authority and you are freaking out, stop. GOD IS IN CONTROL. (I needed this word because he STILL doesn't have a job and we have some major bills coming up, including rent!) What a blessing to know that my heavenly father loves me so much He even took the time to remind me to chill out when he knew I needed it most. Yeah, God is awesome.
Speaking of terrible wives, (haha) I've been learning a TON about feminism and the places it's going in one of the Ravelry BID threads on the topic. In it, I discovered that a woman named Annie Sprinkle, former prostitute and porn star, does "performance art" most of the feminists in there were at least familiar with, if not fans of, in which she opens her vagina with a speculum onstage and offers audience members the opportunity to examine her cervix with a flashlight. And that's art. And somehow relevant, like she's making a statement besides "my tore up cervix is on display because I'm a victim of my vagina's lack of control and I'm selling this to you as somehow important because it makes me feel better about being rebellious against God and man." The shocking (well, I guess it isn't, this world is getting crazier every day) part is that women seem to be eating it up... like she's a really brave and profound person for thinking up such a vulgar display of her sexuality. The world is nuts, I'm telling you. I blame college.
Anyways, that's enough of a rant for today. I'm SOOOOOOOO going to make a delicious hot chocolate (one of the only things my husband the sugar nazi is allowing me to enjoy during our dieting rough patch) and knit like a mad woman....and pray, pray, pray.
Lord, thank you for changing me more and more so that I am able to be shocked again by displays of Satan's plan for women. I pray that you would cause my heart to break for the women who are enslaved to these schools of thought and worldly philosophies, and that you would bring them to remembrance always for me to pray as you lift them out of slavery to their bodies and into the freedom which we so often take for granted when we become slaves to You. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Freaky Fridays- an ode to Mary
Something I found absolutely haunting and at the same time so terribly beautiful, was this prayer, composed by a demon during a recorded exorcism, that describes the Virgin Mary.
To me, as I grew in my understanding of the infernal hatred of Mary (which I had always believed was instead pleasure!)
Evidence of Satan in the Modern World by Monsignor Leon Cristiani, Roman Catholic Priest
To me, as I grew in my understanding of the infernal hatred of Mary (which I had always believed was instead pleasure!)
(The little parish of Ars was to
celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is relevant to note
here that the dogma of the Immaculate Conception had not yet been
proclaimed and was not, in fact, promulgated until a year after this
homage was recorded. Then an entirely unexpected event occurred. Antoine
Gay (the possessed) was found kneeling at the foot of a statue of the
Virgin, his arms extended in the form of a cross, and his eyes filled
with tears. From his lips there streamed forth this solemn declaration
which could only have come from the infernal spirit that possessed him,
since Antoine Gay himself had not the theological background to
pronounce such an impressive discourse.)
“O Mary, Mary, masterpiece of
God’s handiwork: God has made nothing greater than thee! Incomparable
creation, admiration of all the heavenly host! All honour thee, all obey
thee and acknowledge thee as Mother of the Creator. Thou art raised
above the angels and above all the court of Heaven: thou art seated near
to God, thou art the Temple of Deity, thou hast carried in thy womb all
that is strongest and greatest and most powerful and most loving! …
Mary, thou hast received in thy
virginal womb Him who created thee, thou art Virgin and Mother, there is
none to be compared with thee. After God, thou art the greatest; thou
art the Strong Woman, there is more glory to God in thee than in the
heavenly host …
In thee there has been no stain,
Anathema be they that deny that thou art Virgin and Mother; thou wast
conceived without sin, thou art immaculate! …
I praise thee, O Mary, but all my
praises of thee ascend unto God, the author of all good. After the
Sacred Heart of Jesus there is no heart to be compared with thine. O
loving heart! O tender heart! Thou wilt not abandon even the most
thankless or the most guilty of mortals. Thy heart is overflowing with
kindness, even to the unfortunate who merit chastisement alone, yet thou
obtainest for them grace and compassion: the worst of sinners is
converted by thee! …
O, if all the inhabitants of the
earth should know thee! If they could understand thy tenderness, thy
power, thy goodness, not one of them should perish! All that turn to
thee in trust and hope and pray to thee continually, whatever their
state may be, thou wilt save them, thou wilt bless them eternally…
I am compelled to humble myself at thy feet and implore thy pardon for all the outrages I inflict on the one I possess! …
I confess today, one of the most
solemn feasts of the whole year, that thy divine Son compels me to say
that it is the most solemn of all the feasts.”
Evidence of Satan in the Modern World by Monsignor Leon Cristiani, Roman Catholic Priest
Sunday, January 6, 2008
The period of purple crayon standoff
Today, Wayne and I decided that we had become a bit lax in the training department with Annika, since she has been so sick for so long. We determined that she is now TOTALLY manipulative in certain areas because she hasn't been trained not to, so we are on the training wagon again to undo some of the mistakes we've definitely made. Anyways, after a whole day of being super consistent with discipline, she was doing a little better and being less whiny. Her whining is something that just grates on us because it is soooooo annoying. She's just such a beautiful, amazing girl, and then out comes this waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh that goes on for hours. Just so irritating. Usually our reaction has been to distract her from whatever the cause of her whining was, and as a last resort to put her to bed since she tires herself out by whining on and on....but today we realized we needed to train her out of the whining phase. So we did.
(note to self, if whining is THIS annoying, what on earth makes me think my husband wants to hear it from me??? :P)
Anyways, at 5 or so, I put her up at the table with some crayons and paper to color. My rule, after she decorated my hall and bedroom closet, is that she must stay at the table with the crayons or no mas coloring.
Not more than ten minutes later, she gets down from the chair and runs for her room gleefully, purple crayon in hand.
Now, as soon as I tell her to bring the crayon back to the table, she throws a fall-down-dead fit. Tearing her hair, screaming, kicking her fat little legs, the whole thing. So I tell her she needs to get up or she will meet the Rod for throwing fit. She gets up, but halfway back to the table she throws the crayon down in another fit of toddling rage. she meets that challenge with discipline, but then when I ask her to pick up the crayon, she stomps her feet and shouts "NO!" I realized this was one of the standoff moments I keep hearing about. Either I abandon the whole thing, pick up the crayon, finish dinner, feed the baby, and straighten up before Wayne gets home, in which case she wins, OR I wait it out until SHE picks up the crayon and puts it back. So I wait it out.
"Annika, pick up the crayon."
"Annika, if you don't pick up the crayon, mommy is going to have to use the rod."
I go through all the steps, spank her, pray with her, put her back in front of the crayon.
"Annika, pick up the crayon."
This went on for a good twenty minutes. By then I was absolutely exhausted, she was a total wreck, crying, screaming, etc. I was so tempted to just give up and give her a hug, but all I could hear was a refrain of "she's winning" running through my head. I poured us both a glass of water, gave her a hug, and brought her back to the crayon.
"Annika, pick up the crayon."
By then, she had figured out that I was going to discipline her EVERY time she didn't pick it up. So imagine my surprise when she flung her arms around my neck and said
"mommy. hug!" I couldn't believe it. She was altering her tactics. I hugged her, then reminded her that every time she disobeyed her disobedience was going to be met with the rod.
"Annika, pick up the crayon."
"No! Mommy, hug!"
So I'd hug her, then bring her over to the bed and go through the steps of discipline again. This went on another fifteen minutes. I could just see her little brain going: "If I can just be cute enough and give her a hug, she'll forget to spank me!"
I kept thinking about all my friends who talked about their one "standoff" with their kids-- the defining moment when they would just take back authority. This was ours. Over a purple crayon. I am still amazed that I didn't get angry. I did almost laugh and cry a couple times. Obedience is a very hard lesson to learn when you are as spirited as my little one...for children and parents alike :)
Anyways, finally, after about forty minutes, I said "Annika, pick up the crayon."
She picked it up. Success!!!!
"Now bring it to the table and sit it down."
She did.
I hugged her and rejoiced over her obedience and the victory over her will....and we shared a popsicle and a hearty laugh. What an adventure motherhood is. I can't wait to have her read this when she herself is a young mother!
In other news, I've been thinking a lot on religious practice.There are certain things that appeal to me or that I've been led to do that many others don't. Vice versa, I feel no connection with other spiritual disciplines.
In the last several months, I've had the impulse to pray on beads, which my husband nixed, and then to pray the liturgical year from the book of common prayer, which my husband nixed. Hmm. I felt like he was cutting me off at every angle.
He said to me: "Barbie, Praying to God and reading His word needs to be good enough for you."
I read in Amanda's blog today that she was waiting for a book on observing shabbat from a jewish perspective and she was looking forward to deepening her Sundays through it. I thought about how many times I have done that trying to inject more meaning, more spirituality into my sabbaths. (not to say that's what she's doing, just that it made me think of my own connection to Shabbat.)
What I was really doing by that was grasping for my trusty rule book, the one that says: it's ok to watch movies on Shabbat, but not to turn on lights. It's ok to pray on beads but not to uncover your head in public if you are married. Etc, etc. Why do we feel like we need these things? I find so much comfort in tradition... in repetition of prayers, in the stand up-sit down, in the movements of prayer. in gestures. in the flesh. It's one of the reasons I love yoga, it's the physical act of prayer and meditation. It brings the spiritual into the flesh.
In ancient celtic christian spirituality, prayer was a part of the heartbeat of the day. Prayer was as natural as breath in yoga, in and out, we pray and work. That's the kind of rhythm that I yearn for in my own prayer life. Prayer with a meditative intonnation. An offering to God. In my charismatic experience, this happens when I pray in tongues. Suddenly my MIND is not occupied with praying, but my tongue is. My mind is just praising GOd and amazed. But I rarely pray in tongues anymore. I am too busy looking for beads to pray on.
I need to be very careful not to add spiritual significance to the OBJECT of my fleshly desire. It is not the headcovering that makes me more spiritual, but what it represents. It is not the ACT of observing kashrut that makes me more godly but the act of obedience it represents. Our Jesus showed us an example so simple we cannot fathom it--- just pray. Prayer is the only way to achieve closeness with God. Prayer is the only meditation worth making a daily practice. Pray in tongues, pray scripture, pray with your body..... but pray. In that, I will find the deep connection for which I long.
On one of my favorite modest clothing online shops, they outline the laws of tznius. And I am going to share them here, so that you guys can see just how BURDENSOME the law is. The Spirit of God is about freedom. Why do I so long for chains?
Modesty in Dress-The Principal Law
What areas must women and girls cover to dress modestly?
All women and girls, married or unmarried, must cover all parts of their main body (torso) plus parts of their arms and legs when in public or in the presence of individuals outside their immediate family. Under no circumstances may even a small part of these areas be uncovered in the presence of men or boys. These areas naturally provoke attention and must therefore be covered by decree of halacha (Jewish law). There status as ervah (areas that must be covered) has been established by Chazal (our sages) and is not dependant on the local or prevailing custom. Accordingly, even if most Jewish women would chas v'shalom (G-d forbid) not cover these areas properly, the halacha (law) would still remain the same.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (page: 267)
The Tefach Measurement:
Are there any allowances to keep any of the aforementioned parts uncovered?
Many people who have heard the term, Tefach b'isha ervah, have mistakenly concluded from it that it is permissible to leave less than a tefach (a measurement of 4" x 4"-10cm x 10cm) of a forbidden area uncovered. This is a serious mistake since the halacha (law) requires complete covering of forbidden areas. The tefach measurement was given only in connection with the husband and very close family saying a bracha (blessing) when his wife is not fully covered, but there is no heter (allowance by law) whatsoever to leave a small amount uncovered in the presence of a stranger, and there is no difference between a tefach and less than a tefach.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 268, 293)
Covering Hair-Crown of the Jewish Woman
What is the basic law of covering the hair and its measurements?
A: Covering Hair in Public:
It is an obligation min haTorah (from the Torah) for a married woman to have her hair covered whenever she is in a public area or appears amongst a large number of people. Chazal (our sages) labeled hair of a married woman "ervah" (area that must be covered) and it is therefore ossur (prohibited) mid'Rabanan (from the sages) to say a bracha (blessing) when looking at such hair, be it another woman's hair which he may not see, or his own wife's which he may see.
It is an obligation mid'Rabanan (from our sages) for a married woman to cover her hair when she is not in the public eye but she could be seen by men who are not part of her intimate family, e.g. when she goes out to the porch or yard. The issur (prohibition) applies even if she can only be seen by one individual, such as when she opens the door to a stranger.
Hair which is difficult to contain in a regular well-fitted hair covering is halachically (according to law) exempt from this obligation. This refers to hair which grows on the temples next to the ear or on an exceptionally low hairline that extends below what a net or tiechel (scarf) would normally contain.
Although there is no obligation to cover such hair, nevertheless, if local shomrei mitzvos (observant Jews) are stringent and cover them, the halacha (law) obliges women who live in this locality to behave likewise. In fact, many have adopted the custom to be stringent because Kabbalistically much stress is put on covering all hair of the head without exception. If a woman is just temporarily in a place that is stringent, she is obliged to cover this hair in accordance with the local minhag (custom), even though it is halachically (by law) permitted for her to show this hair at home where people are used to it.
There is no heter (leniency) for a lock of hair that comes from the upper head area to descend and protrude from the tiechel (scarf), snood etc. at the temples or even below them since such hair can easily be contained. There is no heter (leniency) for even a minor part of the hair to be uncovered over the forehead. Such hair must therefore be covered in line with all other hair.
B: Covering Hair in Privacy:
The Poskim (Rabbi's that rule the law) write that even the lenient opinion (that maintains that she is not halachically (by law) duty-bound to cover her hair in privacy) agrees that it is an extremely praiseworthy act of tznius (modesty) for a woman to cover her hair whenever possible (even in bed). This is evident from the story of Kimchis. This outstanding woman merited having seen seven sons who all became Kohanim Gedolim (High Priests). When asked what notable deed she did to merit having such children she answered, "The ceiling beams of my house never saw the hair of my head". This means that even when she wished to comb her hair she would avoid exposing the hair properly. For example, she combed the hair under a shawl that lay loosely over her head.
This was an outstanding act of tznius (modesty) and it is certainly not expected of the average woman. However, the basic idea of reducing the exposure of hair to the absolute minimum is certainly to be learned from Kimchis, and her ways should be emulated as far as possible. As a result of this particular form of tznius (modesty), a woman could merit to have children who are great Talmidei Chachamim (Torah Scholars).
What other benefits can be gained by covering the hair?
Kabbalah: Great Damage is done by Exposing Hair:
All opinions (of Rabbis) agree that Kabalistically a woman harms herself, her husband and children by partially exposing some of her hair. Moreover, those that leave some hair uncovered usually do so in order to look more attractive and from the Zohar (Kabbalistic writing) it is evident that when hair is uncovered to attract attention, the harm and damage done is even greater. The Zohar (a Kabbalistic writing) says the following:
Rabbi Chizkia said, 'Cursed is the man who allows his wife to expose hairs of her head beyond their covering. Covering the hair is one of the acts of modesty that should be performed even in the home (i.e. not just in public). The woman who allows some of her hair to be uncovered in order to exhibit it causes poverty to descend on her home, her children not to reach the prominence they could have achieved, and an impure spirit to dwell in her home. What precipitates such misfortunes? The hair that she exposed within her house! If the effect of an indoor exposure is such, imagine what damage is caused by exposing hair outdoors… A woman should, therefore ensure that not even a single hair is uncovered even when she is indoors, and all the more so when she goes outdoors.'
If women would realize the harm they inflict upon themselves by being lenient, they would surely return to the traditional Jewish way of covering all their hair. It is tragic that such an important Chazal (teaching of our sages) as this Zohar (a Kabbalistic writing) is not more widely known.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 228-240)
The Neckline
How do I measure the area called 'the neckline'?
A woman must cover the whole of her main body (the torso). She must, therefore cover whatever is halachically (according to law) not considered to be part of the neck.
At the front, the neck ends just above the collar-bones; the collar bones form the frontal uppermost part of the torso. As the collar-bones are part of the main body, they must be properly covered, in line with all other parts of the main body. At the center of this frontal area, the neck extends slightly downwards between the collar-bones in a small v-shaped dip. This is due to the fact that the collar bones do not join one another, but rather leave a soft fleshy area between them. This area is an extended part of the neck and need not be covered (as this part may be exposed, great care must be taken to assure the coverage of the collar bones).
At the sides the neck gives way and becomes shoulder when it curves outward, or is at least more horizontal than vertical. Since this area is shoulder, it is an integral part of the main body and must be completely covered (check out the necklace method below).
At the back- At the rear, the neck ends and the upper back starts from a point that is level with the highest point of the shoulders. This is above the second projecting bone of the spine which can be seen very well on a young child when he bends his head forward. When a necklace lies at its lowest natural point across the back of the neck, it will hang from what is still considered neck. Below this point the upper back starts, which must be covered as explained. A necklace can also be used to help determine the boundaries of the neck to the right and left.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 269-270)
The Arms
What parts of the arms must a woman cover?
Upper sections of the arms must be completely covered. The elbow has the same halachos (law requirements) as the upper section of the arm and must be completely covered. In fact, the elbow is a "ball and socket" area, the "ball" being the rounded end of the bone of the upper arm, and the "socket" the top end of one of the lower bones of the arm (the radius). Hence the upper limb of the arm occupies a substantial part of the elbow. Since the upper section of the arm must be covered and it extends into the elbow, it is understood that the complete elbow must be covered.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 291,293)
According to law, must a woman cover her forearms?
Most Poskim (Rabbis that rule the law) maintain that the halacha (law) does not require women to cover their arms below the elbow. Although there is no halachic (law) obligation to cover the forearms, nevertheless, this part of the arms offer an opportunity for a woman or girl to exercise her own instinctive feeling for refinement, where halacha (law) has not demanded of her. To cover the complete arm is a hidur- a considerable enhancement of the mitzvah (commandment) of tznius (modesty). In some Chareidi (Observant Jewish) circles it has become customary that women and girls cover most of the lower section of the forearms- and some go even further and cover the whole lower section of the arm (except where the bracelet or watch is worn). If one is in such a place, one must do likewise (only in that place), because the individual woman is halachically (by law) required to keep the standard set by women of that time and place. If covering most or all of the forearm has not become the local minhag (custom), an individual may do so herself. She has, however, no right to insist that other women and girls do so.
All opinions agree that women need not cover their hands or fingers in public.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 296,298)
The Legs
Upper Section of the Legs:
What is the law requirement of covering the legs?
Skirts must cover the knees completely. The upper section of the legs must be covered when in public by decree of halacha (law), due to their proximity to the main body. Therefore, even if most women would wear short sleeves or short skirts, it would still remain strictly against the halacha (law) to do so.
A woman or girl must cover the upper sections of the legs including the knees. This is because the knee is not an independent bone (apart from the slim knee cap). Instead, it contains the rounded lower end of the upper section of the leg- the femur. This upper bone extends through to the lowest point of the knee to the extent that when a person who is sitting puts his hands onto his knees he is touching the rounded lower end of the femur bone. The lower leg (the tibia) which is slightly indented to comfortably support the rounded end of the upper section is situated just below the knee. Since the upper section of the leg must be completely covered as has been explained, and the upper sections of the legs extend down the complete knee, it is obvious that the knee must be completely covered.
A woman must ensure that her knees remain fully covered at all times, even when she is sitting, stretching, ascending stairs, (walking), and so on. The skirt length must therefore ensure that her knees will not be uncovered even for a moment.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 300,302)
May a woman wear a tight fitting skirt if they properly cover the upper legs and knees?
Even though the upper sections of the arms and legs are both ervah (areas that must be covered) by decree of halacha (law), there is an important difference between them. The upper arms must be covered but there is no halachic (law) obligation to disguise and mask their shape by covering them with a shawl etc. The upper sections of the legs, however, are governed by a far more stringent halacha (law). They must be covered in such a way that the limbs are totally disguised and the shape of the thigh and upper sections of the legs cannot be seen. This implies that the thigh must be dressed in a loose fitting garment and is therefore hidden and goes unnoticed.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 308,309)
Lower Section of the Legs:
What is the law requirement of the lower section of the legs?
The lower section of the legs must be fully covered with hosiery (tights or stockings) which masks the legs and covers them well. There are two independent reasons why the lower sections of the legs must be covered in this manner:
· Firstly, Chazal (our sages) state that Shok b'isha ervah- "the leg of a woman is ervah (area that must be covered)". According to many Poskim (Rabbis that rule the law), Chazal (our sages) are referring to the lower sections of the legs.
· Secondly, it is a fully-accepted Orthodox practice that the lower sections of the legs are covered whenever a woman or girl is in public to lessen their visibility and render them indistinct. The legs are therefore limbs which are generally covered and obscured and as such it is an obligation on everyone not to deviate from this practice.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (page: 329)
The above content was taken from: Falk, Eliyahu Pesach. Modesty: An Adornment for Life. Philipp Feldheim: New York, 1998.
(note to self, if whining is THIS annoying, what on earth makes me think my husband wants to hear it from me??? :P)
Anyways, at 5 or so, I put her up at the table with some crayons and paper to color. My rule, after she decorated my hall and bedroom closet, is that she must stay at the table with the crayons or no mas coloring.
Not more than ten minutes later, she gets down from the chair and runs for her room gleefully, purple crayon in hand.
Now, as soon as I tell her to bring the crayon back to the table, she throws a fall-down-dead fit. Tearing her hair, screaming, kicking her fat little legs, the whole thing. So I tell her she needs to get up or she will meet the Rod for throwing fit. She gets up, but halfway back to the table she throws the crayon down in another fit of toddling rage. she meets that challenge with discipline, but then when I ask her to pick up the crayon, she stomps her feet and shouts "NO!" I realized this was one of the standoff moments I keep hearing about. Either I abandon the whole thing, pick up the crayon, finish dinner, feed the baby, and straighten up before Wayne gets home, in which case she wins, OR I wait it out until SHE picks up the crayon and puts it back. So I wait it out.
"Annika, pick up the crayon."
"Annika, if you don't pick up the crayon, mommy is going to have to use the rod."
I go through all the steps, spank her, pray with her, put her back in front of the crayon.
"Annika, pick up the crayon."
This went on for a good twenty minutes. By then I was absolutely exhausted, she was a total wreck, crying, screaming, etc. I was so tempted to just give up and give her a hug, but all I could hear was a refrain of "she's winning" running through my head. I poured us both a glass of water, gave her a hug, and brought her back to the crayon.
"Annika, pick up the crayon."
By then, she had figured out that I was going to discipline her EVERY time she didn't pick it up. So imagine my surprise when she flung her arms around my neck and said
"mommy. hug!" I couldn't believe it. She was altering her tactics. I hugged her, then reminded her that every time she disobeyed her disobedience was going to be met with the rod.
"Annika, pick up the crayon."
"No! Mommy, hug!"
So I'd hug her, then bring her over to the bed and go through the steps of discipline again. This went on another fifteen minutes. I could just see her little brain going: "If I can just be cute enough and give her a hug, she'll forget to spank me!"
I kept thinking about all my friends who talked about their one "standoff" with their kids-- the defining moment when they would just take back authority. This was ours. Over a purple crayon. I am still amazed that I didn't get angry. I did almost laugh and cry a couple times. Obedience is a very hard lesson to learn when you are as spirited as my little one...for children and parents alike :)
Anyways, finally, after about forty minutes, I said "Annika, pick up the crayon."
She picked it up. Success!!!!
"Now bring it to the table and sit it down."
She did.
I hugged her and rejoiced over her obedience and the victory over her will....and we shared a popsicle and a hearty laugh. What an adventure motherhood is. I can't wait to have her read this when she herself is a young mother!
In other news, I've been thinking a lot on religious practice.There are certain things that appeal to me or that I've been led to do that many others don't. Vice versa, I feel no connection with other spiritual disciplines.
In the last several months, I've had the impulse to pray on beads, which my husband nixed, and then to pray the liturgical year from the book of common prayer, which my husband nixed. Hmm. I felt like he was cutting me off at every angle.
He said to me: "Barbie, Praying to God and reading His word needs to be good enough for you."
I read in Amanda's blog today that she was waiting for a book on observing shabbat from a jewish perspective and she was looking forward to deepening her Sundays through it. I thought about how many times I have done that trying to inject more meaning, more spirituality into my sabbaths. (not to say that's what she's doing, just that it made me think of my own connection to Shabbat.)
What I was really doing by that was grasping for my trusty rule book, the one that says: it's ok to watch movies on Shabbat, but not to turn on lights. It's ok to pray on beads but not to uncover your head in public if you are married. Etc, etc. Why do we feel like we need these things? I find so much comfort in tradition... in repetition of prayers, in the stand up-sit down, in the movements of prayer. in gestures. in the flesh. It's one of the reasons I love yoga, it's the physical act of prayer and meditation. It brings the spiritual into the flesh.
In ancient celtic christian spirituality, prayer was a part of the heartbeat of the day. Prayer was as natural as breath in yoga, in and out, we pray and work. That's the kind of rhythm that I yearn for in my own prayer life. Prayer with a meditative intonnation. An offering to God. In my charismatic experience, this happens when I pray in tongues. Suddenly my MIND is not occupied with praying, but my tongue is. My mind is just praising GOd and amazed. But I rarely pray in tongues anymore. I am too busy looking for beads to pray on.
I need to be very careful not to add spiritual significance to the OBJECT of my fleshly desire. It is not the headcovering that makes me more spiritual, but what it represents. It is not the ACT of observing kashrut that makes me more godly but the act of obedience it represents. Our Jesus showed us an example so simple we cannot fathom it--- just pray. Prayer is the only way to achieve closeness with God. Prayer is the only meditation worth making a daily practice. Pray in tongues, pray scripture, pray with your body..... but pray. In that, I will find the deep connection for which I long.
On one of my favorite modest clothing online shops, they outline the laws of tznius. And I am going to share them here, so that you guys can see just how BURDENSOME the law is. The Spirit of God is about freedom. Why do I so long for chains?
Modesty in Dress-The Principal Law
What areas must women and girls cover to dress modestly?
All women and girls, married or unmarried, must cover all parts of their main body (torso) plus parts of their arms and legs when in public or in the presence of individuals outside their immediate family. Under no circumstances may even a small part of these areas be uncovered in the presence of men or boys. These areas naturally provoke attention and must therefore be covered by decree of halacha (Jewish law). There status as ervah (areas that must be covered) has been established by Chazal (our sages) and is not dependant on the local or prevailing custom. Accordingly, even if most Jewish women would chas v'shalom (G-d forbid) not cover these areas properly, the halacha (law) would still remain the same.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (page: 267)
The Tefach Measurement:
Are there any allowances to keep any of the aforementioned parts uncovered?
Many people who have heard the term, Tefach b'isha ervah, have mistakenly concluded from it that it is permissible to leave less than a tefach (a measurement of 4" x 4"-10cm x 10cm) of a forbidden area uncovered. This is a serious mistake since the halacha (law) requires complete covering of forbidden areas. The tefach measurement was given only in connection with the husband and very close family saying a bracha (blessing) when his wife is not fully covered, but there is no heter (allowance by law) whatsoever to leave a small amount uncovered in the presence of a stranger, and there is no difference between a tefach and less than a tefach.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 268, 293)
Covering Hair-Crown of the Jewish Woman
What is the basic law of covering the hair and its measurements?
A: Covering Hair in Public:
It is an obligation min haTorah (from the Torah) for a married woman to have her hair covered whenever she is in a public area or appears amongst a large number of people. Chazal (our sages) labeled hair of a married woman "ervah" (area that must be covered) and it is therefore ossur (prohibited) mid'Rabanan (from the sages) to say a bracha (blessing) when looking at such hair, be it another woman's hair which he may not see, or his own wife's which he may see.
It is an obligation mid'Rabanan (from our sages) for a married woman to cover her hair when she is not in the public eye but she could be seen by men who are not part of her intimate family, e.g. when she goes out to the porch or yard. The issur (prohibition) applies even if she can only be seen by one individual, such as when she opens the door to a stranger.
Hair which is difficult to contain in a regular well-fitted hair covering is halachically (according to law) exempt from this obligation. This refers to hair which grows on the temples next to the ear or on an exceptionally low hairline that extends below what a net or tiechel (scarf) would normally contain.
Although there is no obligation to cover such hair, nevertheless, if local shomrei mitzvos (observant Jews) are stringent and cover them, the halacha (law) obliges women who live in this locality to behave likewise. In fact, many have adopted the custom to be stringent because Kabbalistically much stress is put on covering all hair of the head without exception. If a woman is just temporarily in a place that is stringent, she is obliged to cover this hair in accordance with the local minhag (custom), even though it is halachically (by law) permitted for her to show this hair at home where people are used to it.
There is no heter (leniency) for a lock of hair that comes from the upper head area to descend and protrude from the tiechel (scarf), snood etc. at the temples or even below them since such hair can easily be contained. There is no heter (leniency) for even a minor part of the hair to be uncovered over the forehead. Such hair must therefore be covered in line with all other hair.
B: Covering Hair in Privacy:
The Poskim (Rabbi's that rule the law) write that even the lenient opinion (that maintains that she is not halachically (by law) duty-bound to cover her hair in privacy) agrees that it is an extremely praiseworthy act of tznius (modesty) for a woman to cover her hair whenever possible (even in bed). This is evident from the story of Kimchis. This outstanding woman merited having seen seven sons who all became Kohanim Gedolim (High Priests). When asked what notable deed she did to merit having such children she answered, "The ceiling beams of my house never saw the hair of my head". This means that even when she wished to comb her hair she would avoid exposing the hair properly. For example, she combed the hair under a shawl that lay loosely over her head.
This was an outstanding act of tznius (modesty) and it is certainly not expected of the average woman. However, the basic idea of reducing the exposure of hair to the absolute minimum is certainly to be learned from Kimchis, and her ways should be emulated as far as possible. As a result of this particular form of tznius (modesty), a woman could merit to have children who are great Talmidei Chachamim (Torah Scholars).
What other benefits can be gained by covering the hair?
Kabbalah: Great Damage is done by Exposing Hair:
All opinions (of Rabbis) agree that Kabalistically a woman harms herself, her husband and children by partially exposing some of her hair. Moreover, those that leave some hair uncovered usually do so in order to look more attractive and from the Zohar (Kabbalistic writing) it is evident that when hair is uncovered to attract attention, the harm and damage done is even greater. The Zohar (a Kabbalistic writing) says the following:
Rabbi Chizkia said, 'Cursed is the man who allows his wife to expose hairs of her head beyond their covering. Covering the hair is one of the acts of modesty that should be performed even in the home (i.e. not just in public). The woman who allows some of her hair to be uncovered in order to exhibit it causes poverty to descend on her home, her children not to reach the prominence they could have achieved, and an impure spirit to dwell in her home. What precipitates such misfortunes? The hair that she exposed within her house! If the effect of an indoor exposure is such, imagine what damage is caused by exposing hair outdoors… A woman should, therefore ensure that not even a single hair is uncovered even when she is indoors, and all the more so when she goes outdoors.'
If women would realize the harm they inflict upon themselves by being lenient, they would surely return to the traditional Jewish way of covering all their hair. It is tragic that such an important Chazal (teaching of our sages) as this Zohar (a Kabbalistic writing) is not more widely known.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 228-240)
The Neckline
How do I measure the area called 'the neckline'?
A woman must cover the whole of her main body (the torso). She must, therefore cover whatever is halachically (according to law) not considered to be part of the neck.
At the front, the neck ends just above the collar-bones; the collar bones form the frontal uppermost part of the torso. As the collar-bones are part of the main body, they must be properly covered, in line with all other parts of the main body. At the center of this frontal area, the neck extends slightly downwards between the collar-bones in a small v-shaped dip. This is due to the fact that the collar bones do not join one another, but rather leave a soft fleshy area between them. This area is an extended part of the neck and need not be covered (as this part may be exposed, great care must be taken to assure the coverage of the collar bones).
At the sides the neck gives way and becomes shoulder when it curves outward, or is at least more horizontal than vertical. Since this area is shoulder, it is an integral part of the main body and must be completely covered (check out the necklace method below).
At the back- At the rear, the neck ends and the upper back starts from a point that is level with the highest point of the shoulders. This is above the second projecting bone of the spine which can be seen very well on a young child when he bends his head forward. When a necklace lies at its lowest natural point across the back of the neck, it will hang from what is still considered neck. Below this point the upper back starts, which must be covered as explained. A necklace can also be used to help determine the boundaries of the neck to the right and left.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 269-270)
The Arms
What parts of the arms must a woman cover?
Upper sections of the arms must be completely covered. The elbow has the same halachos (law requirements) as the upper section of the arm and must be completely covered. In fact, the elbow is a "ball and socket" area, the "ball" being the rounded end of the bone of the upper arm, and the "socket" the top end of one of the lower bones of the arm (the radius). Hence the upper limb of the arm occupies a substantial part of the elbow. Since the upper section of the arm must be covered and it extends into the elbow, it is understood that the complete elbow must be covered.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 291,293)
According to law, must a woman cover her forearms?
Most Poskim (Rabbis that rule the law) maintain that the halacha (law) does not require women to cover their arms below the elbow. Although there is no halachic (law) obligation to cover the forearms, nevertheless, this part of the arms offer an opportunity for a woman or girl to exercise her own instinctive feeling for refinement, where halacha (law) has not demanded of her. To cover the complete arm is a hidur- a considerable enhancement of the mitzvah (commandment) of tznius (modesty). In some Chareidi (Observant Jewish) circles it has become customary that women and girls cover most of the lower section of the forearms- and some go even further and cover the whole lower section of the arm (except where the bracelet or watch is worn). If one is in such a place, one must do likewise (only in that place), because the individual woman is halachically (by law) required to keep the standard set by women of that time and place. If covering most or all of the forearm has not become the local minhag (custom), an individual may do so herself. She has, however, no right to insist that other women and girls do so.
All opinions agree that women need not cover their hands or fingers in public.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 296,298)
The Legs
Upper Section of the Legs:
What is the law requirement of covering the legs?
Skirts must cover the knees completely. The upper section of the legs must be covered when in public by decree of halacha (law), due to their proximity to the main body. Therefore, even if most women would wear short sleeves or short skirts, it would still remain strictly against the halacha (law) to do so.
A woman or girl must cover the upper sections of the legs including the knees. This is because the knee is not an independent bone (apart from the slim knee cap). Instead, it contains the rounded lower end of the upper section of the leg- the femur. This upper bone extends through to the lowest point of the knee to the extent that when a person who is sitting puts his hands onto his knees he is touching the rounded lower end of the femur bone. The lower leg (the tibia) which is slightly indented to comfortably support the rounded end of the upper section is situated just below the knee. Since the upper section of the leg must be completely covered as has been explained, and the upper sections of the legs extend down the complete knee, it is obvious that the knee must be completely covered.
A woman must ensure that her knees remain fully covered at all times, even when she is sitting, stretching, ascending stairs, (walking), and so on. The skirt length must therefore ensure that her knees will not be uncovered even for a moment.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 300,302)
May a woman wear a tight fitting skirt if they properly cover the upper legs and knees?
Even though the upper sections of the arms and legs are both ervah (areas that must be covered) by decree of halacha (law), there is an important difference between them. The upper arms must be covered but there is no halachic (law) obligation to disguise and mask their shape by covering them with a shawl etc. The upper sections of the legs, however, are governed by a far more stringent halacha (law). They must be covered in such a way that the limbs are totally disguised and the shape of the thigh and upper sections of the legs cannot be seen. This implies that the thigh must be dressed in a loose fitting garment and is therefore hidden and goes unnoticed.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (pages: 308,309)
Lower Section of the Legs:
What is the law requirement of the lower section of the legs?
The lower section of the legs must be fully covered with hosiery (tights or stockings) which masks the legs and covers them well. There are two independent reasons why the lower sections of the legs must be covered in this manner:
· Firstly, Chazal (our sages) state that Shok b'isha ervah- "the leg of a woman is ervah (area that must be covered)". According to many Poskim (Rabbis that rule the law), Chazal (our sages) are referring to the lower sections of the legs.
· Secondly, it is a fully-accepted Orthodox practice that the lower sections of the legs are covered whenever a woman or girl is in public to lessen their visibility and render them indistinct. The legs are therefore limbs which are generally covered and obscured and as such it is an obligation on everyone not to deviate from this practice.
Modesty- An Adornment for Life, Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk (page: 329)
The above content was taken from: Falk, Eliyahu Pesach. Modesty: An Adornment for Life. Philipp Feldheim: New York, 1998.
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